⭕ [COMP] Instead of Role Queue

Trying to figure an idea to replace role queue for Comp.

So far what I got is this optional Merit Pick system:

Would have it so people can’t pick heroes until everybody loads, or about 20 seconds has passed.

After that, every 1 second, one player is unlocked to be allowed to select a hero.

Then inbetween each round, heroes get repicked, with the higher performing players getting first picks.

Hero Select screen would grey out certain heroes to enforce that teams always have:
2 minimum healers (I.e. 4 players have picked not-healer)
1 minimum Shield Tank (Rein, Orisa, Winston)

As long as the above minimum hero rules are met, players can switch freely during the game.

This alone would be nice, I don’t like the forcing to have two healers, maybe just one?

Well, this is for Comp though.

Comp, you usually want 2 Healers, and since this is an optional queue, it should have higher standards.

Square peg, round hole.