So let's chat about Healers, namely Moira

90% sure you can’t connect the beam through an enemy shield.

By connect I mean the initial attachment.

The funny thing about this statement is that Ana was only meta on ladder

Baptiste was the strongest support in OWL; Moira from mid plat and lower

And you STILL had more balanced Support picks then you do now with “op Ana” than you do with the current meta

Zen, Baptiste, Mercy, Brig, and Ana ALL lost a lot of pickrate

So you sacrifice 5 for 2?

Yeah Ana was soooo broken; it made Zen and Baptiste go from meta picks, to niche… Oh wait… That was Double Barrier and nothing to do with Ana :o

Wait wait wait wait wait… . Its broken? Source?

People in general are to hyped about meta tho.
In owl, people practice insane amount of hours to be able to compete on a pro-level and earn decent cash.
They wont play too risky, but stick with low risk/ok reward.
On the ladder and for 99% of the playerbase the meta shoulndt really matter that much.
Yes, playing dive into this meta is high risk but its also high reward.
Playing shield busters is tedious, but it works.
We dont HAVE to play doom/reaper with 2 shields and moira. 70-80% of the playerbase have no idea how to do this efficiently anyway, less so teaming up with 5 randoms lol

Given this is Blizzard we’re talking about
It’s probably actually another nerf

but hey
at least we get to hear how it was making her OP and she needed the nerf to bring her down to the dirt

Bug Report forums. And no answer on them.

  • I don’t think so, this meta just really suits her, nerf the meta and Moira goes down with it.
  • Ana is still very powerful. Double barrier on the enemy team makes it very difficult to do her job, but even she does extremely well with double barrier on her team. She’s not useless, Moira is just more optimal.
  • She’s the best healer that can heal through barriers. Most healers can’t. Ana and Baptiste heal with projectiles. Lucio and Brig (inspire) can’t heal through barriers. That leaves Zen, Brig (repair pack), Mercy, and Moira. Because her orb passes through barriers, and her M1 lingers on allies who pass through barriers, she’s very reliable and puts out the most amount of healing per second.
  • The off healers and Mercy are a bit underwhelming at the moment, and Ana is just being kept in check by double barrier. I feel nerfing the barrier meta will not help off healers or Mercy and will just put Ana back on top. Really just seems like the only Supports worth playing right now are Baptiste, Moira, and Ana; Off-Supports need a slight buff to their utilities to make them more viable (Speed Boost for example, maybe not outright reverting the nerf, but at least give him a little extra speed).
  • The Support heroes are not in an optimal spot, but honestly the Support cast is doing really well right now. I’ve always felt forced to play Ana (but she is probably my favorite Support so it usually doesn’t bother me). I feel, now, I’m able to play Baptiste and Moira and have them be the best choice; still, Ana is best in some games, and with enough effort I can reasonably make the others work as well.

I don’t think she needs nerfs. I think D.Va needs some adjustments to be relevant in this meta in order to counter pick to her again.

An enemy D.Va eating all your orbs is the worst feeling when playing Moira.

Sigma’s grasp is too easy to avoid from Moira’s perspective.

She is the only one that can heal through shields that is the reason she is used so much. Amazing that she has just now been considered strong when shield meta come into play. Guess they better remove every heroes counter so less tears.


Thanks! Didnt even know that. Thats fubbed up.

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Personally I never found this to be the case. Either D.Va doesn’t use DM during a fight to eat an orb or she uses DM and Moira has a two second window to use the orb which is pretty much all you need. On top of that unless D.Va is behind a shield, she is free resource gain. Plus you can get out of D.Va’s range pretty easy with Fade.

Moira is fine, I personally still believes she needs small buffs/ QoL changes.

I personally believes that Ana still needs some tuning down, more so with her Anti-Nade ability.

This one is weird because you would think Mercy (main healer) would be best in this meta since she can heal through barriers, but that is not the case, so it is odd that Moira is the go to healer, however, her ultimate and her orbs can pierce through barriers as well, so maybe that is the case.

For right now, I am content with it. I just suspects nerfs coming to Orisa, Sig and Doomfist sometime soon.

All healers have his or her “easy moments” and “hard moments”
some people struggle with Mercy, but excel with Ana and vice versa.

Plus this question is so team comp dependent, as Ana was not that hard in a tank heavy meta, since the tanks hitbox makes it nearly impossible to miss if you have basic aiming skills.

I remember my ranking skill of Hardest to Easiest was this

  • Ana
  • Zenyatta
  • Baptiste
  • Mercy and Lucio
  • Moira
  • Brigitte
  • But now that ranking changed as heroes got nerfed and buffed.

    It is. She can’t use her kit to its fullest potential.

    (Also one bug that frustrates me to no end is that she has damage boost roulette with some abilities sometimes giving ult charge and other times not…so playing her is like a playing a slot machine. She has rez roulette and now the damage boost issue)

    It significantly impacts her ult charge rate if D.Va is eating Moira’s poke orbs.

    I’m just sad i didnt get to play moira on the ptr when they made her fade work thru all cc. God i would have loved that, although i admit its op af. lol

    nerf her to the ground pls blizz :smiley:

    samito was talking about she needs to be harder

    I use my poke orbs on DM cooldown but I mostly use my orbs for healing. I played Zarya for too much to not know how to deal with DM, lol.

    Plus I can use damage orbs all I want when D.Va is de-meched or dead.

    Be ready for the Weaboo army to come out with their salt guns since they cannot just smash their head against the keyboard in order to get free ez kills when Moira is in the game.

    Nah, they just need to inject some skill into her kit.

    Ana is meta on ladder = OPOPOPOPOP
    Moira is meta = OPOPOPOPOPOP

    Baptiste is actually meta in OWL = I sleep

    Zen is meta from the end of 3 Tank all the way to Double Barrier = Whatever, Zen who?