They actually buffed... Mercy?

Her healing ult can now go through barriers, in the most barrier heavy meta we’ve ever had, and you don’t think that would make a big difference? This is huge if the meta stays the way it is.

It’s not a bug fix, come on. Zen’s ult doesn’t go through barriers. Neither does Lucio’s. Moira’s was about the only healing ult that did. Now Mercy’s can as well.

No, they fixed Mercy…

It’s not a buff, it’s a bug fix to something that should never have happened in the first place. It changes nothing about her position.


Yeah but Mercys main beam has always gone through barriers, why would a chain beam not do that? Its a bug fix that should have been fixed since 2.0 came into existence. Mercy does not do well in shield meta anyway, her healing output is not sufficient enough, and her mobility is practically useless because of the bunker-like gameplay that is double barriers.


Because one is clearly stronger than the other and cutting the extra beams with a barrier was a way to keep it in check.

It’s not a bug fix. It was always intended to be that way, just like lucio and zen’s ultimate’s.

Like this is actually a huge change for mercy and her viability this meta, and you’re scoffing at it. She can now heal or damage boost multiple people in this barrier meta without them getting cut off.

No, they didn’t. The barrier thing was bugged to begin with, and reported ages ago (this thread isn’t even a month old, but old reports to several bugs are linked, and there’s even a video on this particular one somewhere in there)


I fail to see how people mistaking something intended for a bug, makes it a bug.

The aoe was cut off from barriers intentionally, just like the other hero’s ultimate’s. Now it’s not. This should be a great thing. But as is the case with every buff to mercy, it’s never enough.

Buff is so inconsequential I had never noticed the chain beams not going through barriers. It was touted as a bug too.

They do this to avoid giving mercy real, impactful buffs.


This always happens with Mercy for some reason, detrimental bugs happen and eventually gets fixed then people say “It was supposed to be this way! You’re actually getting a buff!”.

Funny given most people would tell Mercy mains to shut up about her 50 hps because “unlike other healers she can heal through shields!”.


Right??? So they’re telling that her chains were NEVER intended to go through shields in the first place? Despite them always being able to up until a few patches ago?


Can’t believe I’m agreeing with someone sporting that hideous avatar… Well, Horde and Alliance usually end up fighting together against the big baddies, innit?

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I’m sorry about the avatar man, I played once on pc to try it out and now Blizz had decided it’s my main account despite logging hundreds of hours on my ps4… :woman_facepalming:

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I find it funny that people are claiming “It’s not a buff it’s a bug fix” but when something like Moira not being able to heal through barriers happens suddenly it’s “It’s not a bug fix it’s a nerf”

They’re technically not mutually exclusive, ya know

I never notice this tho, if her addition beam doesn’t go through shield in current live than it’s more like a bug than intended balance decision.

I swear valk used to heal through barriers…


I didn’t even know it was blocked …

It is a bug fix because it would sometimes go through barriers and sometimes not it was really weird. For Sigma’s shield especially since it doesn’t always touch the ground it would make it really weird to chain beam.

That being said it will do close to nothing and I personnally think it makes Valk even worse because it means that you once again don’t have to prioritze your target anymore. I mean it wasn’t that big of a deal before, you just had to switch target if a few passed through a barrier but now you won’t even need to do that …so yeah

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There’s a difference between saying “this bug fix will make her better than she currently is” and saying “she was never intended to heal through barriers, so it’s a buff”. One acknowledges that the bug lowered her value and that value had now increased back to normal, the other argues she always intended to be this way and the change was deliberately made to enhance her.

tbh i thought it already did llmao


Thanks for linking to my thread!

Bug fix or Buff, it’s still great that it’s implemented