Is Overwatch a dead game?

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Now hear me out when I say this and I don’t mean to bash this game in any way because I really love this game and I have been constantly playing this game only for 6 months but it has become less enjoyable to play for me. The reason why you ask?
Well, first watch this video as this is an Overwatch Streamers opinion on the game:

Here are some of my reasons why I think Overwatch is possibly or supposedly a dead game(For me)
1. Toxicity
At first, I didn’t understand why people have said this game was full of toxic people and was always enthusiastic to see what they meant. While playing this game, I found this game to be quite enjoyable and not as toxic as people have said it was. I always kept my head up high when we lost a round, become a positive enemy to the other side of the team, and mostly encouraged my teammates that we can win. However as I slowly moved higher into the game, people became more harsh, disrespectful, and uncooperative as I progressively climbed the ranks and it was much more hard to stay positive during in-game competitive. Finally, once I reached my limit, I got tired of this game and started reporting people for their toxic behavior (which I’m pretty sure Blizzard is trying their best to fix this but it’s not working ) and started ignoring people when they began to trash talk me. At this point, I have become too tired and numb in this game. The opinions of people have slowly become something I less cared about but something I wish wasn’t the case. Sadly, it is.

2. Team Balance
As much as all MOBA games rely on what characters you need for your team, Overwatch seems to heavily punish us as players for who we want to play and choose in our team. We’re supposed to follow the fundamental 2-2-2 role in order to have a chance of winning the game. However, there are characters I want to play in the Overwatch competitive but every person in comp seems to lock pick their roles while I switch for the team most of the time. There’s no chance for me to enjoy myself for the role I want to play sometimes. Everyone’s selfish too. I have asked nicely for my teams to switch their roles but they have decided to ignore that factor and have told me a couple of times “Just switch yourself, don’t expect anyone to do it for you” or “I have gold elims, dmg, or etc.”. I understand that every person has their opinions and have bought the games to enjoy it for themselves, but if it’s going to risk other people’s fun or effort on the game, it’s not helping to stay that way. Sure you could be the best on the team right now, but if it doesn’t balance out with the team comp, it’s gonna suck. Sadly, there’s nothing we can do; we’re forced to play the simple 2-2-2 comp not because we want to sometimes, but because we have to. Any other comp is inflexible.

3. Smurfs
More revenue for Overwatch is good. It supports the staffs, teams behind developing the game, and for just the game overall to stay alive. However, smurfs who decide to purchase the game and stay in the lower leagues for fun or just to try out new characters in our ranks is only ruining the experience and the matchmaking system for us. It makes things not only more difficult but more complicated to play due to their prideful attitude and boasting on their kills by leaving the team and heading of on their own to completely anhilate them. Being on the recieving end of that makes things very unfair and can lead to teammates arguing about how other people are playing poorly or just leave the game thinking there is no chance of winning (which…they could be right). I had a Rein main literally show off his rank to everyone on my team and tried to teach me how to play him cause quote on quote “I sucked”. The only question that came into my mind was “If you’re a smurf why are you even here in this rank?” like this not only ruins the experience of the game for those trying to play with a fair chance but just the enjoyment of it whatever team we are on. You guys see my point here? It doesn’t feel good to literally have 1 guy on the enemy side rip apart my team and put us at a disadvantage just because he/she’s a smurf showing off what he/she’s capable of. I don’t know where to even end on this, I can rant about this all day but I’m too tired to even repeat myself.

Overall, Overwatch USED to be fun… not anymore. Nothing ever feels better after playing for 6 months of OW with similar results…I just wish these things just changed a little. Even changes to some characters aren’t right. But regardless, who am I to say all these things? I’m just a player on Overwatch, a one in a couple of millions


Whenever I see these threads, I always think of this Monty Python and the Holy Grail scene. The game is not dead, but people want it to be.


Well do you think this post is a joke?

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I saw this topic name for hundreds of times and for me the answer is still no, I still enjoy playing this after many many months.

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No it’s not a joke, but I think there are still a lot of people who still enjoy the game, even after all this time. I think the forums acts like an echo chamber sometimes with negativity, so the voices that are genuinely happy are either absent from the forums, or are too busy playing the game.


I’d say Overwatch in 2019 is in “sink or swim”.

With the restructuring, and focus of development funding, Overwatch could have a glorious 2019.

But the game could also legitimately be dead by the end of 2019.


Well every opinion is different, I have saved this as a draft for 6 months now and I actually have been playing for a year. Regardless, I haven’t changed anything cause…you know…nothing HAS really changed


I think that’s fair. We will have to wait and see. I currently sit with more optimism these days. Especially after watching OWL and seeing heroes like Torb, Bastion, and Sym.

Well RichC, I’m a Reaper main and I came to check out the recent buff that reaper got, loved it but the skills are somewhat still useless. *ofc not the wraith form though" Not only that though but people are still toxic in this game. Much worse than League I would say

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Yes, I know, but I love the lore behind the OW. The shorts, origin stories, event (archives), they’ve just impressed me, that’s why I felt in love with this game.

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Oh and of course, two new CFOs, who might have not gotten to the pennysmart/poundfoolish stage in their careers yet.

Particularly the BlizCFO who was formerly around for XBox360’s surge in power in the console wars.

At this point, even the lore doesn’t impress me anymore. Including announcing that soldier had a gay relationship in the past after 3 years this game released is kind of a wth move. I don’t hate gays btw It’s just that they announce things about characters WAAAAY too late


That’s true. I actually foresee them changing or buffing his mobility in some way.

I personally have mitigated this problem by putting together a REALLY cool friends-list over the past couple of years. I only like to play with friends. A lot of these people I have met from the forums. You probably know a few of them. Walrus, Fragehardt, Alexis!, MagytheMage, CATCHPRHASE, and Andough, just to name a few.

Friends just make the game better. They make me laugh, and win or lose, we have a lot of fun.

Im just saying that I felt in this cause’ of the lore. I didn’t say that lore is good right now.

Na even friends are toxic sometimes, they even don’t want to switch for you. But it depends who your friends are.

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I think the main problem with Overwatch is that some of it’s features are inherently toxic.

Primarily, deciding who gets to play each Role.

Here’s my attempt at fixing that:

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any real interest on this post die there

I have actually seen your posts before and these are some great ideas. But let’s be honest here, how does blizzard even know what to even change sometimes? For example, people have been asking for skill improvements for reaper cause he is slow in terms of mobility. But instead, they have been buffing his lifesteal instead which is good but it doesn’t give him an edge in mobility.

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Well, sometimes I see changes ingame that are pretty similar to something I posted…

For instance, “Let’s reduce Mercy HPS to 50, do a healer balance pass, then focus on buffing underpowered heroes, such as giving bastion reverse spread, a wider beam sym, and make Roadhog’s hook pull sooner, disable momentum, have better shotgun spread pattern, and reduce the hook cooldown. Oh and here’s a fun picture of Krampus Junkrat in a Santa Suit.”
Coincidences, right :stuck_out_tongue:

But yeah, for Reaper stuff, I got ideas:

Declining not dead. Dead is Lawbreakers or Battleborn