✅ Kierkegaard, had a good Tank idea

Context: DPS Queue Times are bad. More Tank players is the answer.

That said, as someone who has been trying to fix this stuff for… too long. This is a really simple an elegant approach to this problem. I really like it.
Kudos Kierkegaard.
Devs should really give this a try on Experimental Card:


Projected Barrier

  • Increased to 900HP, up from 600HP.
  • Cooldown reduced to 8 seconds.


Experimental Barrier

  • Decreased to 600HP, down from 900HP
  • No cooldown delay when deploying and canceling the barrier.

Sigma is always going to be a Tank with too much Peel and SelfPeel. Which makes him more suited to being a hybrid offftank.

Also making his equipment feel less “clunky” in the bargain, by taking away the cooldown on his barrier is a solid tradeoff.

With this, it restores Bunker as an option, which also enables Roadhog.

Could maybe even bump up the firepower on barrier tanks a bit, without fear of “Double Barrier” being too strong.
Which would do a better job at pulling otherwise DPS players into the role.


I think you have a lot of good ideas for reducing the queue times but what about all the other issues with forced Role Lock?

I think if they can do this, maybe bump up Barrier Tank firepower a bit, that the existence of hybrid heroes somewhat approximates the other compositions.

But it would be nice if they showed Quickplay and QPC together side by side, in the Quickplay menu.
And also had QPC in the Arcade. And have it offer lootboxes as usual.


Doesn’t change the fact that tanks will forever be unfun to play when the balance team are putting dps first


I think if these changes open up the possibility of moderate firepower buffs for barrier tanks.

Which should attract more otherwise DPS players to the Tank Role.

change Orisa’s gun from a pea shooter to something like an energy sniper from halo or something (with less damage ofc) its REALLY monotonous to play her


Not a bad idea.

Although this is more what I had in mind.


Rocket Hammer

  • Damage increased to 90, up from 75.



  • Direct Hit damage increased to 65, up from 55.


Fusion Driver

  • Damage increased to 13, up from 11.


Jump Pack

  • Cooldown reduced to 5sec, down from 6sec.
  • Landing damage increased to a maximum of 65 damage, up from 50.
  • Minimum landing damage increased to 30 damage, up from 1.
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This would trash the ONE character not getting buffs, D.Va.

Making her F tier again isn’t going to solve balance problems.

I don’t think you need to incentivize people to play D.va/Hammond/Roadhog/Zarya.

What we need is more people playing Barrier Tanks.

Sigma kinda needs the shield health to be reasonable since he can’t just regenerate it on a whim like Orisa can

Also people say Sigma’s shield is paper thin and is why they think he sucks. How does this change solve that problem? Public perception plays a big role in who plays what

I look at it this way.

  • D.va has a 2sec matrix
  • Zarya has a 200hp bubble, maybe 400hp if she lines it up right with a teammate.
  • Sigma would have a 600hp barrier that rapidly repositions, a 2sec matrix (that gives him hp), and an unmatrixable ranged flashbang.

And besides, aren’t you the guy who keeps saying people put too much focus on Sigma’s barrier?

Of course, but he’s designed around needing it to function like Rein and Orisa. It needs to be reasonable or else Sigma will just be another Zarya case, only good with one or two other tanks.

I figure he’s already got a ton of Peel and SelfPeel, so he’s already halfway there to being an Offtank anyways.
He’s basically a hybrid hero regardless of what they do.

And if it solves the DoubleBarrier problem, we can get back to having Orisa be a decent anchor tank, and possibly buff all barrier tanks firepower to make them more enticing to otherwise DPS players.

You can’t buff Orisa back to being the bulky beast she was before and increase her firepower

I don’t think double shield will come back as a dominant comp at this point though if Orisa just gets a cooldown buff for her shield. And if Rein gets the reigns pulled back just a little more, then Sigma works just fine as the main tank as well.

Like, Sigma can work as the main tank even against Rein, but it’s most certainly an uphill battle if they’ve got Zarya and a Lucio. As it should be of course, but it’s a little too steep of a hill for the average player and makes Sigma look like trash since Rein is in every game.

I just personally don’t think Sigma needs any changes as he currently is. His shield blocks enough damage because of grasp, and he does just the right amount of damage for a tank.

If Orisa got a small boost and Rein got another small drop, I think tank balance would be in the best spot it’s been in for a long time.

Reinhardt is just holding back all the other combos with the walk speed buff, he closes the gap too fast now and I think that’s the main problem with tank balance.

Just revert every hero back to whatever their stats were in season 4. Heroes/reworks introduced past that wouldn’t be changed.

I like it. I’d even say lower Sigma’s shield to 500 or even 400. Make it into a very situational barrier, used more to block line of sight of snipers than protection. Once it breaks you could have it regen quickly so he’s not without it for too long.

I’m very much of the mind set that he should be an offtank. I also think he needs his accretion combo back.

As long as it doesn’t cause problems with Orisa/Sigma, you totally can.

And if they need to nudge Rein comps and Dive comps back up, just make it so that discord goes through enemy barriers.

That’s a scary increase in damage, I already compete with other players on damage and eliminations with Sigma and Orisa. Wouldn’t that just make damage and support roles feel underwhelming?

My question is, will his shield still regenerate the same length of time reins does?

Well the whole goal is to make people not queue for Damage Role, and queue for Tank Role instead.

And I really doubt a change like this is going to make Tank Role be played more than Damage Role.

200 barrier regen/sec for Rein, after 2sec offline
120 barrier regen/sec for Sigma, after 2sec offline