Get multiple accounts.
You get 10m ban on 1st? log in on 2nd. Banned on 2nd and not yet unbanned on 1st? Use 3rd… 4th, 5th… whatever You need, it’s a free game now, use that.
You won’t have access to Your skins, or BP progress, so it might be an issue if You care about it, but other than that - You can play perfectly well.
No… but I have seen people claiming to be banned for:
Talking/chatting (at all)
Playing badly (hmm… )
Picking the wrong character
Playing too well
Talking badly about blizz ON THE FORUMS (also on social media)
being a certain race/religion/orientation
My only reports in the last 2 weeks have been “feeding/sabotage” …
Guess what I just logged in to:
People get banned in the literal hundreds of thousands for “cheating” yet we only see posts for those when false detection are suspected of happening.
I’m not here to win an argument. Especially against you. I am aware of your stance on this and while I mostly agree that there are more problems than leavers that need to be addressed, I’m not spending time looking through the piles of reports for that a couple of posts that MIGHT be throwing.
People who get banned for it likely don’t even realize it because they have other offenses overshadowing it (throwing does tend to be preceded by a LOT of non CoC language and communication) or know right away that "yeah… I did walk off cliffs for 3 games… "
You wanna think nobody EVER gets banned for throwing just because we don’t have complaints here, you go ahead. I have solidified with trial in game that it happens.
They wouldn’t need leaver penalties if there would be an actual BENEFIT to staying in stomping, totally unwinnable matches.
Just random legacy cosmetic or a few coins per match finish would be enough for players to not turn and leave at the first sights of an unbalanced match.
We already know that everyone (nearly everyone) in this game logs into its forums thinking its “customer support” and comes here to complain about their “false bans” and its all about begging the forums for sympathy.
If we did have people actually being banned for Throwing quickplay matches. We would see people coming here complaining about it. They would post as such.
You can show us a “thanks for your report” but what does it say the person did? and we dont even know from how many OTHER times you reported someone that day, for what they did, to be specifically applied to that specific report.
Just sorry… There’s no proof there what your report or anyone else’s was applied to what behavior?
I mean until you can prove me wrong, what more is there to say?
I took the time to sift through the forums looking for these reports, Heck, i even used Wayback machine archives, ( to look for me) and saw NOTHING on bans for “throwing” discussions. where someone outright came here to complain on the forums that they were “Banned from Quickplay for throwing”.
The point still stands. Prove me wrong and if you cant. hey, what can I say?
The bottom line is,
) Throwing is subjective to perception. We dont know what is happening on the other end. So its an argument with a “bottomless pit” to the realm of Infinite as to if it actually was throwing with intent or not.
) What we do see is people do give up (or appear to give up) during matches. worse than ever before now, and I can either say its
intentional throwing.
demoralized fatigue - where someone psychologically is giving up and they clearly dont know it, due to it being a sub-conscious level of “mental defeat”. Which actually can be the case.
But I will add in here, that until I see legit proof that they are banning people for throwing Quickplay matches and you have legit proof, or there are lots of forums posts that somewhere or somehow didn’t go logged into the internet’s archives on people being banned FROM QUICKPLAY for throwing matches (From 10/1/2023-11/14/24)… Just sorry i haven’t seen enough evidence that is what they are banning people for. Its just cheating and “bad speak” bans in Quickplay.
First, you can leave as much as you want. But you’ll incur penalties if you do it too much. Secondly, why are you in the game if you hate such a significant portion of it?
You don’t like certain modes, and beyond that, you don’t like certain maps within other modes. And you don’t like playing against certain heroes where you cannot dictate who other people use. I’m sorry to assume but I’m also guessing that the characters you don’t like fluctuate with the meta.
The odds are suggesting that you’ll not enjoy a majority of your time in game. If that were me, I’d not play if the majority of my time was miserable or frustrating.
I always say that if a player isn’t enjoying a match, they are free to leave. I’m not going to force you to stay ever. But, for your own sanity, evaluate if you actually enjoy this game and make a hard decision if you actually want to keep playing it. Enjoy the game for what it is or find something else until it becomes something you enjoy.
That’s all I want. You don’t have to play your best. You just have to play!
Or they would post about not understanding why they were banned… which we do see… a lot. Like I said. However people who throw instead of just finishing their game like a normal person are also likely to have tantrums and be inconsiderate and also probably get reported for that too.
Like I said. I reported 2 people in the last 2-3 weeks for throwing (feeding, gameplay sabotage) . And that’s it. I didn’t make any other reports and I haven’t played for like 3 weeks before that. Unless I’m getting REALLY delayed thank yous, those were likely for the throwing.
I have proven to myself that people get banned for throwing. You can say whatever you like or think whatever you like.
1 >Throwing is relatively obvious when someone gives the heck up. I won’t report someone playing iffy, but someone standing around, walking into walls, jumping off cliffs? Sorry I might be bad but that person is not MM compatible with me by any stretch. They are playing badly ON PURPOSE or are letting someone else use the account. Either way it’s report worthy.
2> “worse than before”… not really. Leaving was worse before. It’s still present though.
Throwing is at least manageable and reportable. The idea everyone has managed to evade throwing in a automated tally report system like we have is laughable. Especially when you have people consistently saying they get banned or silenced for “nothing”. the systems backend is absolute butt, I agree… but it does remove people.
I dunno what’s bottom line about it. You can’t prove your supposed “more throwers” metric any more than you’ll accept my experience with reporting throwers.
Fair point. So why argue it in the first place? State your experiences on the forums and state “This is my feedback to the game and my experience” and move on.
This is (“your experience here”) and this is (“My experience here”) points.
So Why argue with someone,tell them they are wrong here and continue a long pointless thread vs just state your experience and move on.
I think people get banned for throwing and have tested this theory to my own satisfaction. I also know people are notorious for not understanding how their own actions lost them access to the game.
I actually want to know. Are they legit doing something about it, or is this just smoke and mirrors by the company.
Its why I came to the forums looking at this and discussing the deal on People throwing in Quickplay matches.
I stated my feedback on it, I dont like leaver penalties because we seem to have traded one problem for another. Less people leave, more matches have idle people now and I dont think they are banning ANYONE for IDLE afk or “moving 3 inches” every 20 seconds.
To me, its disruptive, I report it and haven’t seen ANY person here come and post that they were banned for throwing QUICKPLAY matches. Let alone a “Thanks for your report”. on my screen.
I’ve only gotten like 2 “Thanks for your report for a cheater” message with the green thing. thats it, in the last year. .
How is that possible when:
People report for ANYTHING according to the forums.
Simply talking is enough to get banned.
The system is automated and simply racking up enough reports is enough
You want evidence for? I gave you what I have. Either I’m lying or greatly mistaken.
You want something done? Encourage people to report throwers instead of the “but they’ll just make new accounts” lines you always reply with.
We have been left to govern ourselves. If people are actually NOT reporting blatant racism, hate speech, throwing, and cheating as some would claim… then it’s our fault.
At first I was all for stronger penalties, as I haaaaaated always backfilling into matches.
But then Junkenstein’s Lab event went online, and I noticed I could bail from a terrible match, or backfill, without any penalty whatsoever, as often as I wanted…and, I used it (a lot).
And suddenly, I enjoyed the game a whole lot more. I could leave when I was thrown into a team that was just a complete clown-fiesta, or I was backfilled into a game of suicidewatch, without fear or issue (and so could anyone else that backfilled into the match).
I’m not one to go “win” hunting, but in that mode, leaving a broken match just became a way to extend my avoid list in way…“nope, not this suicide squad 1v5 group.”, “nope, not this backfill into a team of 0 elims 15 deaths each. I can’t save them.”
Then you’re just wasting your time. You don’t have to throw. Why throw when you can just play the game? You’re only wasting your own time by doing that.
If you’re just going to throw, then why queue up in the first place? The system now prevents people from quitting for free. So by throwing you’re completely wasting your own time. Most people don’t want to waste their own time so they won’t do that. If you’re committed to throwing games, then no system blizzard creates will be able to stop you from doing that.
But why queue up in games just to throw them? If you’re not going to have fun in any match and want to quit all the time, maybe you should play a game you enjoy.
I gave you something here and that was a post to a thread. Thats more than what you have provided back to me to state im “wrong”.
You gave me a generic “thanks for your report” post with nothing else tied to it. They didn’t tell you what or why the person was “actioned”.
Tell you what. Find me 1 POST (just 1) on the blizzard forums about someone that was BANNED for THROWING in QUICKPLAY (Before yesterday 11/14/2024) and I will give you this conversation as a “win”.
Otherwise just stop arguing for the sake of arguing. I didn’t even message you in the first place on this forum, you just came in here to start arguing with me as usual.
By the way, here’s a few from the past on people being banned and discussing it. I don’t see ANYTHING on throwing bans. If you find just 1 that is regarding in QUICKPLAY. post it. otherwise just stop. Its atrocious. and its coming off as you arguing for the sake of arguing, baiting the thread to derail it and to troll a thread making inflammatory statements.
If you cant find one post regarding “QUICKPLAY BANS FOR THROWING” before 11/14/2024 Please Don’t reply until you do. Thank you.
I’ve already fully covered this: over the course of many games and with different teammates and/or opponents, they can be detected and ergo can be reported
they dont have to be detected and reported every single game in order to be suspended
They are still leavers because they are simply substituting the rule-breaking behavior of repeated leaving with another (idling, griefing, throwing, whatever)
With this all now fully clarified, I will not be addressing any of these points any further in this specific conversation