Is it weird I miss all the mercy drama

Well we have statistics that indeed showcases heroes as free wins, Brig 1.0 and Mercy 2.0 moth meta being two good shots, even so, if the developers felt it to implement a difficulty rating, then it says there is def difference to how hard each hero is and what you are talking about is the difficulty of playing the game against harder and harder opponents, this universally trancends for all heroes not any particular one, so if you can survive and think/Play vs with players of that rank, you could do so on other heroes as well, that didn´t require a lot of investment in learning some part of their kit, that is fundamentally important, like aiming as a good example.

Even with both of those examples there was a clear difference between playing them well or playing them poorly. That being said used the 2 most notoriously overtuned heros in the games history as examples is a strawman at best and entirely disingenuous at worst

Calling a strawman, when you said

This was statistically proven a multitude of times, let me just remind you of negative winrate climbing Mercy 1.0 as a result also. So maybe follow your own words, before calling out something like a strawman, completely inaccurately might i add.

This is also not supported in the stats, while yes there will always be a difference between someone of 1 hour and 100s. Key difference here also being how big it is. Now with the release of brig it took no time for her to dominate every rank in the game (Aka no highly practiced brigs mains yet), so she could dominate all ranks, therefor she was very easy to play. Same stuff happened for Mercy at points in time as well.

Soo, i truly ask you again, you sure you want to continue this, well i don´t even know what your words is trying to “Falsify”? anymore.

A hero being overtuned is not the same thing as a hero being fundimentally easy to master as for the negative winrate climbing on mercy the game was bugged at the time and mercy’s where given more sr than intended neither of these examples do anything to address my point.

An ana player at 3500 sr might be 3000 sr if they suddenly started doing mercy instead. Hero difficulty is not linear and they all have different strengths

No hero being overtuned, can adress the fact that lower ranked players would still not be able to dominate with said hero, unless it was easy to master. This is quite evident through many heroes that have been high skill and “overtuned”.

No it wasn´t bugged, it was because of how hiding and getting big rezzes affected your personal SR gains, cause they weren´t that common, so if you got one or many in a game but still lost, the game thought “Wow, that is unusually good, that means we have to reward em with a way lesser SR punishment or in the case of a win with a way higher SR gain”, this is despite the fact of how the Mercy otherwise would perform in terms of other mercy players.

Qutie simply the difference between a mercy otp and a equal skilled player just flexing on mercy (with no more playtime, than understanding, what she does) would in no way be as much of a detriment to a team as many “High skilled” OTP vs the same example.

In short as many have said before “All most everyone can flex Mercy”, no one is gonna tell a player to go Tracer if they just said they never even tried her.

Also an Ana at 3500 would more than likely be able to carry her weight with Mercy at the same rank, since the impact Mercy has with and without Mastery doesn´t differ too extremely unlike Ana´s own kit of hitting Skillshots, hitting with your aimed healing or staying alive, since you have no mobility or 1s HPS to do so.

Well she at least go ult charge from damage boosting and her ult actually worked in 1.0

Unlike now.

Can’t blame people for dropping current Mercy when her half of her kit isn’t even working. This isn’t even including all the GA bugs and that rez roulette is STILL A FLIPPING THING.


Your absolutely wrong you make it sound like anyone can pick up mercy and play at the same or better level than they do with anything else and that simply isn’t true in fact mercy is one of the heros i struggle most with and have the lowest winrate with


Actually, the rework separated the good mercys from the bad ones.

You can see a slightly higher ceiling of plays with good mercys, they can superjump, flick bunny hops and even stop in midflights to throw off attacker’s aim.

You’re really reaching now, because I don’t even play Mercy.


most played hero in comp “Mercy”


Refer to the part, where i still say, there will always be a difference between a 1 hour player and a 100 hour player, the difference in the output they can still pull off is for different heroes severely different.

You struggling first of all, is not “Proof”, second of all your winrate isn´t either.

Lower rank winrates though does, where Ana can sit at 40s, when Mercy is at 50%, as an example.

I like how i actually have facts to back up, what i am saying and you persist to not believe em. You seem to not understand, that many heroes are in the game with severely different skill ceilings or floors. Mercy is a hero designed with a low skill floor, meaning you don´t have to play her specifically a lot to, understand how she functions and is played and by extension get decent or good value of that. Where as we have other heroes in the game so fundamentally technical or aim reliant, that without that particular skillset, that the hero fundamentally would build around, you wouldn´t be able to do anything but throw with the character, seen as how a character like Tracer has always, through her life in this game, had abysmal winrates in lower ranks, despite her being once considered a top pick and “OP”, for some mindlessly uninformed people.

Ohh, so bugs are now the go to argument, you want to remove Superjump then ?
She still gets ult charge from damage boost, whether or not it sometimes is bugged.

Her ult actually worked in 1.0 ? You ever even played her ? LOS, costantly could mess it up, also healing through walls and ground floors (Not intentional places). So yeah debateable, when is the last time Valkyrie “Didn´t work” ?

Oh my, you are actually serious, you think she had even remotely less bugs before ? That is quite disingenuous…

Also, what does this “Disprove” about the statement you quoted me in, where i am talking about why players played 1.0 or 2.0 ? I am clearly referring to the fact, that many people played 1.0 for reasons, that wasn´t linked with her being fun, good or even engaging, seeing as players play stuff to win mostly, not to have fun, when it is comp.

Just stating that she could use her kit with proper reward ie Damage Boost for ult charge.

Now she doesn’t really have that with these bugs.

Yes I played her 1.0 for Uprising only and LOS had some issues but again I could still use my kit to get proper ult charge.

I can’t do that with how buggy it is and Rez roulette is still a thing so it’s a gamble to Rez if there are multiple teammates together.

But yeah sure I’m just overreacting how dare I want a hero to have a kit that can be used to it’s potential.

Had the same complaints when bugs happened with Sombra making her kit unusable.

And yet, if you’d paid attention, Sombra is the character displayed on my profile. Why is that? Oh yeah, because I have twice as many hours on her than I do Mercy.

Mercy, by the way, isn’t even my most-played healer and the 2 hours I spent on her THIS season just to try out Role Queue accounts for over 60% of my total playtime on her. Hell, I literally have more hours on Sigma from the RQ Beta than I do on Mercy in every season AND QP combined.

But keep trying, buddy. I’m sure if you keep reaching for fruit low enough, you’ll eventually find something better than “You have hours on most basic healer in the game. You must main her”.


I’ll be honest. It is a tad bit weird. :thinking:

Here lemme help ya:

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Some of the Mercy mains went to custom games so they could remake Mercy 1.0 via Workshop.

Darkwaver and Amaterasu sittin’ in a tree

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In the end I don’t play much Overwatch anymore and generally went back to playing League of Legends.

Also I’ve lost a lot of interest in Overwatch because there isn’t much beyond Mercy that I even care about.


What tracking site has accurate information for the whole of the playerbase when Blizzard doesn’t provide an API to obtain that info without Players opt-in to having the info collected.

Some may say it’s a slice of the community but what slice is being tracked.

Blizzard is the only one who really know and they won’t want to release player trends because if there is a downward trend it will encourage a further downward trend.

Also I have not seen a tracker site that shows the aggregate number of players playing heroes only the percentage of play; therefore the tracking sites don’t provide the necessary info to prove one position over another.