Stylosa/Jeff Kaplan Interview Part 2 - Competitive Talk, Role Queue, Game Features, etc

Thank you very much for the post/notes, Wyoming!

Very excited to learn that the dev team is aware and working on role q. This has been needed since release, but especially pertinent with GOATS meta. I actually was losing faith in the direction Overwatch had been heading, but now I am confident in the dev team.


Notice that it says the queue time goes up in order to get a fair match in a damage role. The problem isn’t whether there are enough players, but rather whether there are enough players to fill roles in forced 2-2-2. If say 95% of the playerbase just wants to queue as DPS and the other 5% will play Tank or Support, that 95% is gonna have to wait a LONNNNNNGGG time before they get a match because players who will fill tank and support roles are few and most will already be in matches, while Tank and Support players will always automatically find matches because there’s no shortage of DPS players to fill the role. Obviously, having a majority of the playerbase constantly waiting for matches isn’t healthy for the game, so things have to be set up in a way that these wait times are healthier.


I feel role queue punishes players who want to flex. You know, the original appeal of this game was a diverse hero lineup. If I just wanted to play damage heroes all day I would just play csgo. If I wanted to only heal or tank I might as well play an mmo or

There aren’t three classes in this game either. At a minimum, there are main tank, off tank, off healer, main healer, and you can go crazy if you want with the dps heroes. What if your two dps players both play projectile, and the other team has a pharah? Well I can play hitscan, but I queued as tank so I’m not allowed?

On that note, I don’t like playing rein but will happily play zarya or Winston. So when the other tank player locks Winston or Zarya I’m unable to play their natural tank counterpart. Sometimes they will want to play orisa, which is a terrible pairing for someone who only plays zarya and Winston.

I think there are too many situations like this to make a role queue viable. It would only further validate players who simply want to play one single hero (so many genji one tricks e.g.).


It is good that Blizzard isn’t pandering to bad players, but it’s painfully obvious at this point that the dev team doesn’t understand why GOATS is so cancerous. Jeff outright admits that Brig is a weak and overnerfed hero in most lineups, but she’s still picked in every pro match because the parts of her kit that enable GOATS have mostly been left unaddressed.

If Blizzard wants Overwatch to be an esports game, the need to source advice from actual esports professionals is practically unavoidable.

I’m so glad for this interview and I really wish these kinds of things would happen more often. Just so it doesn’t feel like we’re being left in the dark.

That being said, I’m no longer super opposed to Role Queue or forcing 2-2-2. If they could just figure out a way to make it so that dps players don’t have to have astronomical wait times, I really think that this could be good for overwatch. He mentioned that forcing a 2-2-2 would make it easier to balance as well. So perhaps this would mean quicker balance patches?

That being said, I’m not completely sure what the solution could be for long-wait times in a role queue. In others games with tanks, supports and dps roles, dps almost always have to endure very long queue times. Its just the nature of the beast when the majority of your playerbase prefers the damage role…


I have multiple options to solve the queue time issue:

This first one, although it has two queues, may be faster, because the UnlockedQ would have a lot of 3-5DPS compositions.

This is one I came up with today. Although I would still prefer 2Flex-2Tank-2Heal. (Or just call the Flex role “Damage”, but in subscript say that hero selection is unlocked.)

In addition to the above idea (assuming DPS demand is only as big as Tank and Healer picks combined.)

This system may also be useful, it allows you to sermlessly trade roles with someone, without going back to spawn.
✅ [Hero Swap] RoleQueue or RolePick

Could also use an Apex style draft pick, but I feel like that would force you into a third role you might not be good at. But maybe you have it so you only have the two roles you selected with the previous system.
✅[Draft Pick] 2Flex-2Tank-2Heal

So as far as game balance goes, the PTR is just a patch preview and nothing else? The rest of the effort goes into finding bugs?

I agree it has to be used for that, but if they take the time and effort to put balance changes in it, why not take feedback about it seriously? Sure there will be trolls, but if you encourage the players most affected by it (aka pros and maybe streamers) to give feedback, it should be something to be taken seriously.

Isn’t it selfish to want to force others to play in a way that makes YOUR own experiance better, all while ruining their experience.

What’s funny about this interview is that Jeff basically word-for-word said a lot of the things I keep saying in these forms.
It actually surprised me the first time I saw this interview.

Jeff :+1:

They dont lie to the community. They are working on stuff, but it takes time

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But this is our fault.


I think 2-2-2 limits which heroes will actually be played.

The community is disrespectful to one another. That’s the biggest issue.


i think its important to point out that the response was not that 2/2/2 specifically would be easier to balance…it was that restricted comps in general are easier to balance…if they knew exactly how many of each role was going to be in every group it would be easier to balance in general…3/3 comps would also be a lot easier to balance…2/2/2 was just the example given…

its a pro of a restricted role system…he also cited many cons…

I know what we must do.


If he says he’s taking that to his grave, then he will never get one.

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Remember last year stage 1? The last days of Moth meta? During that stage, each team had their own unique setups and personality, and the biggest irony of all is that most of that was enabled by Mercy being OPAF. While Mercy was a must pick in every fight, all the other 5 slots were free of burden, and we had a lot of variety because of that.

Mercy nerfs were needed because she was stupidly OP in all levels, but we can’t deny, seeing history in hindsight, that she enabled the most diverse meta we ever had in OW.


Yes wanting play teambased shooter as a team game is very selfish…

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You can play this game as a team and as a team player regardless of the hero you chose.
Or do you think its fine to bully and force people to play what YOU think they should play in order for them to make your playing time in OW to be more enjoyable?

Meta sheep are the worst. :confused:

No you can’t because then you just have to sit through a game that you know you are likely going to lose with some fake positive attitude because 1 or more people don’t care about a core aspect of the game.

Playing the game it’s meant to be played is not being a meta sheep.

Lets say we are in a Diamond game. There are certain heroes I can play at that level.
Lets say we need a tank. Me being a good sport decides to fill on Rein.
What you dont see or realize is that me filling to a hero I play at a lower level than the rank im playing , is basically throwing or soft throwing.
So even though everyone sees a diamond icon next to my name , the Rein i chose to fill, should have a gold or silver icon next to my name because that is probably the level I play that character.

So it seems like im helping the team , but im not. Im basically throwing. and will make our team lose. No matter if im trying my best.
And the solutions isnt “Just learn and play all 30 heroes at a high level 4Head”

That is nonsense.


You don’t need to play all 30 heroes, to be able to flex effectively you just need to be able to play a main tank, a main support and a damage hero.

No matter how bad you are at Rein, being able to hold up a shield to protect your team and give them a safe way of doing value is going to have some value. All you have to do is not charge in and feed your brains out and most people should be able to tell what feeding is whether they only play 1 hero or multipile.