Echo vs Orisa/Sigma

The barriers are a complete joke now… how am I able to block any kind of damage as a SHIELD TANK when the barrier has so few HP and Echo deletes it when its half down? Its not even funny…

Buff Simga or Orisas barrier


Remove the damage bonus at 1/2 HP for barriers (Echos beam)

How about swapping the barrier HP between Orisa and Sigma?

✅ Kierkegaard, had a good Tank idea

That doesn’t fix the fact that she just vaporizes their barriers. It’s the same problem, just swapped to the other tank.


That means sigma sucks even more than he already does, and Orisa gets back to where she started before the massive nerfs. (Excluding 10% less fortify)

AAAAAAND - remove Sigma’s barrier CD?

Yeah. Maybe even up his damage a bit.

✅ Kierkegaard, had a good Tank idea

Orisa is going to work well into teams with split compositions like dive and non-dive.

If the enemy team has like Echo, Winston, Dva, but has a Widowmaker, Ana, Mercy, then Orisa can get some value in shielding off widow/ana and being pretty tough to take down from the tanks. Dva/Winston both do half damage against Orisa with armor up. You pretty much require people to focus fire Orisa to do anything which leaves your team to defend itself for the most part against dive attempts which include things like McCree, Brigitte, Moira, Roadhog, etc.

Otherwise, that shield is going to have a ton of up time against that type of team.

You cannot be expected to do everything and there is an opprotunity cost for everything. If Echo is spending all game trying to shoot shields or Orisa, and not many other people can focus her down easily either the rest of your team is not being shot at and can do stuff.

Though if the enemy team run like hog, echo, reaper… lol Good luck I recommend changing tanks.

I thought it was a little funny how in Echo’s release video today it shows her triumphantly killing Pharah mid-barrage, then destroying Sigma’s barrier with her beam, in order to kill the Baptiste behind it. Like yasss finally a counter to these OP characters, you go girl


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