'Fun is subjective'

‘Mass Rez was unfun to play against, so it had to go’



Brig is unfun anywhere but they can’t remove a character so F


It had to go because Blizzard wanted it to go.

They dont need any other reason. They didnt like the playstyle it brought to their game.


if your hero tho is annoying its 100% NOT FUN TO PLAY AGAINST AND THEY SHOULD BE REWORKED


It is subjective, and as Jeff has indicated, community sentiment is one of the factors they look at it in determining mechanics. That being said…

Mass rez was just too good, and too strong to disruptive in their eyes I think to ever exist in OWL. That being said, Mercy needs a slight healing buff, she’s just a liability unless you are very good Mercy now.


Fun is subjective sure, but there’s still a majority opinion on what is fun and you can expect developers to follow that opinion, because… well, that’s basically democracy.

That doesn’t mean that the main reason something was changed or removed is because it was unfun. Specifically for mass rez Blizz said themselves that it promoted a playstyle they hadn’t envisioned for Mercy or really just for this game in general (it’s a PvP shooter, not a stealth game so you should be attacking the enemy, not actively avoiding them).


So, hot take here real quick that is only tangibly related to the topic.

I truly dislike when people immediately dismiss someone’s experience or opinion (with reasonable backing of course) because they stated something that is subjective.

Something being subjective isn’t grounds to throw out an entire argument, it’s something that should be noted but it shouldn’t be the sole thing that ends up throwing everything out the window for a post.

More OT: Yeah, it’s kind of hypocritical. I think there were some legitimate issues with mass rez that probably could have been addressed without a full blown rework, but we’ve already crossed that bridge now.


I agree. If this game was based on how fun is something to play against, then more than half of the cast would be gone. Tbh I really wonder how TF Mei didn’t get a rework at this point. You’d think that a freezing goddess would be pretty unfun to play against. Another one, sombra, which literally stops you from using your abilities. The community is biased tho, and will do anything to remove something like this. And I also agree, that Mas Rez clearly had faults, but I don’t think that mercy players were let down by the rework, but probably because they didn’t try anything else about it. I have always wondered… why didn’t this happen wth the Hanzo/Sym/Torb reworks?(well less with Sym but you get it)

Why didn’t anyone start a #RevertHanzo or #RevertTorb?(tho again, not much you can improve their kits without making them broken in lower tiers). Was it maybe that they got successful reworks or maybe because they were improved a lot better than Mercy? At first sight, yea, it was a success, but you can’t deny that nerfing her multiple times and STILL BEING META-until August or whatever- is NOT a good thing. Look at the other reworks. Sym and Torb only got buffs, and Hanzo was somewhat decent, but it still got him in a better place.

The point is that I am trying to make, is that the team should have tried to come up with different solutions, not a rework right away. In some cases like Sym or Torb, where you just couldn’t buff them because it would get even worse for lower tiers(tho if they are there, they are for a reason), or Hanzo, who was just bad and had only one ability worth his kit, then yeah, I agree, a rework is needed. But for Mercy, personally, they shouldn’t have done her so dirty.


Hey look, another person wilfully ignoring why the mercy rework happened. This is a new and exciting type of post we have never seen before!


And disliking Mercy’s new playstyle or thinking it doesn’t fit her is different and wrong because…?

It’s more like ya’ll are wilfully ignoring my point here. I made this thread to show the hypocrisy in dismissing anti Moth Mercy posts by saying fun is subjective.


Shhh, dont bring up that logic. It’ll make em have to use their brains for once.


Oh, I don’t like Mercy how she is now either. But hey, the lesser of two evils, I guess? :man_shrugging:


And in the same breath you may notice how those same people will claim how they are “open to other opinions” but yet, are committed on telling other people to give up on complaining about wanting it back.

I question this in detail in a previous thread months ago regarding this, Mass Rez Mercy | Interview, Dichotomy & The False Narrative. The amount of hypocrisy is quite startling.

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


I’m honestly amazed and deeply disapointed to see that this is the kind of ‘logic’ that the developpers chose to follow. This is the most outstanding double standart I have ever heard of.

And let’s not even talk about how they have been “reading [the feedback] daily”.


Mass rez was fine to me, But others obviously not. I mean atleast now they’ve toned it down a whole bunch

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After Blizzard screwed up and made her immune to death while casting mass rez.

They didn’t like the play style they created once they made her immune to death while casting mass rez.


This wasn’t the only reason they removed it. Saying so is either extremely short-sighted, or deliberately omitting reasons to suit your desires.

Go watch the dev upate where they discuss the mercy rework. They list several reasons beyond “unfun to play against”


All caused by the moronic decision to make her immune to death while casting mass rez.


Doesn’t matter. Did you go watch it?

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I stopped playing Mercy after they gave her invuln. I knew where it would lead, been playing Blizzard games long enough. That is when I switched to be a full time tank part time support as long as it wasn’t Mercy.

I stopped caring what Blizzard “felt” was good for Mercy after they were

and allowed her the ability to get free large mass resurrections with zero risk involved. Those of us who played Mercy before January of 2017 all new it would be the beginning of the end. You know Blizzard though, never wrong, always right even to the detriment of their own game…cough cough Diablo, WoW, Hots…

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