A developer once said, “Ashe is a buff to Mercy.” This is a terrible way of percieving the balance of Mercy. This suggests Mercy is meant to be a damage boost, pocket bot.
This is unhealthy for the hero. Mercy was previously described as the “go to healer for raw healing power” yet you’ve reduced her to nothing more than a pocket, damage boost bot.
She needs a healing buff, with a damage boost nerf to compensate.
Reducing her damage boost from 30% to 20% reduces her synergy with Ashe and Pharah. Pharmercy is already a very oppressive combo, and reducing the damage boost provided will help to eleviate that. With Pharah being buffed on experimental, she won’t need a strong damage boost from Mercy to dish out decent damage.
Note: Ashe can still one shot people with a headshot when given a 20% damage boost. This means Mercy’s synergy with Ashe isn’t affected much outside of amping the dynamite’s damage. This nerf specificly affects the Pharmercy duo.
Reducing the power of damage boost allows the developers to buff Mercy’s healing to 55hps or back to 60hps. It’s okay for Mercy to dish out a ton of healing if she has her utility reduced in compensation.
50hps wasn’t enough at launch, and it isn’t enough now.
Edit: GreyFalcon has an amazing idea that pushes Mercy back into the main healer role.