1. DAMAGE BOOST OFTEN DOES NOT GIVE ULT CHARGE (don’t have specifics, is random)
2. Damage boosted hits sometimes do not make a tick noise
3. Damage boost does not show tick markers when boosted target hits a barrier
4. Valk does not chain heal/boost through enemy barriers
5. Rezzed targets do not set off minefield mines during their invincibility period, causing them to die if rezzed in minefield
6. Chain beams in valk have the old beam appearances.
7. Dead teammate hero portait and rez indicator sometimes stay on the screen despite the spirit being out of LoS (i.e. around a wall).
8. Rezzing a teammate who’s spirit is on a moving platform may cancel rez if the Mercy is moving on the platform with the spirit (i.e. volskaya).
9. Spirits sometimes show an option to fly to them, even if they are out of LoS.
10. Healing sound effect (i.e increasing pitch) sometimes stops altogether
11. Sometimes can not see D.Va through a wall, not even an outline


Number 4: Talking about enemy barriers?
Number 5: Sounds pretty normal to me.

For the rest i’ll be testing tommorow if i can see if this is actually the case.

only for enemy barriers

Ah well that’s normal then since they act like walls for you.

mercy can heal through barriers, they are not walls. In fact, she can heal through walls if she beams before they lose LoS. Even if barriers were supposed to act like walls, it would detach the beam after like 1 sec if it was attached, and does not.


Suprise suprise. I’ve lost my ability to think. You’re entirely right.

(Should have done more research but it’s becoming so late i should actually sleep and stop doing everything on these forums)

Yeah now i agree with you.



You must be EU, probably best to sleep at this time lol

Thank you for this, the damage boost not giving ult charge bug is driving me INSANE


Also, Valk not healing through shields is actually such a huge bug, this alone is enough to make her unviable in this double barrier meta. I really hope these are addressed soon.


YES, especially during this meta it’s a terrible bug, teammates die from that regularly.

Mercy can heal through walls for around 2-3 seconds before the beam disconnects, unless you are strafing.
edit: (i didnt mean to reply to this particular post, just to reply to the one about healing through walls/barriers)

Right got an update:

You must send out these bugs individually according to the guidelines.

does strafing really impact this? are you sure it’s not perception error?

i meant strafing behind the wall as in constantly peeking los of the beam target, sorry i wasn’t specific, but that’s what i meant by strafing. oops

Oh i get it now, i read it wrong