I’ve been getting reported on this account constantly from mid diamond to high masters for cheating.
My internet is causing replays to look extremely scuffed, often it’ll just drop frames from the replay when I’m spiking or having packet loss.
I’m pretty sure this is what’s causing people to report, looks like 180 locking on people in one frame, when in reality it’s just my rural ISP decimating me with 110-140ms to US WEST/EAST servers from Central US
I was told to make a forum post about it, I don’t know if I need to provide a replay code or anything but yea
rural Missouri reporting in
can confirm, my crappy internet also gets me reported sometimes
Yeah, I can’t even load twitch streams for most hours of the day with my internet, it’s kinda pain lol
I’ve seen him playing before, and he’s complained about his high ping in matches.
I even have been getting pretty high ping lately and its routing me weirdly.
uh oh better call the FBI because your ISP is hacking u
NopNop with less than ten posts
I actually believe them.
Replays can look weird if you have bad internet
And considering people still dont have 1mb/s download speeds, in 2022. It is kinda believable this person has higher than average ping
stop cheating… and yes… smurfing is cheating madam widow smurf
no sympathy
Posting on the forum won’t do anything and is against ToS.
You can file an appeal with blizzard support (google is your friend)
Blizzard’s automated reporting system doesn’t ban for cheating, all bans for cheating have to be manually reviewed.
I remember they acused me of cheating when my potato ran at 25 fps and I was like
… Yeah it looks like the crosshair is snapping on places, but umm
They don’t instalock on faces (pls don’t ban me)
appeal it forsure and show any replay codes you have but do you by chance have at&t or spectrum or even comcast
Honestly i doubt you got banned for this.
Sure, packet loss and losing frames result in weird replays… though as far it seems logical to me, player reports are more useful instead of reporting via replay.
So you probably did something pretty obvious.
Posts like these always end the same, easier to believe you’re a cheater.
I’m not sure they ban automatically for cheating.
You have seen him play before and just happened to join the forum at the same time OP did and posted your first post 13 minutes after the OP made the thread and their first post? Riiiiight.
So just so I’m understanding – your first and only post on the forums is to comment about how you’ve seen this specific person in your games complaining about his ping?
Lol the timing…
Then dont cheat???
There’s not much you can do sadly.
I’m inclined to believe you but I can also understand people seeing their kill-cams where you ‘snap’ on to them and they feel cheated even though it’s your internet.
At least with cheating reports, it’s likely someone will have a quick ‘look’ at your gameplay/data so if you aren’t cheating, you have nothing to worry about…
Are you playing Wired or wireless?
well guess what, the server know for fact if youre doing 180 in 1 frame or not.
No, people are reporting cause whatever. You look at them funny, they get offended and that’s all it takes for Blizz to “act”.
That won’t change much if anything. Chances of getting anyone would listen to anything you say are astronomical. The only way to not be reported for cheating is to not try and land kills or don’t play DPS. You just need to land one long-distance kill and someone will go: “report the cheater”.