New experiment patch notes (Rein nerf, Pharah damage ratio revert, Mei nerf + buff, Genji buff, and Ashe tweeks)

I really don’t understand the direction of buffing Ashe spamming shots out of being scoped in.

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Something that would help her a lot is fixing her scoped shots not registering.

Oh yay they can spam RMB even faster now :roll_eyes:

Looks like an attempt to make her less lethal towards Tanks while still allowing her to be dangerous to squishies.

So you’re still doing the same total damage for direct impacts but now you get 15 more splash damage while missing. Not really a fan of this change hated how before her splash nerfs a Pharah could just chunk down your health while whiffing her shots.

Please say this was an April fools joke. Really don’t want to return to Reinhardt the how it feels to be a beach ball simulator.

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I’m laughing soooo hard right now, boy over here clearly never played symm, and he’s saying she’s good and she’s strong in her niche. Junkrat is better at her nich than her. Plus you actually follow the meta (meta slave) playing mei and hanzo, to stay relevant in grandmaster. While only playing dps. Never laughed so hard in my life.

Stop… Nerfing… Mei. She doesnt do enough damage at all. Now your thinking about giving her LESS ammo? Stahp…

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Glad to hear it.

Hanzo is terrible right now. I’m not sure why you’re demonizing learning and playing what’s good. I’m a flex DPS player so Symmetra doesn’t fall in to my role. She’s played by the main DPS. Doesn’t make her any less strong.

Junkrat doesn’t have a teleporter.

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Can anyone confirm if Mei’s Freeze-Double headshot-Punch combo is still possible to do? That’s all that matters.

No at her niche of area denial, the TP is what makes her so useless, if she’s just a tp bot and so team reliant, rework her into a true support healer. I actually like this argument cause at leaset you don’t sound entitled.

Pfffffff nice joke kiddo, reaper is easy to counter , lit play any long/medium range hero

And the irony goes woosh

No hero in this game should be niche.

Not really.

Did you really type that with a straight face?

Same could be said for Symmetra.

No it couldn’t.

I see Genji as a free win, as in, unless my team literally throws the match I am going to win against this Genji if he doesn’t swap. If I see a Symmetra I still feel like I have to put in effort to make sure I don’t lose.

Reducing heroes’ skill floors/skill ceilings is absolutely one of the last things this game needs right now…

Who in the right mind would nerf Steadfast without nerfing the plague that are CC in this game, the reason may I remind you that this passive was implemented in the first place…

And let’s not even get to the fact that Reinhardt was just nerfed, but all the other overbuffed heroes have till been left untouched (McCree, etc.)

Disappointing… :man_facepalming::man_facepalming:


Let’s not reduce the abundance of cc and powercreep in the game going or bring up the other two tanks sigma and orisa that you severely nerfed, but instead nerf the only viable shield hero.

Now Rein is back to being a pinball for the enemy. It’s so much fun to play.

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Ohhhh, you better not be using sarcasm.

kind of hard to act like Negan through text chat and no meme gifs

Mei, Ashe and genji changes are great but rein and Pharah changes are awful. Yes I agree Pharah needs buffs and rein needs nerfs these are not the parts of their kits that need help. Giving Pharah more survivability is what she should’ve gotten and rein’s needed the broken collision on charge fixed and an ult charge nerf

Let’s say on average it takes 3-4 seconds to freeze an enemy in a real-life match scenario due to various things that can mitigate the freezing effect. So that works out at being roughly 60-80 ammo used, leaving between 4-6 shots of her icicle.

Her freeze/shoot combo is just as powerful as it was, seeing as you are only every going to get 1 or 2 shots off in most cases before the freeze is over and your enemy scurries away or is already dead with an icicle in their brain.

What’s weaker is her ability to repeatedly freeze the same tank over and over again. This gives tanks a better chance to escape Mei. However, Mei can now shoot 2 more icicles per clip if she wanted to.

They’ve essentially traded freezing ammo for icicle ammo, which I think is the right thing to do. It’s a redistribution of power that requires a small shift in play style to get the same value out of a hero that has been very strong in the meta for months.

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lol why buff Genji, he is already good as it is. Why do they keep buffing DPS heroes that are in a good spot lmao this company

RIP console even more