Bastion rework idea

This is from my megathread but I’ve decided to post it as a standalone thread so as to not scare people off with the size of the actual megathread. It has some minor adjustments.

edit: added in recon, self repair, moved sentry from “general” to “sentry”, and changed “general” to “Quality of Life”

Quality of Life
  • make the tank gun golden

  • make the welder golden

Not only does this make sense, considering both Genji’s side arm (short sword) and his dragonblade are golden, it will also look awesome while you’re oneshotting that very Genji with tankmode.

Self Repair
  • reduce or remove the cast delay

  • using it while at full health will not consume his healing resource.

  • allow healing while reconfiguring

This will allow him to be more agressive with his positioning as well as being able to retreat from sentry without it just being a death sentence because he can’t waste his meter on full HP, it activates quicker, and he can use it while reconfiguring. Currently you cannot heal for 1 second while going into sentry and you have to wait during the cast time before you actually start healing. The same goes for going into recon but it’s a bit faster because swapping from sentry to recon is faster.

  • Increase ammo to 30 from 25

  • reduce reload time to 1.5 from 2 seconds.

This will give him a little edge over Soldier with the increased ammo count and having the same reload time without doing anything over the top. Count this with his healing and recon will get quite a lot better.

  • remove ironclad

  • revert spread nerf

  • allow headshots

  • add back bloom

This will allow him to properly counter tanks like Roadhog or Reinhardt because he will be able to kill them faster than they can hook/charge respecivly. Roadhog may still get the hook in but it greatly increases Bastion’s odds of winning. The removal of ironclad is supposed to make pirateship weaker because since 20% damage resist doesn’t add actual health, healing is 20% more efficient. Take away that protection and pocketing efficiency and it becomes easier to kill while also buffing his ability to kill things like he should. Ironclad stacks with the reduction of armor too so this will also prevent that. Bastion will have to play more carefully but will get more out of sentry than he currently does while also shifting the power of pirateship so it’s more easily killed.

Alternate Sentry Change
  • revert spread

  • allow headshots

  • bring back bloom

  • increase recon into sentry reconfiguration time to 1.5 seconds. I might go so far as to say 2 seconds.

IMO this is my favorite change for sentry out of all the ones I have thought of before. It will be slower and much, much more dangerous to set up under fire meaning just halting a Bastion off of a payload can kill pirateship more easily. But, when he does dig in from a safer position, he becomes super dangerous. You don’t want to walk into an entrenched Bastion with this version. He will still keep all of the sentry buffs+reverting but, his transform time gets increased a lot to compensate.

He will truly be a defensive structure because it is more difficult to use while under attack, but when he does get set up, you don’t want to be on the receiving end of his minigun.

It’s like walking around a corner to find yourself against a bunker with a machinegun poking out.

E ability: Tankmode
  • you transform into a weaker tankmode

  • 130 damage per shot

  • “footstep” sound decreased to normal audio instead of the echoing ultimate sound

  • configure time 1 second down from 1.5

  • 5-6 ammo in a clip

  • 2 second reload time

  • no self damage

This will give him some vertical mobility as well as a way of dealing with fast, flighty heroes. It has less damage potential than recon and sentry but has a higher burst with a splash radius. The extra 5 damage is so that if a 200 HP hero doesn’t get more than 10 hp from healing it will 2 shot them with direct hits.

New ultimate: Overclock
  • gives 150 armor in any mode

  • boosts any mode

  • You can change modes during the duration at twice the speed

This will allow rapid switching between modes so you can adapt to the situation at hand vastly increasing his ability to change his specialization in a fight

Overclocked Recon
  • 30% bonus speed (7.1 meters per second)

  • double reload speed

This will double down on the main point of recon, movement while making his gun not suck during his ultimate

Overclocked Sentry
  • immune to CC (like Orisa’s fortify)

  • gains infinite ammo

This will increase his effectiveness as an immovable defensive structure while ulting, much like Torb’s level 3 turret

Overclocked Tankmode
  • damage restored to 205 damage per shot

  • infinite ammo

This will just be old tank so you can still assault with higher burst like normal but you don’t get the damage of sentry like Overclocked Sentry or the mobility of Overclocked Recon


This will allow Bastion to have more flexibility while retaining his specialty. In a fight he can change his strengths and weaknesses at will, re-configuring to what best fits the situation. Each mode has it’s pros and cons:


  • High damage potential. 525 dps, or with headshots, 1050.
  • protected head hitbox


  • Unable to move, making him vulnerable


  • medium damage potential. 160 dps or 320 with headshots
  • accurate


  • big, tall hitbox.

Mini Tank:

  • burst damage
  • splash damage
  • rocket jumping
  • long range capabilities
  • no head hitbox
  • low damage potential. 120 per shot, no headshots, or since he fires 1.11 times per second 133.2 dps over a longer period of time
  • projectile

Thanks to Zirkel for the rework suggestion. I made some adjustments to either clarify or to change some things to be more balanced. (Such as 150 armor instead of 200 and solidified unboosted tankmode’s damage)

If anybody actually wants to read the megathread you can follow this link:
Bastion Megathread On His Current Situation *Bug Fixed!*


Oh please no. As a bastion main ive already gone through this once and he is hard enough to play already

Gone through what once? Basically this adds a minitank, buffs his ultimate to effect all modes, but also reverts sentry so it does what it’s supposed to do.

Basically it’s a buff with sentry reverted. Technically his ultimate would be “reworked” but it only adds to what it can do as it doesn’t actually take away what his ult does now.

I mean bastions old self, where he was less mobile. The changes you are suggesting in my opionion make him too powerful, he’s already really difficult to kill if he’s pocketed and this just completely changes the way bastion is played. He’s well balanced and has several counters. Everything is fine, if it aint broke dont fix it. Those are my two cents.


Fully support this. He’s easy to shut down anyways so. :thinking:

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Well he is broke so we need to fix it :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh and as I’ve said to others, the extra mode would not break him because you cannot use more than one mode at once, adding it will not suddenly break reconmode or something.

A revert to sentry also involves removing ironclad, healing is 20% more efficient on him because healers don’t have to heal any extra HP but he technically has more due to DR. Remove that and pocketing gets a whole lot harder.

How is he broken? How is he not balanced? I’ve shredded with bastion with tracers genjis & junkrats trying to kill me all very annoying heros but if youre good you can kill them, yes he dies quick but that’s the point - if youre in bastions sightline for more than 5 seconds youre dead, these ideas you have are making him a godlike character, more health & a tank mode whenever you want?? Plus 150 extra HP when you ult? Bringing back headshot damage and reducing spread lol!! So what happens if you ult with tank mode with mercy healing you? You are basically an unkillable, uncounterable one shot killing machine, and now while youre in sentry youre more powerful are you kidding me. He’s absolutely fine and giving him this buff is basically just doubling his power. This is coming from a bastion main, i dont know how you play bastion but revoking his nerfs isnt the answer. They were removed for a reason.

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Looking at your profile… you’re as much of a Bastion Main as I am a Moira player. Log a few more hours in.


his 0.58% pickrate is what’s broken and not balanced.

I have over 80 hours as bastion, I don’t know why my profile isn’t showing it but I do

No, in fact it involves giving sentry less health. Or more like less DR so it’s normal.
I don’t think you read any of the stats of any of it. Before you rant, please do. the Tankmode on E would only do 130 damage (130 because it fires slow already so it’ll finish 250 HP in 2 direct hits) per shot and not get 150 armor.

The ultimate would give armor like it used to instead of DR.

What’s annoying is the forum profile doesn’t allow us to see an “over all modes” section :frowning:

My mistake then. I miss the old less confusing forums.

They didn’t show you either XD

Only the ingame profile shows over all modes.

People are afraid to pick him because people don’t know how to play him, most people just shift in one spot and hold down left click and switch characters when a junkrat 2 shots them- but once you learn how to use recon & become more mobile you’re definitely a good character that can make a difference. Also you’re just saying he’s unbalanced but not giving me a reason. I gave you several. Please elaborate.

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I’d be satisfied with tighter spread and headshots back. I’d at least have the ability to fend off ranged heroes like I use to.

As i have stated in other threads, i personally have over 500 hours put into this game, Over 100 of those being on Bastion.

And i would And have More Confidently pick Widowmaker in Competitive, Faster than i would Ever pick Bastion without a Six stack of Friend all on coms, And mostly only on Junkertown.

-ChibiFox :fox_face:
Bastion is Broken.-

That’s your opinion - I got to diamond today just with bastion and when I get back on my pc tomorrow I’ll upload footage of my bastion gameplay and you can see how viable he is when used correctly

Reason 1: Almost everybody counters him. It doesn’t matter how good you are, they are still more powerful than him

Reason 2: Others do his job better. The only thing he does best is killing barriers. Killing tanks is another matter because he will be focused harder than someone like a Junkrat
Soldier does his recon job better too

Reason 3: his pickrate is absurdly low because of the above 2 reasons. I have statistics, you have anecdotal evidence. There’s a reason his stats are so low.


If I had a nickel for all the single ulting done to me as Bastion. I’d have enough money to re-ignite the omnic crisis.

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