Mei banned in Overwatch league


Its easier not to care
its legit easier than getting your youtube account silenced on OWL yt chat for spamming mei is banned.
there was literally a thread that was popping with responses for people who had that happen to them

I don’t think there is anything wrong with Mei, it’s probably because the world is in lockdown, CC is annoying atm. She doesn’t need any changes, just put her to the side for a bit.

You sound like a politician.


I’m guessing she’s one of the heroes the devs may look at for a rework “assuming they still do reworks :smile:

2-2-2 Caused her dominance. Was nice when 4 people on your team could switch to counter her via dps stomp :thinking:.

This is my favorite thing ever said to me on the internet.

I like how people are still complaining about Mei when her most recent nerfs made her fall out of existence.

The tweet by space is a joke btw. He and profit are friends.

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Mei was never a problem to me but what do I know, I’m just a console pleb

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That’s all the proof you have?

Chat spam?


Not just the pro, the one week Mei was banned in comp, I saw an overwhelming positive feedback, and it was the first thing everyone was happily talking about, even forgot to be toxic to others, as per comp antique.


What nerfs?
the wall can let big targets through holes in it, or that you get slowed down 0.1 seconds slower?
How are those significant in any way?
If anything, yesterday’s matches showed that the teams that used Mei are the teams that won.

I know, but the fact that Mei can be “abused” is a problem. It’s just like Brig’s old days when people who played her and abused her mechanics were called Brig abusers.

I put this before but here you go: NORI SAVES THE OVERWATCH LEAGUE - YouTube
If you’re not satisfied, just look up the words “mei” and “ban” on twitter

The hard-to-swallow pill is that if they nerf Mei, then what? The currently second best option will become the best instead of her, and then that hero will be played constantly, with everyone complaining about them, how OP they are, how boring, etc.

Even if a hero is 0.0001% better than the others, pro players with serious money on the line will always choose that hero.


That’s just a couple people acting up for their stream followers.

Why are you wasting people’s time with what’s obviously not representative of the community?

That would be another complete waste of time, why would I wade through a pool of toxicity that I guarantee you will find for literally each and every hero without exception.

You’ve got nothing.

You’re just biased against Mei and you’re acting like you’ve got some outside objective standard to validate your internal feelings.


I’m sorry, you wanted proof of an opinion, I showed you the biggest streamers that have a relation to overwatch league, and that have reviewed and watched all the matches since season 2.
If you want to disregard that, then I gotta tell you one thing:


Can we ban hanzo now, at least until he gets fixed? He is a living joke…

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I’m a Mei main and even I’m tired of her in OWL. I was tired of Rien as well. And McCrea,, Ana, Lucio. I was just tired of the meta, hence why I’m glad McCree is banned again. I can only watch him click heads from midrange so many times.

The biggest streamers =/= the community as a whole and it’s absurd to even think that they would. They are already playing a basically different game than us and experience the game way different. So no, you’re argument is flawed heavily.

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Well too bad feelings don’t equal facts.
Because the fact is Mei isn’t the one controlling the meta to begin with, it’s your old buddy Reinhardt after he got buffed for no real reason while Orisa and Sigma got neutered in the same patch. Ban him and you get actual hero diversity in both pro play and ladder.


I dont understand one thing, OWL has pro players playing game and they facing problem against mei seems little odd to me. On ladder, she’s easily countered in higher ranks. Shes only strong against people who don’t know how to deal with her.

A lot of heroes can counter her, Reaper, Mccree, Ashe, Widow, Zarya (with high energy), Dva, Hanzo, Junkrat, Doomfist, Tracer, Torb (to some extent), Moira (to some extent) and last but not the least, Pharah.

The only reason Mei is picked is because she’s one of the best heroes to counter Rein Zarya comp. Why not do something about Rein/Zarya meta instead.

And plz provide the source of this news