It's official. I also quit Overwatch

Awe. Thanks so much for the nice reply. Here, you should also have a :star:

I really hope it is more than that, but I have very very low expectations at this point.

So… don’t judge me BUT I just downloaded and tried out Team Fortress 2. 1st time trying it out. TF2 was something I was never able to play back in it’s day. I have to say, even a game that old still seems like a lot of fun. (key word: fun)

Keep in mind, I only checked it out for a few matches but it saddens me yet again because in that game you can SEE your team through the walls. Not only that, I was also able to see my teams deployables through walls like Tele Entrance/Exit.

When Sym yells “protect the teleporter” and youre all like “where the heck IS IT?”

I know that Sym stuff is going to be irrelevant soon but… 2+ years we had to deal with that struggle. Ive seen players ask for that countless times here on the forums… dev silence.

TF2 was apparently an inspiration for Overwatch, so I don’t understand how this feature is still missing today.

I didn’t get to fully check out the cosmetics but even TF2 has something else that Ive been asking for, something Paladins ALSO has:

1st person weapon inspection/emotes

I know this might sound contradicting right now because I am the first person to tell you that the game needs less cosmetics at the moment and more focus on other gameplay features/balancing BUT since everyone’s counter argument to that is art people are different from gameplay people, then this is something we should also have.

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