Im not sure if this is a bug or whats going on, but today after playing overwatch since launch i got pulled from a game for “detected hacks.” Anyways, I ask that you not post on this if you are going to call me a liar. I am mostly looking for other people with the same problem. I am hoping to make overwatch more aware of this as well as the general community so that maybe… very optimistic and strong maybe… theyll do something about it.
I have been looking a bit into this, and apparently this is becoming quite a common issue for a lot of people. I did submit the appeal and I will update on what I got back. what i can confirm is
A: they have no footage, because hacks were never used
B: the only other software I have is all licensed game content
C: All i had open was overwatch, battlenet, spotify, internet browser, and discord.
D: considering how many cheaters I have seen this month that I can confirm in the replays that STILL haven’t been banned… this is insanely ridiculous.
update: they gave me a bot response in 12 hours, which just sent the eula and asked me to respond again if my problem was resolved. I responded again, said i was in line with terms of use, i wasnt hacking, and would like someone to look into it. another 24 hours and they sent me EULA again and closed the ticket. submitted another one. will repeat an update until day 30, after which i am contacting the legal team.
You should contact the support and show them your system info, show what apps were running in background, but again, the chance of someone, even you, being falsely banned for hacking is very low.
It’s not how it works. People mass report, and then they make a manual review. They are not obliged to provide a footage.
Which increases the possibility of you being a cheater.
Which again, increases the possibility of you being a cheater.
Every case is individual. Other players cheating does not prove you not being a cheater.
I don’t want to appear rude, but you also don’t sound like someone who is honest. You seem to find excuses like “why are they not banned, and I am banned.”
Your only chance is to write a support ticket that is comprehensible and friendly, provide a lot of arguments and proofs of innocence, and try to work hard to fix your issue (if you are actually innocent).
best you could do is send them a support ticket, with a round-about cryptic message to see if they respond to you in an automated fashion or if an actual customer support tech replies to you.
I’ve had some which are very obvious its a bot, and when I do get an actual person. they are pretty nice about stuff.
The automated replies are awful, but the people that work there are actually reasonable people. They do deserve better leads imo and not what they have to deal with on a daily basis.
From my understanding the core team understands that this game is being lead straight to the pit of destruction by Microsoft and Bobby waiting for that major CASHOUT. Its clear Microsoft wants to bankrupt this division by Late 2024, liquidate and close Blizzard down. Since blizzard has been a long time competitor of theirs.
So it makes sense as to why they only automate stuff and give us awful support now.
What you haven’t heard? The ban system is completely automated. It simply doesn’t matter if you were using cheats or not, you got reported too much and you got banned for it. Good luck dealing with more bots at blizzard support. The ceo is too greedy to hire humans to do mod and support work.
Certain video card overlays can trigger a false-positive hack detection. Other software that can get you into hacking trouble are gaming keyboards and mice that have programmed macros to automate key input sequences. Using macro features will trigger an auto-ban without any review.
actions speak louder than words. If they were trying to grow this game they wouldn’t be following the same path of destruction as they did before they tanked the game right after Wrath of the Lich King.
Is there a source that says 99% of hack bans are deserved…? Or is this just a, I know because I know type of thing?
In my experience, I’ve seen good players get mass reported for cheating just because they’re good and get banned. The system is automatic and repealing is basically non-existent.
I’m pretty sure I’d know if I was cheating. I’m hoping they actually have customer service because all I am getting are bot responses with links to the EULA agreement.
can you give any evidence of this, or are you just throwing things out because you think saying this makes it look like you have inside info?
Microsoft owns Blizzard now - so by definition, Blizzard is no longer a competitor. It’s in Microsoft’s best business interest to grow the multi-billion dollar yearly revenue that Blizzard creates since now Blizzard is just another game studio they own (and the profits go directly to MS, and MS’ shareholders).
Why would MS want to kill this game which has repeatedly been a cash cow for its owner, based on public statements by Actiblizz over the last few years in their stockholder meetings? That just wouldn’t make any sense at all.
Same problem. Automated bots like crazy. My best guess as to why this happened is people might’ve accused me as deranking because I have a platinum title from console and I’ve moved to pc.
None of this justifies having a ban system that bans innocent users. The “why” is still a relevant question, and all of those services are known services that SHOULD be whitelisted. And as far as I have seen, all they are doing is sending me the EULA. They aren’t even capable of telling me what I have done, which really just supports my case. I would ABSOLUTELY call this a bug.
There was an incident a while back where a bunch of people were falsely banned for running HyperX software for their peripherals - it was pretty high profile at the time, and if the OP is telling the truth about not cheating, I would assume that something similar to this has likely happened again.
The only thing you can really do in that situation is to keep escalating the case until you get to a person who can give you more information than the standard bot responses, since they do seem to be reasonable folks who, at the very least, can explain more about the why.
yup. this has been my experience. Having a great time over here. That is an absolutely stupid system if its true. I can propose a better system right now.
Mass report = watch one or two of the matches to confirm or deny
This is actually unfair. lets say you have a 5 stack and want to get out of gold. Just ban all the good opponents. boom. problem solved. You are now platinum by default.
Or lets say you are on vacation time and playing all day. Well, you could meet ban report quota in a week EASILY simply due to the amount of people you play against and with. Playing more = high risk of autoban.
fantastic system. You can definitely tell they love people playing the game.
This have been an issue since forever, the reporting threshold is low and their ban system is automated, plus they never review appeals. They only give scripted answers like “We confirmed our initial findings” and blah-blah. Expect chain bans now on another accounts you create in 24 hours, however this can be fixed, but that’s not forum talk. I personally have now about 25 accounts banned for cheats I never use, so that I just create a new one for each session, these pepegas and catering devs are insufferable, sometimes I want to dl actual cheats but I am not a sh*tter.