Mercy's ultimate

Insert the time somebody tried to defend them by using the example of:

“Factually I think blue is the best color.”

And proceeded how it’s not wrong because to them it’s “fact” while to everyone else it’s an opinion.


Y’all are so juvenile it’s unbelievable.

In truth, both of Mercy’s ultimates so far have been fatally flawed.

Thank you! I’ve been saying similar for ages now.

So, it’s alright for people to insult and rage at anyone who wants a positive Mercy experience, or -gods forbid- a return of Mass Rez. But, the minute there’s any retaliation or even any prodding at the Jenga tower of logic, or attempt to offer proof of their current negative experience with Mercy, suddenly they’re toxic, juvenile, and wrong?


Um, no? Making fun of the way someone talks is juvenile. But considering you like fighting with dodo, I doubt you care that people make fun of her either.

Jeff stated clearly some time back that Mercy will not be reverted

The devs described in-game behavior they observed that was connected with mass rez. they did not want this behavior to continue, so to ensure it stopped, they removed mass rez. thankfully.

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So making fun of someone choosing to change their forum name to what they want out of the game is alright, then? Or is it also juvenile? After all it’s totally not alright to vent frustration about someone here, right?

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That’s not exactly what was said, but close enough. They said they were putting chatter of it to rest. Mind, they could suddenly change their minds, but so far things are as they are.

I’m not talking about RevertMercy, in pretty strictly talking about instead of people attacking DoDo’s ideas like they should be, they are choosing to be bratty kids making fun of her vocabulary. That is juvenile.

Don’t get all hot and bothered just because you saw me defending DoDo.

Attack the logic if you must, but you’re pathetic if you just make fun of speech patterns.


You must know Dodo personally or something.


Personally, no, but plenty of interactions on the forum and a general set of morals that deem people pathetic for attacking people instead of their arguments just for fun.

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I do know some other OW players personally, but as far as I know none of these players are on the forums

This post derailed faster than I expected

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And all it took was ad homs instead of actually talking about mercy first lol

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I don’t know what the threshold is for something to be a meme, but I’ve seen at least 6 people on the forums so far use it as a meme. Megadodo is quite well known for arrogantly using the phrase “Factually” to argue a minute detail of someones statement and completely disregard the intended meaning of the post.


There is nothing more deceptive than an obvious bait…

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It was probably satisfying to Get a nano valk team wipe when it first came onto the PTR, that doesn’t mean it was good for the game.

At least change Valkyrie into something, that actually sustains teammate you use it on.

Grouping up is bad idea, if you don’t have the power to deal with ults being used on that group.

Don’t really care, if it sustains by resurrecting them afterwards, or by simply outhealing damage.

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Indeed, I hope so as well. I believe it’s time for a revert. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

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