I'm really enjoying the hog mains on the forum

It is nice to see them, it isn’t usual to have so many, and it makes a nice change.

I know some people get annoyed when they see hog as a team mate, but I really enjoy them.

A good one is a beautiful thing.


MoreHeroes had better see this… :v: :sunglasses:


They are very much one of the people I am thinking of.

It is nice having them around.


I do have a certain mark of pride seeing happy hog mains.

Wasn’t so long ago that this was his state.


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I think most people dont mind hog as a off tank with main tank, esp if they dont go on huge flanks and feed. A good hog inside team is a powerful body gaurd against dive and flanks.

As a Ana nothing is more satisfying than watching your hog hook that reaper or doomfist trying to murder you and rip their heads apart and laugh about it.

True hog mains are actually good tanks who know when to flank and when to bodygaurd and peel for team, do shield busting etc.

The issue is most hogs in ladders are dps trying to play fat dps for q times and they play like morons with little use to team.

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Frankly i dont see why hog cant have 6s hook

He could have it back then when he could hook you through the stratosphere, 5 walls and 17 pillars and always one shot

But now he is unreliable even in the pull


It is the feeding part I don’t like. Flank as much as they want though, the value they get from good hoggy flanks is crazy :slight_smile:


Do you know what I worry about? That people who don’t like Hog will start pushing the idea that his pick rate means he is OP to try to get him nerfed to get from being picked in their game.

People are that petty sometimes.

We know that DPS hog is a thing, but, honestly, if that is the gateway to them playing tanks, then we should should be welcoming them with open arms.

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I always have problem with flanking teammates with any hero unless you are tracer or ball simply what i find is its time consuming the ttk is too high on flanks, the time they take to flank team has to 5v6 and in hogs case its not like a genji or reaper going on flank where its just squishy dps missing its a 600 hp tank that is missing on my team even if he takes out one of their dps or heals by that time if we have been pushed back or lost one now he has to rg which is slow as well as most dont and ends up feeding.

Id love to say that the devs would be smarter than that but i feel they cater to peer pressure a bit too much sometimes

I think I have had better luck with my hoggy friends :slight_smile:

I can see how it would be annoying as hell when it fails over and over again, you are left without protection, and the enemies have unending ults from it.

Yeah, we would ALL love to say that the devs are smarter than that… but, Sombra got that treatment.


isnt this EXACTLY what you say about genji before brig and moira were released???

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You notice how he is changing with the meta?

You notice how Tracer / Genji didn’t at all?

Yeah. it wasn’t that they had a high pick rate DURING dive, like, they SHOULD have a high pick rate then… it was a meta where they should shine, It was that they had a high pick rate regardless of the meta before that. That should not have happened.

Those days are past, but they are past because of Moira / Brig. Which is why they are important hero for the health of the game.

Like, a different path may have been better, and something which lets him duke it out with the supports and get value outside of his ult would have been better, but, hell, something had to be done.

It is a shame it was them, but doesn’t mean that there wasn’t a problem to be fixed.


Not like it matters now does it?

Genji has fallen behind, his current design falls flat outside of an ultbot

Tracer im not sure, part of me hates her, another part of me simply cannot tell like i can with genji

She doesnt seem to have any design flaws on paper, anecdotal evidence points towards her beeing good and overbuff doesnt show her beeing bad either

The only thing id be okay for tracer is increase PB range

From my perspective, Hog is fine. Orisa just needs fixed.


We will see what the changes to barrier are going to be, I mean, she will need to be re-balanced when that hits anyway.

I think they are going to try for some weird stuff first, like, barriers don’t block damage, but knock like 80% of it off anything which goes through them, or something.

Which would be interesting, since barriers would go though something you can’t shoot through, to something you do not want to shoot through, since you will just charge support ults.

(it is unlikely that would be the change, but something on the same weirdness scale)

Well they could go a couple routes.

  1. Orisa MainTank, Sigma OffTank
  2. Oriss MainTank, Sigma MainTank, but they are weak at close range
  3. Some rule that makes DoubleBarrier bad
  4. Maximum 1 BarrierTank per team

Here is my current favorite.


  • Does not block DoubleOffTank.
  • Blocks DoubleBarrier.
  • Buff all BarrierTanks to Reinhardt tier.
  • Get Mei out of the OWL meta.
  • Optional “Dibs Queue” for BarrierTanks.

I don’t like putting more restrictions on the matchmaker while queue times are a problem, but… Mei out of the DPS queue will help in part because she will annoy tank players less :slight_smile:

I mean, this path is an interesting one, since with 3-1-2 it would lay the ground work for the “at most one sniper, one flanker, whatever” which is where it would have to be, unless it just nerfed the hell out of a bunch of the heroes.

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I guess I’ll dig up one of those option #3 ones. One of them was really good.

This was where the block 80% thing was good, because a second one actually made it harder for the supports to get their ults from it, since, it would in essence stop the damage entirely.

Anyway, I think barriers are going to change in a big way, but I don’t know how.