Bastion's Inconsistent Self-Root

A ziplock bag with a tube made of straws will do nicely.

Who do you think I am? A broke college student? broke and out of likes… ouch…

Night ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

i said balance wise hes average, along with mcree pharah, reaper, and ana. pick rate he low like sombra. now sombra is good but people hate playing her. and if you have a choice to pick genji or tracer over sombra. they are going to leave sombra in the dust because people want to frag out while sombra is like a support dps hybrid. and remember when people were calling her op and her pick rate only went up by like 1%. then that had to nerf her. so pick rate doesn’t mean everything. people will still pick there favorite hero even tho they are trash. like me i like ana and ill pick ana even tho shes insta death in most games at master GM level.

rework is to change abilities, buffs is to keep abilities and make them better

hanzo got a rework and lost scatter arrow. sym got a rework and lost her armor packs.

How can you compare Bastion with McCree and Phara?

also, all of the F tier heroes have a low pickrate therefore I can extrapolate that the hero with the lowest pickrate in the entire game has that pickrate for a reason. based on current trends, pickrate is directly effected by a heroes viability.

Bastion got a rework and they didn’t delete anything. Argument, destroyed.

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I hadn’t understood… now I Understand that? :thinking:

I need sleep.

I’ll help fix the Robot friend Tomorrow… :sleepy:

Man, you are really set in your ideas, huh? You’ve misinterpreted what I’ve suggested and have convinced yourself that I’m malicious, so anything I say is wrong.

I mentioned Flashbangs because you suggested here:

That it could take him out of Sentry Mode with these changes (it still couldn’t).

Here is what I’m suggesting, in as plain of language as I can possibly muster:

While in Sentry Form, Bastion has the effects of Orisa’s Fortify (except the damage resistance) as long as he isn’t stunned/Hacked. In addition, he cannot be forced out of Sentry Mode. Forced movement of any kind, regardless of its source, would be unable to move Bastion at all unless it was coupled with a stun.

He wouldn’t become a “pinball”. Nobody could move him unless he gets stunned.

Requiring two people to outplay Bastion is a buff from his current state because right now, it only takes one person to do so. If you’re in a defensive setup, the team can just walk forward 5 feet to protect you after you get booped while you continue to output damage.

Get off your righteous high horse and read what I’ve posted. I want Bastion to be virtually immune to CC and forced movement while also keeping his damage resist when he’s at his most vulnerable. That’s the intention of these changes. If you get Hooked, Ironclad just resisted a bunch of damage, then you can press Shift and walk away if you’re so inclined.

While it may help with dive comp, this doesn’t solve any problems. It just puts him into a similar boat to Brigitte where besides 1 or 2 heroes, he wouldn’t have a hard counter and would make him insanely powerful at low levels where communication is lacking and game sense isn’t entirely there.

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I agree, it is very hard to deal with a hero that is never played.

sombra isnt F tier tho. shes good and is used in OWL. why would they use a F tier hero in OWL.
based on current trends, pickrate is directly affected by how fun a hero is to play.

as i said, rework is to change abilities while buff is to keep it the same and make them better ( number values )

they made it so he can move and heal at the same time and gave him a resource bar. they changed how the ability worked

you see him where you expect to see him. overtime pushes, junkertown. everyone has been in a game where a bastion went to at least to second point on junker town with ease. some may even have gotten full rolled in junker town without stopping it.

look at sombra, shes hard to deal with yet shes hardly picked. in master GM games shes a pain. its in the same way as a charged zarya is hard to deal with.

I have not seen a single bastion in… 50+ games now.

His hard counters would (still) be Junkrat, Sombra, Pharah, Widowmaker, and Hanzo, with a multitude of soft counters. Heroes that can outrange him while dealing good damage to barriers, or in Sombra’s case, make him incredibly vulnerable to followup from the team and remove his team’s ability to protect him, would still be good against him.

Bastion has always stomped the lower tiers because of a lack of communication. He was “OP” at launch, but quickly became a joke once people figured out the basics.

She’s not F-tier. But the inconsistencies of hack + the need for team communication for her to work means that she can easily be rendered worthless by her own team. She’s way too risky at the lower levels to be considered anything above C-tier.

Doesn’t change the fact that every single F tier hero is still at the bottom of the pile. It is effected by how fun a hero is but you’re making it sound like a conspiracy that out of the hundreds of thousands/millions of players, 90% of them all refuse to play one hero. Guess what, he’s also generally considered underpowered already. That’s why people complain when you pick Bastion.

only on offense, on defense people dont really complain. they start to complain after you lose the point and ask you to switch. like how people will complain to a sym or torb after you lose the point.

you got to put into the fact that only 2 slots are for dps when there are 14 dps heros ( 15 if you count sym ) and bastion requires a certain hero’s to play with him to be good and seeing how people like to 1 trick and tank mains are dying out, its hard. people say they cant play rein or winston. people say they cant even play mercy. if there was less one tricking you will prob see him more but there are tons of tracer/genji mains. and soldier being the safe pick hurts his chances too.

but if he does get a buff, prob a rework of his ult, a different one or his ult should do double damage to shields because a shield can block half of that time hes in ult making it kinda bad. plus some quality of life buffs.

but we need to see how he works in this incoming tank meta that’s going to form. might even see bastion more.

Oh they do. Trust me as someone who mains Bastion. There are groups that are fine with it but I’ve met too many people against it.

Bastion rework idea This thread has a rework idea.

I had 2 ideas for a sentry rework

rework 1: it reverts sentry including removing ironclad

rework 2: it reverts sentry but increases the transform time from recon into sentry to 1.5 seconds or even maybe 2 seconds. Now it’s a true defender ability. Hard and slow to set up, but once he is set up you don’t want to 1v1 him. This also increases the potency of abilities that turn off sentry by about 2X.

It also would give him tankmode on E but it has 5 ammo the reload is 2 seconds and it does 120 damage.

His ult is basically Mercy’s it buffs whatever mode he’s in and allows a faster swap speed. Tankmode becomes regular tankmode, sentry gets CC immunity, and recon moves a little faster, and if he kept IC it would give 35% during ult.

Who has the 4th lowest winrate.

Who’s pickrate sits just above the F-tier heros only by a little.

Who recently got buffed for being F-tier.

Who wasn’t gutted like Bastion was, who is only 10 damage below where she used to be back in TT meta.

Bastion was completely changed and then gutted. Not to mention he’s been like that for a year and a half.

And there’s the “DPS are savages cuz they only want to kill” excuse. I really don’t have the mental capacity to take you serious after saying that, but I’ll keep going because it’s pretty obvious that you don’t know what your talking about.

because they made hack uncounterable. I recall the same “OP” accusations when Junk got his dual mine and ult buff.

You’re right, but it’s a good indication of well said hero is compared to other heros. Otherwise by your logic Mei, Sym, Hanzo, Sombra, and all the other F-tier heros wouldn’t have been touched since pickrate doesn’t matter.

But it does to an extent, which that extent is how well they perform in an average match. Pharah is mostly a per-map pick in higher levels, assuming she gets ran in the first place. Bastion is only good on 1 point of 1 map. That’s a problem.

I guarantee that if your main, Ana, could only be used on 1 point of 1 map, you’d be complaining about her. Only difference between her and Bastion was that Bastion’s nerfs came after his rework, which was suppose to fix him but ended up gutting him out of pure panic.

That doesn’t mean everyone plays their favorite hero. As much as I like Pharah, why else do I play Junkrat, Bastion, Zen, Lucio, etc?

And don’t say it’s because they’re all my favorites because they aren’t. That’s a ballsy accusation that you have no proof for.

And with Bastion you get harassed for picking a troll hero. The EXACT same reason behind Syms, Torbs, or oter OTs being banned falsely and harassed.

But the Bastion community, mind you it’s small but it does exist, has gone into hiding because the shear mention of Bastion riddles their bones with fears like it does yours.

Don’t kid yourself, you’re in Diamond just like me. Low Diamond, so at the very max you’ll get a few masters.

No, you are. All I see are pure nerfs that solve nothing.

His sentry mode is not his strongest aspect. You wouldn’t know that because you’re just an outsider looking in and thinks that it’s the equivalent to a nuke, which is far from the truth.

No you’ve made it clear as day. You want to keep Bastion in sentry mode because CC needs to be more consistent against him, all while unnecessary tradeoffs that futher hurt him rather than help him (like getting hacked and becoming a pinball).

That’s the BS I’m fending off.




Read what you wrote above.

That makes him a pinball. Stun him, them boop him wherever you want because I hate Bastion and want him nerfed. This sure as hell isn’t a buff like you think it is.

If it’s NEITHER, then it a flat out rework of which he doesn’t need. His current state in sentry in regards to CC is not unfun, and it’s not game breaking.

2 people can already shoot at him and kill him. Are you blind? Oh wait, you don’t play Bastion so you wouldn’t know.

Thus you want to turn Sentry into a discount fortify that can be outplayed, turning him into a pinball, and then preach like it’s the mother of all ideas and it’ll somehow make him strong, which is won’t btw.

I have. Several time.

Get off YOUR high horse and go rack up a few more hours of Bastion, IN COMP, then come back and tell me I don’t know what I’m talking about…

Matchups vs. CC:

McCree - Virtually instantaneous stun, impossible to capitalize on for a combo. No real change from live.

Sombra - Hack has a long duration, but Sombra already counters Bastion. He would have damage resist and 525 DPS to fight her with rather than no resist and 160 DPS. On live, he’s not going to get up and walk out of her range once Hacked, but with Sentry Mode active, she has zero chance to out-trade him. Opens up combos with forced movement, but those combos still work on live. Change.

Brigitte - Short-duration, she could maybe bash him and Whip Shot him if she gets too close, but she’ll just get mowed down at that point. Slight nerf.

Doomfist - He could punch Bastion around, but is incapable of one-shotting him. A slight nerf, and Doomfist isn’t really played all that much to begin with.

Mei - Freezing Bastion is difficult as it is, but doing so might allow the team to capitalize on moving him around. Same solution as Brigitte, though. Just murder her. Slight nerf.

Ana - Putting him to Sleep takes him out of Sentry Mode on live, meaning he can still get pushed around after getting slept. Any subsequent focus would get partially mitigated by Ironclad. Slight buff.

Reinhardt - Charge and Earthshatter would both leave Bastion in Sentry Mode, meaning he survives Charge with more health and is tankier while immobilized by Earthshatter. Buff, and a pretty substantial one. Reinhardt can’t immediately swing/Firestrike after pinning, so Bastion as a good second to shred Rein. If Rein takes any damage at all from Bastion’s team, he dies.

Roadhog - He could always Hook Bastion out of position. This change means he has more HP after getting Hooked. Buff.

Zarya - Grav would do literally nothing to Bastion. Buff.

Orisa - Halt would do literally nothing to Bastion. Buff.

Notice how all of Bastion’s matchups versus tanks get significantly better. He’s supposed to be a tank buster, and with these changes, tanks wouldn’t have as much power to kill him. Knocking Bastion around might happen more often, but allowing Bastion to keep his damage resist and damage output when he would normally lose it is a big deal. You can always Transform after the CC and walk away, but taking less damage when the enemy is trying to focus you is a good thing.

its not the fact that they want to kill stuff, cuz bastion can do that. its the fact that you can get highlights. a bastion highlight compared to a genji one. then mobility is also a factor since people want to be fast and move. if you think it doesnt play an impact you can ask just about anyone. that’s why the mobility heroes are super popular even before dive.
and using sombra, her ult wins games but you rely on your team alot and on solo Q, a dps player rather not trust their team and rely on their skills.

if they make pharah even worst than she is now, you will still play her. sure you can play other heros but if you like a hero a lot, which popular ones like mercy, genji, tracer dva. are always going to be played alot. you see the mercy threads that say she sucks and needs a buff and her new ult sucks but yet she’s still one of the most played heroes.

i think thats just a low rank thing. when i play people are ok with whatever hero most of the time but once they see its not working thats when they ask you to swtich and things get toxic
but ill agree low rank is super toxic but if its on defense which bastion is not that bad of a pick, along with torb or sym. then no one really says anything.

when i play rank i dont care who plays what. as long as it works im all good, but if its been a couple of pushes and nothing is happening or we get rolled. its obvious something is not working and switching needs to happen.

decay. i just dont have the time to play rank that much so i decay alot but it still puts me in master games and a win gives me about 80 sr. and if i do get in a diamond game, it’s super easy to carry as a tank and end up with 4 golds.
plus i play with my friend who is just a silver and ends up liking bastion alot. hes new to the game but already know bastion on offense on 2 cp is hard to win.


It equates to 60 HP, which is worthless. But you don’t play him so you wouldn’t know that.

  • If every bullet hits a target (barrier).
  • If the enemy is up close to where his spread is most lethal.

both of which do not make his DPS worthwhile against squishy heros.

The very least he can do is pepper her to deny hack, but with her hack speed buff the window to react has gone down a lot.


Nope. Doubt you’ve ever 1v1ed a Brig.

Her 600 HP shield won’t get shredded until shes within bash range, and now you want to make her whip knock him back.

Thus making him a pinball.

See where I’m pulling that term from now? No? Lets keep going…

No. He’s an immobile target. Literally the easist thing to track in the game with Mei’s freeze.

Easier said than done, espeically for someone who have near-nonexistant playtime on him.

Chances are it’s a sleep-snipe, where the ‘booping’ wouldn’t happen unless the enemy pushes off that sleep dart. Moot point, since Bastion shouldn’t be flanking, and should be behind his team in the first place.

Not for long.

65 health instead of 5 is just an insult to any rein’s intelligence to use firestrike to finish him off over a hammer swing.

No actually he can, he just has warmup animations on both abilities. It’s just that 1 does 100 (80 cuz IC) over one that does 75 (60 cuz IC).

Not a second longer than he already has.

No, because you’re ignoring the context of the ‘team’ situation.

Bastion could win a 1v1 against Hog anyways, assuming he can dual Hog in recon correctly after getting hooked. He just had to beat the Hog follow-up shot.

However in a live game, chances are if he’s hooked, he’s at the very lest, out of positon. That makes it easier for the enemy to kill him. You’ve just turned him into a sitting duck with 60 extra HP for the enemy to focus fire. Then, if he chooses to reposition he has to wait a second to transform into recon.

This is where my point of you upplaying sentry/ironclad is. 60 HP is more than 0, but the abilities in this game make that 60 HP look like nothing. Especially when you factor in Bastion’s damage got nerfed in exchange for that moot 60 HP.

Not a buff.

Which the context of the buff is that he can’t be pulled off the payload anymore.

OH, but unless he’s stunned.


Then why are you nerfing his CC? It’s clearly not a problem, you’re just trying to make it seem like one.

No it will.

Bastion, the in-game version of pinball. ALL because Gaze said he can counter tanks slightly more than he already can. Get over yourself, this does jack to Bastion except nerf the worst hero in the game even more.

No, because you’re uppaying his “less damage” like it’s the difference between life and death; which is’t not. It’s pure death, because Bastion can’t kill anything for that 60 HP to be useful. Then this only makes pirate ship seem stronger because Mercy has 60 more HP to pocket on him. Therefore he’s weaker if he’s not being pocketed.

Now, as a final wrap-up, lets look at how many times you mention Buff/Nerf:

In other words, nerf.

No change.

Buff, by the grace of god Bastion is pocketed from the second he gets charged at full health, but even then Rein’s firestrike doesn’t take a Nasa launch duration to pull off.

I’ll give you earthshatter.

Buff in the context of a 1v1, not in an actual team-game scenario. No change.

No change

Only because he can’t get pulled off the payload.

In total, that’s 4 nerfs, 2 buffs, and 3 unchanges.

Literally a straight nerf.

Oh, and that’s not factoring in how Pharah, Lucio, and the rest of the CC crew screws him over.

This. Is. A. Nerf. Not. A. Buff.

As I said before, go play Bastion in comp because I’ve already seen what happens when idiots think they know how to play and further buff Bastion. It leads to him being OP or stupidly worse than he already is.

Until then, I’m done listening. I’ll reply to every one that posts her, except you and a few certain others it seems, to warn them that this is the worst possible “buff” in the history of nerfs.