'Fun is subjective'

Has anyone ever said that on the receiving end of any Ultimate?


I dont have a lot of confidence in the devs, especially after the horrendously bad (imo) Torb rework


its business folks who would be sending out surveys, and I dont think the process would be as simple as indicated in this statement

that said, purely a guess on my part - as is your amusing short play :slight_smile:

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Not I :slight_smile:

Fun maybe not. But there are an awful lot of “I deserved that” which is at least what I imagine Boot meant (but maybe not). But I was pretty mad every time a Mass Rez was pulled off if it wasn’t my team.

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A majority of ults can be avoided or you can survive through. Res was difference because it affected the mercy’s team and not the enemy.

…Transcendence…Sound Barrier…Whatever Bridgette’s Ultimate is called.


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Ya, that one. I was going to say Armor for Christmas, but didn’t.

Sound barrier and transcendence can be waited out as can brigs ult. Sound barrier also gets instantly removed via sombra ult. Trans becomes useless with one ana nade. And brigs ult has been nerfed so hard its useless

Fun is subjective.

The problem for mass Rez was it was subjectively unfun for the majority of the player base.

At the end of the day however it’s not simply that mass Rez was “unfun”. It had an impact on the gameplay and pacing of the match that the devs ultimately decided they didn’t want in their game.

So away it went.

And this is largely why it won’t be coming back, not just “it was unfun”.


And, as we come full circle, before Mercy could use resurrect without risk of death due to being un-killable it was never an issue, or so far removed from being an issue that Blizzard had to “fix” it by adding invuln.


You have to find and kill the mercy before she can res. Sometimes it was easy to find her, other times no. If the mercy had good game sense then she would pick the perfect time during the fight where enough of the enemies were distracted to res.

This also encouraged a hide and seek playstyle which blizzard was very against

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Before invulnerability during rez it was a death sentence to rez your group after they died, no matter where they died. You could have flawless game sense, but you are banking on the other team having none so you could rez everyone who just died.

This was only the case after Mercy got invuln during rez.

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Ok? Doesnt change the fact that it still happened lol

Edit: anywho this is steering off direction with my original post

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It changes the fact that people believe Mercy is good now because when the game came out she could abuse the SR system and “hide & rez” was everywhere.

Blizzard screwed up and Mercy players got taken for a ride. It started when, instead of reverting invuln during rez, Blizzard crafted an entire new kit. Par for the course at Blizzard. They made a change which was only needed in their mind, even though the Mercy players, me included, were against it. Then after their change led to a play style they didn’t want in the game, Blizzard as always never admits they screwed up and simply reverted the original buff. That change, had it happened that way, would have saved a ton of time and effort on Blizzard’s part.

Edit: However it is what the topic has been discussing for the last 100+ posts.


taking as presumed that Dofi is me - quick clarification: while I have used the term “flat earther” to illustrate certain points, such as a fact remains a fact (ie the shape of the earth, in this case) whether proof is or is not presented at the time the fact is stated; I have not called anyone on these forums a flat earther

Mass Rez was unfair.

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Boom! You nailed it. Thanks.

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