Why Hate GOATS?

Its boring and excludes an entire role. Theres no skill involved.

I don’t play dps and I still hate goats, it’s boring

The problem with GOATS is that it turns most matches into a slog until someone dies. Most of the time ult dumping is the sole way to win a teamfight in GOATS. It is also fairly restrictive, leaving out some tanks, a good portion of support, and almost the entire DPS category. GOATS is on its way out, but OWL will take a while longer to do so. Thankfully Sombra managed to squeeze her way in. Now if only the Houston Outlaws will stick to it…

Back in the line private, CoD is your game.

Metas form because it is effective. Some time passes and an emerging meta is used to counter the current meta. If the current meta is too strong, it can’t be properly countered. Meaning the parts of that meta are not balanced properly in terms of synergy, even if the Hero’s individually are balanced.

Hint: one of the main enablers (that wasn’t nerfed yet) is Lucio.

His speed boost needs to be rebalanced. And, unlike Doomfist or Brigitte, he needs to actually be properly compensated for that nerf… Then they can… You know… Compensate Doom/Brig for their nerfs.

I think I have a good understanding about how this game is designed.

When over half your characters are DPS, but you got a meta that barely uses anything besides positioning and cooldowns to get kills, you got a problem.

It’s ungodly boring? Jesus, why ELSE would you hate Goats? The comp literally revolves around pushing Reinhardt and/or Winston into everything and sustaining him around that, at a base.
It doesn’t promote any sort of fun gameplay.
In Dive, at least we saw great Dragonblades, amazing pulsebombs.
Now, we’re gonna be lucky if we see a baller earthshatter.

As being said, CoD is your game. I can understand where do you come from, and, you don’t have good understand of what Overwatch is about. Bye.

funny, i’m the same as you in regards to heroes I play. I think GOATS is boring to watch because all it really is, is who get their ults first and using them in a better way.

It is far more exciting to watch the DPS players pop off and make great shots and plays, than it is to see Zarya Grav everyone, and then D.va throw her ult and get zero kills.

Never actually played CoD :slight_smile:

On the flipside, if you don’t like shooter games, you could always try Heroes of the Storm, or Solitaire.

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FYI, I’m former professional Gears of war player, in 2015, I played MLG Las Vegas with Denial. Earned $40K. Your point? :slight_smile:

Obvious bias is obvious.

GOATS is by far the worst meta we’ve ever seen. Running around holding W and M1 like a mouthbreather is not fun. I’d rather watch grass grow than see an entire season of GOATS meta in OWL.

I mean, competitive video games are SUPPOSED to be fast paced and exciting. It keeps you on your toes, like any mistake you make will cost you the team fight. If I wanted an easy, slow-paced, methodical game, I’d go play Solitaire or something.

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Cool, about 40 of my suggested changes are in PlanetSide. Maybe 8-10 of mine in this game. And I also wrote a Tribes mod that had 40 servers running it, and competitive league play with about 30 teams.

Oh and for Planetside I rewrote a version of their installer that got 30,000 downloads, and was later copied by their devs.

Again, you told me “shooters are not your thing, go play HoTS” I proved you I have played, at a professional stage, in front of 75K people watching me play Gears of war. What’s your point of telling I don’t know nothing about shooters?

I guess both of us know about shooters.

So why do you have a preference for this game having a dominant meta that doesn’t use aim to get kills, and instead focuses on cooldowns, positioning and Ult charge.

So this people get to decide what the game is? Is this a joke?

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You have lost me. Your comment proves my point. Have a good noon ahead.

The main sources of advertising for new players, and hype for high level competitive tournament format which gets the game a lot of money. Yeah.

Those are kinda important.

You think GOATs uses a lot of aiming to get kills? Equal or greater to other comps?

I agree, this has been a nice change from DPS run meta’s, but I do feel kind of bad for people that want to play their favorite hero