'Fun is subjective'

…and wasting opportunities to do a lot of good for your team



I will never not upvote road to eldorado memes.

I need to seriously rewatch that movie. It has been years.

in my experience, when posters refer to Valkyrie is spectator mode, they are almost always saying that this is the ONLY thing that Valkyrie is - not one way to use it (back to versatility again) but the ONLY way

which is silly, and makes me wonder if the person truly bothered to learn how to play the character


Ugh, it’s like the only disney movie not on Netflix rn

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I mean give some consequence to it-or something of that nature. I know Lumi has suggested for her regular kit to have healing being connected to the beam length.

But maybe if that was attributed to Valk people might not just fly straight up into the Sky Box and sit there.

Some say it’s because she’s “a pacisfist” and to others, she can’t do more than one thing so pistoling meant no healing.

I mean…this isn’t TF2 there’s no overheal and if no one needs healing, or boosting at the moment, what’s wrong with using it?

one should practice and learn how a character can be used, watch videos by those who have already done so, etc etc

this also bears on why Mercy isnt remotely the “low skill ceiling” character she is often attributed to be


Oh look, it’s this thread again.

I can’t view that meme, btw - what site is it posted on? or can you paste a link?

-.- it is why Animetic, Lumi, and Hoshi always say they’ll Valk and go after the Widow/Ashe/Pharah. Taking out a threat can open for more opportunities.

(I can really agree with you on the pistolling argument because it doesn’t matter if Mercy’s character in lore is a pacifist, you cannot play like that in game-the gun is there for a reason.)


Oh the Irony. :blush:

The term comes from how the Ultimate essentially does all of these things for Mercy, but yet is still seen by many as having little impact, so much so that the team hardly notices the effects of the Mercy using it.

The ability makes Mercy fly into the skybox, making her almost untouchable to hit, but since she has such little impact on the game, the team in most cases, just tends to ignore her. The result is that it feels almost as if you’re just spectating the fight, without actually being engaged, and the potential of it changing it’s outcome is so subtle, that to many it feels more like a glorified spectator camera than an actual ultimate. :blush:

What’s funny to me, is that people still acknowledge res as being super powerful in-game. I’ve yet to see the someone acknowledge a Mercy player’s Valk, or to go “good Valk!” afterwards. Curious that… :thinking:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

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I suppose in the long run, no matter my disdain for Blizzards ideas, or how they never admit they made a mistake, if it wasn’t for the initial buff to Mercy when they gave her invuln I may never have started tanking.

It worked out in favor of those I play with and 600 hours of Reinhardt later I feel kind of “out of my element” playing other heroes, specifically DPS.

As a tank player it is much harder for me to see the usefulness of Valkyrie, and I mean that in the literal sense as Mercy is normally behind me.

It still burns me to think of what they game may have been like had Blizzard just undone invuln. Imagine a world where GOATS never took hold and Mercy remained viable in all compositions, to include the ones with DD’s in it. Obviously I am theorycrafting as I have no idea what the game would have become, but that is the vision I have from the alternative path.


It’s not ironic. After 10 posts outwardly making fun of Dodo, adding emojis just before they leave the thread doesn’t make the two instances even remotely equivalent.

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Yeah. I mean, my gripes with it overall are fairly minor at this point. I just think adding something or making a small change somehow to make it a bit more clear would overall be better game design for the character.

I wish I knew the answer to this question.

I totally agree. I guess my point was that, from a design perspective, almost every other ult is pretty hm. Obvious? On how to use them. Lucio is great for blocking a bunch of incoming burst damage or saving low health teammates, Zen has similar use for healing through high amounts of damage and going invulnerable, DVA bombs are clearly meant to try and wipe an enemy team (just some examples), etc.

Mercy’s is one of the few where I feel like the distinction on what to do isn’t so clear, which I think is a (relatively) minor design flaw and why I think it’s a “bad” ult. Again, I’m using those terms very loosely. It’s still fun and I still think it’s a lot better than it’s made out to be. And I’m not arguing for any serious changes to it at this point, especially not when there are other heroes I think could use changes a bit more than her.

That’s odd. I’ll try to repost it for you.

h ttps://i.imgflip.com/2zav45.jpg

There’s the link. Normally I would just post the image, but I don’t want to flood the thread with it haha.

I’m sorry, are you making fun of my emoji usage? :thinking:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

I understand, though remain in disagreement about mass rez remaining in the game


Mercy, Ana, Orisa, Zarya, Rein, and Widow are unfun to play against, but it seems you can’t have a meta without at least one of them.

If you use the preformatted text in the second box, or indent with 4 spaces you can post links without linking it. Like this

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Nice. Good to know, thank you!

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Making fun, no, commenting on as I have in other threads, yes. Doesn’t make anything ironic though.