Bastion rework idea

You know what I changed my mind okay this is a great idea why am I complaining I main bastion he’s my first pick every game yeah buff him please and I’ll finally get to grandmaster

Oh you can force any hero into higher ranks. I bet if you mained someone like Tracer or Soldier you would have had an easier time climbing. I’ve been told several times that maining Bastion is holding back my rank. Someone suggested I abandon Bastion for Zarya and that I would climb. Although I do a pretty good Zarya, I have a video of me getting 7 gravs in one game (the same one where someone told me to play Zarya)

- YouTube

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I mean honestly, playing Bastion is like playing as a big red Target. Players shouldn’t go so confidently after you as much as they do. Every flower has to show its thorns. Unfortunately the old lady got a little to happy with the shears.


I wouldn’t mind Bastion being the first hero removed from the game. Problem solved :blush:

i’m actually very conflicted with this idea, i myself would of been happy with just a recon buff and a slight repair increase. his damage is high enough and his sentry DR is already enough to stop a entire ult or doomfist combo. Its just hes in a weird middle ground of good/bad spot. if theres anything i hate about him its his ult reload animation cancel

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I mean, that’s not Exactly “Advertising

Ya should be good, bud.
I post vids on here sometimes, And i at least Hope It hasn’t been seen as Advertising…

They fixed his ultimate bug if that’s what you meant.

This thread is getting me charged up to go into detail about why I think some changes should be made. I did one on the old forum so I figure i’d put one here too.


I did read it I swear it says overclocked bastion has infinite ammo and same damage, when he’s not in ult mode he does half the damage which is still pretty dang powerful if you ask me. But hey that’s okay keep it up

Well, it’s actually worse than Junkrat’s grenades in damage. Junk does 120 per shot but fires 1.66 times per second for a much higher dps while Bastion tank does 1.11 per second.

For some reason I’m picturing phara effect damage in tank mode. though reduced damage if its not a direct hit. Phara gets too much fun with that splash.


I would be Strangely ok with that.

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Nope nope nope… I like the concept, but the numbers are inconsistent.

You provide him a major buff i.e Versatility, without any serious drawback.

Secondly, you get that this ultimate guarantees a wipe combined with Nanoboost, if Bastion has good tracking, right? Even Transcendence cannot heal that nanoed sentry and it is literally unstopable (450 total hp, with 50% dmg reduction (i.e. 900 effective hp) and unable to be CCed).

Thirdly, Bastion will be utter crap without Iron Clad. Bastion doesn’t have just a big model, he has a HUGE model with linear movement. He will never survive against a proper widow. What the repercussions would be? Bastion will be available only if the whole team is built around him. It doesn’t differ now, but he is not OP even if the team is built around him.

Does he need any drawbacks? Last time they gave us drawbacks it absolutely sucked and made him worse than before.

and anyways it involves removing ironclad so there’s your drawback.

So you agree that it would be a serious drawback and also I’m pretty sure that’s not true. Sentry would be able to finally do its job in a shorter time frame meaning he doesn’t have to be in sentry as long.

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This is Kinda Why i’m in the “Basic Sentry Revert” Camp.

But ya know, It could go Either way.

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Night has been responding awhile, I’m afraid of what’s coming now :worried:

As I explained, removing Iron Clad becomes a drawback when you play him in a random composition.

Iron Clad rarely saves you from any tactic against Pirate ship…You cannot survive a Pulse, you cannot survive a Mei wall climb and so on. So, in the case of pirate ship, it just make it more difficult to destroy it because Bastion can jump off anytime as tank to protect himself. After all, without Iron Clad only a flanking widow with a full charged headshot can one shot you, which is not an easy task at all against pirate ship. If you cannot be one shotted, then it’s not a big enough “nerf”.

Bastion is the only non tank hero who cannot be insta killed. If you really want to make him a versatile pick, then he should be more vulnerable. This is just my opinion…

Also, Bastion cannot be too versatile because it is against the idea of “defensive” hero. Defense heroes act proactively by denying specific areas according to their positioning. Positioning is the most crucial attribute to play a defensive hero effectively. Giving him too much versatility, will defeat his purpose in game.

So, what kind of rework I would propose according to your ideas:

  • “E: Tank Mode” long cool down ability with limited time.
  • Retain Iron Clad
  • Remove Ulti charge from healing
  • “Q: Overclock”
    a. Sentry: Remove Spread, Increase dmg on Shields
    b. Recon: Remove headshot, Increase dmg against heroes 10%
    c. Tank Mode: As it is in your “E”, +20% damage, +20% reduced damage
    Passive gains:
    a. +20% healing received (including self repair)
    b. Reduce 50% cast times
    c. Instant Self heal 150 hp

My idea is not that balanced either, but it can be tuned…

I didn’t read the thread yet, but Bastion not getting any buffs if pros struggle with Bastion. It’s the truth, I rather see other bug fixes for him and others.

Yes because Bastion is very difficult to play, and nobody can aim with him…

You can’t anyways.

It takes the same amount of time to transform as recon and even if he gets away that means he’s not doing pirateship anymore. They are now less organized.

Junkrat doesn’t need to oneshot and neither does Reaper considering Junkrat is Junkrat and Bastion won’t double dip with ironclad and armor at the same time so Reaper will be more powerful.

Which is it then? Is he crap or is he not without ironclad?

Scatter. And as I said, you don’t need to oneshot him, heroes can kill him fast enough without ironclad.

removing ironclad does make him more vulnerable

Blizzard has basically given up on “defense heroes”. There are a few that kind of have to be like Torb and IDK why Sym isn’t one but they’re stuck defenders for obvious reasons, but by trying to force Bastion into recon they’re pushing him more into an offense role even though he sucks at it.

As for the rework you mentioned, isn’t it a bit more convoluted? The tankmode thing, are you assuming it retains 205 damage per shot because if it’s on a cooldown and is temporary it has to be powerful. As an actual mode it would be about average in power.

The pros need to stop it for once. The only Bastion I know of that plays anywhere near those people is Kolorblind. If they’re losing to a Bastion as a Tracer/, they need some help.

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