'Fun is subjective'

And I’ve witnessed you do the opposite. So I suppose you both are even?

IsTheMedia has disagreed with me countless times though, rather than agree with everything I say, so there’s the difference in that comparison.

In hindsight though, I don’t call others flat-earthers for one, nor do I consistently try to force my own opinions on others unwanted by borderline stalking them them around the forums and quoting everything they say, just to derail a thread or start a fight. Nor do I try to smear people with falsehoods. In contrast, I try to provide facts and evidence to back up my claims, am open to another’s point of view even if I disagree, and if we come to a disagreement in opinions that aren’t likely to change, I end it as it is, rather than go into an endless loop of oversimplifying everything others say.

So, I believe that anyone who does such actions are bound to not have many “defenders”. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

Thanks :slight_smile:

Every time I hear someone use the term “spectator mode” I wonder if the individual saying so has bothered to really and truly learned how to play any characters, not just Mercy

so much to do, so much one CAN do during the duration of Valkyrie

No spectating if you’re serious about playing well and helping your team win

Another player who is a frequent poster on these forums reserves Valkyrie ONLY for escape, which I think is quite unfortunate - but yet, it also illustrates versatility, even though it isnt in my opinion an optimal use of the power


Original post:

Not actually quoting all of this since I want to avoid bringing other people into this thread, so I’m going to block quote anyone that isn’t us

Part of me was hoping this was going to be another clickbait title
Oh well incoming RevertMercy and Megadodo to waste everyone’s time again

F A C T U A L L Y that’s going to happen!

Obviously making fun of DoDo

That’s kind of unnecessary.

Factually it is though?

Do you think you’re cute?

This is where you started, btw

Want to tell me how that was a bold-faced lie again?


Honestly, Revert, I am so done fighting with you I’m not going to bother.

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I can get where they come from with the gracious beam length, however I really don’t think many good Mercy players just sit up there. The complaints I know of is how “safe” it is to be up there-but there’s no consequence FOR hanging up in the sky box which can feel like it cheapens the ult.

I wouldn’t mind if there was something added to it that would help increase the healing by distant the beam is, something Lumi suggested.

Might help get the “spectator mode” mentality gone.

I read all of this three times and without the context of what the other people were saying it is a bit tough to follow.

It seems to me, from the outside looking in, there is a bunch of “mud slinging” without a whole lot of substance. It may be because I am a third party to the conversation.

This is why I normally just read the Mercy threads and try not to comment too often.

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Um…Weren’t the blushy emoticons enough of a hint of mocking Revert?

I am always confused when someone calls Valk spectator mode as well. It seems like one of the most illogical complaints, to me at least.


I blush to say that personally, I perceive the possibility that these two statements could be implying that I do such things; and as such some clarifications are in order

  1. I have never forced my opinions on others. The use of the term “forcing” (in all its forms) confuses me in the context used in the statement quoted above, given that it is an impossibility for one forum member to force opinions upon another. There is no mind control, no jedi mind tricks, no brainwashing involved. I state my opinions, as the forums rules allow and…to be honest…enables and encourages

  2. while I am by no means infallible, I know of no falsehoods I have stated. I have been accused twice in this thread alone of calling someone a flat earther, and had I done so, I could certainly see where this could well be a stated falsehood, given that I have no idea who here (if anyone) is a flat earther, nor any way to reliably obtain such information. However, since I made no such statement, this wouldnt be a falsehood I have stated.


I think it got popularized on Youtube…visuals and words tends to make things stick even if they really aren’t comparable.

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I get that, it’s why I linked to the original without tagging anyone else. A good portion of the thread was obviously making fun of Dodo, I jsut didn’t want to tag anyone else since IsThisMedia is the only one participating that just called me a liar about participating in said thread.

Considering the context of everything else in the thread, and your responses to others, no. Even so, a simple emoji to hint towards Revert isn’t the same as outright making fun of Dodo, the two don’t even compare.


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By pointing out they say factually all the time? And that Revert uses unnecessary emoticons?

I mean…okay I guess?

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I suppose that would make sense. Because while I do think there’s some fair criticisms to the ability, the “spectator mode” has always been one that has just sort of confused me. Like, you get so much mobility, infinite ammo, range, increased GA distance / speed, etc. I feel like if I ever just sat up in the sky in Valk I’d be fodder for a good sniper.

It is a side effect of 1 possible use for Valkyrie.

On Reinhardt I will shatter a nano-Genji with or without Dragon Blade, Reaper ult, Bastion…anytime, Hammond mines if he placed them in a bad spot for my team. Shatter can be used to function as a team wipe mechanic or anti my team wipe mechanic. Valkyrie as I see it has the same possible function. You can use it to do all the things Megadodo listed, or in some circumstances if the situation permits you get “spectator mode”.

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Even if you feel that way now, you are only saying that because I showed that I obviously wasn’t lying and you 100% participated in making fun of Dodo outwardly, even if a tiny homage to Revert was included at the very tail end.


Keep doing good work haha.

That’s fair, though I think that makes a lot more sense than just nailing down as spectator mode. I actually linked an old thread where I went into some depth about my gripes about Valk which actually touches a lot on what you’re bringing up. Specifically, the ult isn’t really always clear in how it should be used unlike most other ults.

I can’t help how much your statements inspire me to meme in support! I have either a problem or a gift. I don’t know which it is!


I think a lot at first just “hid” up in the sky box because of the gracious beam length. Not really knowing what to do since the BIG portion (ie the chance to get 4 rezzes off) was now no longer a thing.

And a lot of Mercy players for some reason don’t pull out their pistol…when Main Mains/Players like Animetic, Hoshizora, Lumi (not a main but a Mercy player) have pointed out that Mercy SHOULD use it.

:woman_shrugging::man_shrugging: Ok buddy whatever you can’t see how I pointed fun at Revert and I’m just they’re little agree hound. Sure okay yeah.

Yeah. I do think there’s some design issues with the ult being unclear in some areas compared to other various ults in what Valk is actually good for. And you’re totally right, a lot of Mercys are really averse to using their pistol.

To be fair, a lot of players in general seem averse to it for some reason. I’ve gotten yelled at for using it to finish someone off on a few occasions haha.

Hey man, if you’re enjoying it and if I / others are enjoying it, I don’t really see a reason why you should stop! Doesn’t matter if it’s a gift of a problem :stuck_out_tongue: