Whoever voted for penalties in QP have basically made the game insufferable. My wifi is actual garbage, i dont play comp because of all the disconnects and now i cant even play QP because the storms have been so bad i get kicked ever 3-4 games.
Its not comp, the point of the mode is to practice or try out heros you dont normally play. OW needs to fix this crap because if i get sent to the login screen one more gosh darn time and come back to another flapping leaving penalty im going to actually blow my ducking brains out with a squirt gun.
Whoever voted, know this, santa isnt real you baby.
For everyone replying with dumb comments about people being bad in qp, can you remind yourself its a mode where newbies are trying out new heros theyve probably never touched before. And before idiots say “well thats what training bots are for” its literally not the same, at all, playing against bots. You win every single game unless your whole teams just messing around being goofy goobers. QP is meant for fun not sweaty dumb horses who think they need to win every match just to feel like theyre good at a game. And for people telling me to go to arcade, mfs in arcade are just as toxic as people in QP. Overwatch in genereal is toxic waste, and not just because the devs, but because of the community itself. The comments on this post just prove my point even further.
If its a mode serious enough to punish leaving then its serious enough to try to win and all the “its just qp” enjoyers should enjoy getting bams as well
I swear, the amount of games I had where we were getting diffed hard, but someone joins and suddenly we just click and the game suddenly feels fair happened alot in the past. now, players will just give up and be toxic in chat. no need to hold players hostage if they arent having fun.
This is the key phrase, people complain anout leavers “ruining” games but youre told to just accept you have to play with a dps lucio refusing to heal, a DPS going 2-15 refusing to swap ot a tank playing into full hard counters dying first evey fight and enjoy it.
Players are for some reaspn fine with games being thrown and trolled but not being left
Sorry I dont want to be in a game featuring a server admin widow and her pocket mercy + OTP smurf sombra. A tank that refuses to switch against all their counters, someone who is having the worst match of their night, and a duo that is playing sudoku on the side. Im logging in to have fun. If Im playing against that or something similar, why should I be forced to stay?
I say atleast increase the amount of allowed leaves before a penalty kicks in. im not trying to leave ALL my games if it goes south. Ill take the L. but if its a Dog dookie match. Just let them go.
dont get me started on someone in a group with poor internet and suddenly we arent allowed to play anymore.
So stop playing the game if you are incapable of staying in due to horrid internet. This is an online game. If you are a drag on teams yiu join, your presence isn’t valuable or valued. Log off and play an offline game until you can get decent internet. I have no desire to be negatively impacted by your “two cans and a string” ISP
We live in a society where people would rather you just quit playing the game they love, a live service that literally needs a sustainable playerbase to justify its existence, than to have you replaced by a better player in their casual mode… It’s wild.
I have not been backfilled more than once or twice over the past 3 months so I am infinitely happy for the changes the leaver penalties have brought.
I am sorry for your state and understand how frustrating it is, but it is ultimately the lesser of two evils.
Funny how neither was really ever a big issue in OW1… Something something about sequels always being worse and forgetting why the game used to be good. But oh well new team wants it their way and have developed the exact same ego that they apologized for the team having when OW2 launched. Old habits never die
We didn’t used to have penalties. Then people decided to start leaving games in search of easy stomps.
People had matches with more than 6 people leaving them.
I had games with 10 people going through my team, only because a crybaby left the game in the first fight because they died.
At times the backfill system was broken and the game could be 4v5 or 3v5 for minutes before a backfill joined, and then you had to pray that the backfill actually stayed in the match. Sometimes you didn’t get backfills at all.
Some players left 90% of their matches according to devs.
These are the reasons we have qp penalties. If it had been 1 or 2 per match, without the next 5 backfillers leaving the match upon joining, we wouldn’t have these penalties.
People abused their right to leave qp matches, so now we have stricter rules about it.
Play arcade or custom games, those don’t have penalties.
Most of my leavers happened in first fights after they died once.
Half the time my team went to win that 4v5.
A third of my leavers happened later in the game after that teammate suffered their first death.
Regardless of mode and if we had been stomping the enemy until that unlucky death.
The last few happened in new modes.
Those alone weren’t the problem. It was the next 5 backfills leaving the game immediately upon joining that were the issue.
The backfill system doesn’t work if the backfills leave.