that’s why i throw stomp matches since season 3 and still here
cause people just don’t care really or think that i just play that bad and have terrible aim
another problem is there is a massive uptick in GAME Crashes after this last patch.
I literally had my graphics engine crash from overflow of the GPU Cache caused by the game and went from 240 fps to a stagger 54fps and the game finally just LOCKED UP and couldn’t play anymore.
And thats on
- 1 year old power supply with Capacitors mfg from japan. showing that the 5.5v side is stable.
- 64GB of DDR 5 RAM
- AMD’s AMD Ryzen 5 7600 processor.
- Koolance CPU 390 fixed to the CPU with a D5 pump and 360mm radiator.
and its like “Welp they have their stupid leaver penalties in place, not my fault someone missed the mark at Blizzard on corrective coding for the GPU”.
You can definitely tell when someone isn’t playing. If someone is just present and barely contributing to the fights, then that’s a bit harder to tell. Generally, I won’t report someone who’s at least present and dishing out some damage during fights. Even if they’re not playing their best.
But someone who is never present, constantly running off cliffs, or not contributing. That’s grounds for a report.
I don’t see hard throwers too often. The last one I saw was a Sombra player from last season who was always permanently invisible on the opposite side of the map. Not fighting. Not trying to play. Months before that, it was a Genji who basically stayed crouched in a corner of the map only to pop up for a second and throw a shuriken volley before going back to crouching.
I think those more or less fall under “afk” vs gameplay sabotage reports.
IM getting LOTS and LOTS of people now, that just move 3-5 inches every few seconds, do nothing and report it as “AFK” and never see them leave or be ejected from the match.
Ya its happening a lot more in qp its the one benefit to sticking with comp tbh we very rarely have that happen it still happens sometimes and at least when someone in comp leaves the match automatically ends at 20 sec roughly if it was before the first check point. Ive just been seeing people becoming more serial leavers this year especially if you have your competative icons titles or jade weapons equipped they just dont even want to try. So whenever my qp friends want to play with me I have to go through the whole process of taking all that stuff off lol I actually kinda wish that streamer mode could hide weapon variants and comp titles so we could just throw that on and be play a few rounds.
thats why i only play arcade so i can leave whenever i want. this game is too obsessed with controlling the player
while i agree with you to a point, some of us never touch COMP and want to win but yet we’re cussed out for doing so.
This game is an excercise in futility.
Given the time period there is very limited reports it could be for.
I replied to 3 people. This isn’t about you alone.
I’m sorry I upset you, but I am on topic.
I’ll keep replying to you if you reply to me. This isn’t your forum.
Your ultimatums and self imposed “if you don’t find this I’m right” lines in the sand don’t mean anything. You cannot seem to bring yourself to see that even by your standards if someone is discussing a ban for an unknown reason, even if they start to discuss say bad manners or language it still could have been for throwing.
This was my original statement. The entire gist is “People might not be aware of what they’re being banned for, but the cause could be throwing”.
Fix your connection then before playing online games.
Even if QP its supposed to be a “”“”“”“”“relaxing”“”“”" game mode.
-Losing isn’t fun
-Not be able to play the game because people keep leaving constantly so you’re never with a complete team isn’t fair.
Tired of tyrannical weirdos holding a gun to my account because they’re offended at everything. EVen people leaving video games.
Somehow that ‘affects their time, as they waste it playing games’
Idk if were playing the same game because QP backfills takes 15-20 seconds at its worse for me.
And in return, congrats, your still stuck with a player who doesnt care for the match anymore, possibly throwing or going Rambo on their own. A few days ago I had a player give up on the match, became toxic in chat, and did their own thing giving us an easy loss. I would much rather have that guy leave (which we KNEW he wanted to)} and we get someone new instead.
No, players who takes QP so seriously as to dictate how others should play in a mode where most players would consider the casual mode, but refuses to to touch Comp where your more likely to find players that takes the game more seriously and more likely to find players much more reluctant to leave are Cowards. Go there if you have a problem with how people want to play their game and spend their time.
(People that bail first fight or immediately after hero select due to team comp are cowards too, ofc.)
Im still fine with leaver penalties being in place. so that its not like how it was previously where anyone could leave at anytime. Keep the penalties so it affects the percentage of players that bails after 1 fight or immediately after the hero select screen expires. how they have it set up now is garbage that also affects players who may be forced out the game outside their control.
No i also enjoy getting good quality matches.
Ive tried reasoning with said pwrspn before, i wouldnt bother.
Haha, and you think people who gave up still play? They are just actively throwing without leaving. Congrats, mission failed successfully.
Between getting dumb penalty and demoting endorsement level and throwing the game without leaving, which one do you think people will pick? Is it my fault that matchmaker made absolutely unplayable teams where other team is just murdering you the entire time? Yeah, I’m not gonna be extending the misery.
It’s possibly the time of day, but while they can take a few seconds, I’ve had many that take like 30+ and that’s a whole teamfight.
I would much rather people join games intending to finish them regardless of how it goes.
and you don’t think all these people who are leaving aren’t dictating how others play? They’re abandoning their game because people aren’t playing as they want. This isn’t a zero impact action either. They lose their team a member for a length of time.
These are the people to blame for leaver penalties. Not the people who just wanted to finish the games they started.
I also think it’s tuned a bit high, but if your “outside your control” is getting you into the 10minute or 2 hour penalties you have something else to address.
If you cant answer it. Stop trolling and please do not reply.
If you dont know. Please Then, tell me “you dont know”. or “You dont have information on that”. And dont reply with some diluted message
that you know people are being banned for throwing"
when you have NOTHING to back your claim" and are trying to deflect your statement to say.
“Well gee, Im right because I said Im right”.
Im not looking for a fight. Im looking for an ANSWER on the FORUM. and since its your claim. FROM YOU (containing a link from this forum).
Tell you what. let me give you the respect and for you, I will “ask the audience”…
The Question: does anyone else here KNOW " Has there been anyone here on the Overwatch forums BEFORE 11/15/2024 that has a POSTED LINK to any person here talking about being BANNED from QUICKPLAY for “REASONS of THROWING” and if so, would they kindly post the thread here, so I may look at it.
If anyone cannot find what I was asking about. Please either DONT reply or simply put a “cant find it” … not give me some “well I know its happened because I think it has”. reply.
Im looking for an ANSWER to a QUESTION. Thank you.
Thank you
This also really confuses me about some players too…
Personally I’d prefer if a raging bag of trash leaves my game (and gets replaced by someone who’s 99/100 a better player) than stay in and just make it a chore to get through
I am not trolling. The objective here is not to upset you. It’s to make you think beyond the narrow perameters you have set yourself that require a black and white post to “prove” something. First and foremost forum posts PROVE nothing. People have claimed all sorts of things that simply do not happen.
What I have is what has convinced me as well as a proposal that maybe forum users aren’t the bastions of truth pertaining to their own infractions you seem to think they are.
Incorrect. What I said was “there is a possibility of an alternate explanation.”
If we’re distilling it to exact statements.
Neither am I, but you seem bent on one.
Read back what I said and see what my actual claim is (that I restated for you btw).
The ONLY people who can give you the solid answer are the devs and they do not discuss punishment.
I really dunno why you’re getting so worked up over it.
Are you a blizzard customer support agent or a Blizzard forum support agent?
Yes or NO?
Sorry, Im not going to even look at anything else you have posted since you haven’t provided me a link to what I asked for.
Have a great day. Try out OW classic, it has been a blast.
Okay. Thank you.
Thats all I wanted to know.