Mei banned in Overwatch league

Unto Helix Fossil we did place our trust and in response for our devotion the Helix Fossil adopted Nori the cat into the cult and through Nori enacted this miracle.

Praise be the Helix Fossil and our new Prophet Nori the Cat.


The problem with Mei is the same problem with all main CC. It’s to deal with hyper mobility if 5% of of your game’s cast needs this amount of crowd control to keep them from decimating the rest. Then you might just not need that hyper mobility.


CCwatch… The only way Blizz understands this game is adding tons of CC’s, which obviously makes the game boring and messy.


CCwatch that had to be put in place because otherwise characters like Genji/Tracer/DF have insane mobility that should of been toned down in Dive era so they could actually get kit help instead of being held back because shocker when 90% of your hero cast is slow the fast characters will always need heavy handed counters to keep them from destroying everyone else. They’re so pigheadded about the mobility issue they allowed OG Brig in game rather than just DEAL with it. Even Goats was so insane due to Lucio. But given his damage output he has to work for his kills.


Well nobody wants to be inhibited from doing anything because someone pressed w+m1 on you. It’s like Team Fortress 2’s Old Pyro situation all over again, except if you make the fire have the Sandman’s old stun, Tanks have to deal with Mei alot more because of their large hitbox, and to be honest, Mei will win most engagements in a 1v1 situation unless it’s Roadhog.


You can’t measure indifference with chat spam.

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Interesting approach.
Although what I’d do, if you’re going that direction, is just lower her ammo, but decrease the cost of secondary attacks.

Currently she has 200 ammo, primary fires 20rounds per second, and needs 31 rounds to freeze.
(I.e. 6.45 potential freezes per reload)

Also secondary fire uses 20 ammo.

What if, she had 100 ammo, but secondary fire costs only 10 ammo.

Then she’d only have the potential to freeze 3.22 times per reload.


Even I hate playing against her, but yeah. Something is definitely wrong.
With a response that positive she should probably get some kind of change.

Yeah, but as I said, we can measure positive and negative. And positive is overwhelmingly dominant

OWL: dislikes Mei.
Also OWL: Picks Mei when she is not banned.



Rules for thee and not for me.

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Course you can. People post their opinions there, it’s not just a bunch nonsense.

Inb4 the cat was a paid actor

  1. What KulstorEbrou said. People want variety.
  2. It is a meme. People like to jump on the bandwagon.

People have been jumping playing this up so long people start to believe she is evil. Just like how you can get people to pick a wrong answer just because other people say it. (Here is a fun example: Question the Herd | Brain Games - YouTube ) So, people say she needs to go so much, the rest of the herd jumps in and follows. It is now the ‘cool thing’ to hate on Mei.

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Don’t think you need statistics. Just look at the reaction of the casters lol

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Mei’s a little b**** thank god she’s gone

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Anet are happy to nuke Orisa/Sigma even when there are only 8 tanks. But apparently Mei being broken for a year is fine and they can’t nuke her…even though there is 16 other dps heroes to pick lol

Solution: Give Mei half the ammo in her clip so her freeze has more counter-play.

You realize owl players careers are based on winning right? If they dont play mei when shes op and they lose games they could literally lose their jobs. This is the single dumbest comment I’ve ever seen on the forums, and I’ve seen some stupid things on the forums before.


Obviously. They’re trying to win, so of course they will pick the way that will guarantee it, and because Mei is so busted they use her. Their lively-hood is on the line, they can’t not pick her.

I disagree, it’s not a jump on the bandwagon type of thing, it’s that she actually makes the game worse for others. Same way Doomfist was while back or when Briggite was completely OP at her launch.

Just watch this reaction: NORI SAVES THE OVERWATCH LEAGUE - YouTube



You did say “most of the OWL community”. If you make a statement to base an argument upon, you need to have evidence to support that statement. Not anecdotal evidence, not kind of feeling the mood. Otherwise, even if your argument was worth considering, the statement it’s based upon is very much suspect of being distorted by biases.

If you don’t have the evidence then sadly, you can’t make the argument. If you really want to, you can put together a representative survey, get your data, shove it into everyone’s faces. Otherwise it’s about what you want to see - Even if what you’re seeing is definitely a trend. But we can’t know whether that’s the case or without the data.