Quick Reminder about Mercy

Mercy has half the pickrate of Ana in GM
and a lower pickrate than her in ranks Gold+


In the midst of the Double Shield Meta, the healer that gets hard countered by shields has twice the pickrate of the supposed “main healer” that can straight up heal through shields no worry

Perfectly balanced

I wouldn’t be surprised if the Valkyrie “bug” was yet another nerf to our Guardian Angel


Well there’s a bug with her Valk that’s not letting her chains go through enemy barriers.

So her one big strength that’s suppose to carry over to her ult is no longer there.

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Healing threw shields doesn’t quite matter much when no one pushes through them. That said being “aggressive” with shields in the double shield meta is something more tanks need to get used to.

If Orisa has your team covered Sigma should toss his barrier out to help protect any DPS in the enemy lines. Or toss it out behind the enemy Reinhart so he doesn’t get healed by most the supports in the game.

I think Mercy’s big problem is the dmg boost isn’t enough to justify her own lack of dmg contribution to the shield wars. There is also the fact with double shields people tend to die less, making Rez unused for longer periods of time.

Sure it’s still amazing to get your tank back up (and with a second shield tank to protect the Mercy she might even survive!) but an ability that is only useful if your team already made a mistake gets less useful as the ranks go up.


This. I’ve been arguing that Rez becomes more situational the higher rank you go. Plus Ironically, even with Mercy’s ability to heal thru barriers, she still can’t heal tanks (who are typically the first to go contest the barriers) reliably with her 50hps. :confused:

I’ve been wishing for an alternate E ability for Mercy now that shares the same 30s CD with Rez that she can use when there’s no rez target in range that gives mercy her 60hps back. This way she has a way to buff her healing output plus gets her juggling back and without losing Rez as the devs want, but not at the same time. This wouldn’t even be a real “power buff”, but a “power distribution buff” imo. raises her skill ceiling but not really her skill floor. since it introduces more decision making to do and reintroducing juggling back to her base gameplay

This might even get fight off double shield. Since mercy enables to a degree enables Dive compositions (not as much as lucio), which is arguably the theoretical weakness of Double Shield (since Sigma and Orisa can be overwhelmed at close range, imo). While at the same time, not increasing the viability of double shields since she isn’t an enabling healer for the meta.

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60hps on 30s CD?
sounds like a waste of space tbh
they should just give her 60hps back
she wasn’t OP with it and she needs it to make up for her lack of damage
they can also fix her on fire so she gets on fire for damage boosting

I agree. but so long as CD Rez is still in her kit, it’s going to sap power away from the rest of it. which was the final nerf she received until the devs and most of the community deemed her rework “fine”

Which is currently regulated to her primary, her ult has a bug.

they should really just tie rez to her ultimate and that would fix a majority of the power sap problem

NO im not saying make rez her ultimate
im saying make it so she can only use rez in her ultimate

im aware. the rest of my statement was about even after that bug is fixed, i doubt she’s going to be an answer for double shield meta. since majority of the game is played outside of ultimate usage, and her base gameplay HPS isn’t reliable enough to heal tanks to make their push, imo.

i mean i agree. but the devs seem to not want to do that. im just throwing ideas around

I feel like we should just rework her ultimate. Valkyrie in general is just pretty garbage. For an off-healer, she has the worst ultimate.

I don’t doubt that either, but it just shows that in a meta where she’s suppose to have an edge over Ana, Moira, and Bap-she’s actually not all that effective because the bug is limiting her.

I would like to see those bugs addressed before any real changes occur to her.

Funny enough back when Rez was a huge talking point I suggested they give her some kind of Auto Life ability instead. That she would target an ally and they would survive 1 death for the next 30 seconds or so. Basically give your team mate the ability to not die once, maybe give them some HP back when it triggers.

Funny enough people claimed it would be too strong… yet now we have mortality field that does that in an AoE…


They don’t want to remove Res but they also are insistent on keeping it as a CD ability when it is almost impossible to balance it as such. Honestly, they should just pick a struggle and stick with it.

Ana really isn’t “hard countered” by shields, she’s just hard countered by Winston’s shield, because that’s always placed in her backline. Sigma and Orisa really don’t counter Ana to a terrible degree I feel. Ana isn’t terribly bothered by barriers on the opponent’s frontline, they just don’t concern her.

Pretty true because the only thing you’d need to heal over there might be a dive tank or DPS. Thing is even if there were no barriers Ana is a pretty inconsistent healer in that situation due to body blocking. Any enemy or ally can step into your line of fire and prevent you from healing who you want in the chaos of dive melee.

Half of 6.01 isn’t 3.6. Also she has the 7th highest pickrate in GM and 5th highest overall, stop trying to twist the data to make it look like she’s underpowered when she is one of the most powerful heroes in the game.

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