Swap Orisa and Sigma's shield hp

So, i’m not exactly happy with what they did with Orisa and Sigma. I feel like they are missing the point of their playstyles.
Orisa is an anchor main tank, while sigma is an off tank with a shield, not a main tank. He has high damage and good peel, but not many tools to create space outside of his shield (not that he can’t, but rein,winston and orisa are much better at it)

So, how do we fix their playstyles? To me they should swap their shield health, so that orisa goes back to 900 and sigma lowers to 600. Of course, there are other changes to compensate this.

Shield: health increased to 900
Halth: cd is now 10s but starts on deployment instead of activation

Shield: health reduced to 600, regeneration is 100 per second.
Rock damage increasd back to 90.

for orisa, this makes her shield strong enough to properly main tank and gives her back some edge over rein. For sigma this makes his shield more situational but still able to absorb damage while giving him back his combo to scare off flankers and protect his team.

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They are not giving him his one shot combo back. That is a non starter and something he really did not need as a tank.

Agreed. Still a great skill.

The time of the rock combo will always be fondly remembered. Squishies feared the rock.

I really wish people would stop saying this. I get what they’re saying but to assert

If it’s a combo, it’s not a one shot.

Yes I definitely agree with this.

Was it fun? Yes, but it overloaded his kit and was part of the reason he was broken in the first place. People who do too much are either broken or useless and Sigma was stuck in that role so something had to go.

the problem is that he needs that one shot combo to peel. We can lower the damage of the combo to 190 so it’s not one shot, but still very threatning.
As an off tank he needs some kill pressure to actually scare off people. Think about other off tanks, they all have great peel and high damage. Zarya and D.va have bubble and matrix, while hog has the (supposedly) scary hook combo.