Yeah we're not getting a mercy buff

Isn’t it obvious enough? I’m 99% sure blizzard saw every comment about her and her current state.

A new experimental mode has been released and yup, they’re not even willing to experiment with her.

I’ve recently been playing Brigitte/zen/ana lately and trying to get good at them, I’ll just accept the fact that my main that I peaked GM at and played for 500+ hours is now a very niche hero and very team reliant.

I suggest other fellow mercy mains to do the same.


Well, they could do this


There’s probably gonna be a support patch on experimental relatively soon. No support changes in this patch means the next may have some. Ana’s pickrate is astonishing, so they’re likely going to nerf her soon.

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In my opinions her Caduceus staff should be untouched. (yes, even the HPS)
Valkyrie and rez is her real problems that should be fixed.


to OP: I personally would very much so love for them to eventually give Mercy a buff or even a rework, and prefer to maintain hope.


She’s not a niche hero (she still excels at support any kind of spread-out comp) but she is very team-reliant and always has been. Actually, she used to be even MORE team-reliant than she is now before her rework and she’s much more flexible now, but yes, still ultimately dependent on whether her team makes the most of her support. There’s nothing wrong with that. I hope everyone takes your advice and accepts it.

April fools?? Hahaha

edit: i just realized

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That’s a niche, a rather at that since 2-2-2. She isn’t even played in dive anymore.

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Despite the wonderful day of fools, I must reinstate that I personally did not intend for my statement to be taken as satire.


Mercy is a tricky hero to ‘balance’ because she is considered an easy-to-use hero with straightforward kits. Buff her alittle in one way and she will overshadow other heroes.

I wouldn’t say that’s any more niche than excelling at supporting grouped-up comps, which is mostly what Moira is good for.

Bunker, deathball, brawl, clockwork, etc. are all grouped up comps. Most comps are “grouped up comps”.

That’s likely the largest majority of comps.

Mercy is Phamercy. That’s it.

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Most popular comps are grouped-up comps but only because they’re more intuitive. The spread-out ones take more effort and coordination and are usually high-risk/high-reward, which is a gamble that even pros often don’t take. I’m alright with it.

Is nobody plays mercy they’ll buff her

I moved to sombra since 50hp/s

Lucio’s been feeling more and more team reliant recently too with the bans and it honestly feels super boring to play, way less carry potential and yet no one says anything about him.

no, i’m good, I like her just fine how she is :woman_shrugging:

I think it’s just the majority of popular comps. People keep saying she only does PharMercy but the stats don’t show that. For example, in GM on PC for the last 6 months (to get the time before hero pools), Mercy was used 5x as often as Pharah and has a 53% winrate (2.46% pick rate vs. Pharah’s 0.46%). Mercy’s being used for something other than Pharah and she’s doing it successfully.

It should be but some people’s stubbornes knows no limit.

She is not a niche hero, she is very good, you people just want her to be the best support in the game by a longshot, which is never going to happen.

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Dodo April fool’s over. What happened to you?

Ngl I’m kind shocked seeing you advocate for a Mercy buff. Nonetheless, I’m very happy