Mercy's ultimate

It’s definitely necessary.


We really don’t need it back.

Also, making fun of how someone talks is like the people making fun of the voice of someone in voice chat, which is considered toxic.

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They apparently don’t see it that way. As annoying as it can be, it’s unnecessary.

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Get ready for a :poop: storm as the anti-mercy folks come from under their rocks to throw a fit.

Even when they’re not here just the mention of those two infamous people causes a pointless semantics argument

That’s impressive honestly


Factually you were the one who brought them up :relaxed:

So factually you are the one at fault for this :relaxed:

(Alright I’ll stop…even though that was a bit fun to do)


Factually I do think that. But also thanks for noticing! :kissing_heart:

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Oh trust me, I don’t think you’re cute for making fun of people.

Factually I’m not you have no proof.



Making fun of someone’s specific pronunciation or tone of voice is completely different from making fun of their word choice.

Let me share with you the definition of factually: “with regard to what is actually the case; in relation to fact.”

For months now (I think… it’s starting to feel like years) I have been seeing that word used to introduce unproven statements and opinions, not facts. When someone continues to claim that what they say is fact when the claim is entirely subjective and has no basis beyond their own personal opinion, it tends to skew others’ view of them.

We’ve been over the definition of “factually”. While thinking about what makes it so irritating, consider the word “pretentious” and its meaning.


Insert the time somebody tried to defend them by using the example of:

“Factually I think blue is the best color.”

And proceeded how it’s not wrong because to them it’s “fact” while to everyone else it’s an opinion.


Y’all are so juvenile it’s unbelievable.

In truth, both of Mercy’s ultimates so far have been fatally flawed.

Thank you! I’ve been saying similar for ages now.

So, it’s alright for people to insult and rage at anyone who wants a positive Mercy experience, or -gods forbid- a return of Mass Rez. But, the minute there’s any retaliation or even any prodding at the Jenga tower of logic, or attempt to offer proof of their current negative experience with Mercy, suddenly they’re toxic, juvenile, and wrong?


Um, no? Making fun of the way someone talks is juvenile. But considering you like fighting with dodo, I doubt you care that people make fun of her either.

Jeff stated clearly some time back that Mercy will not be reverted

The devs described in-game behavior they observed that was connected with mass rez. they did not want this behavior to continue, so to ensure it stopped, they removed mass rez. thankfully.

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So making fun of someone choosing to change their forum name to what they want out of the game is alright, then? Or is it also juvenile? After all it’s totally not alright to vent frustration about someone here, right?

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That’s not exactly what was said, but close enough. They said they were putting chatter of it to rest. Mind, they could suddenly change their minds, but so far things are as they are.