Why can't Doomfist knock Bastion out of turret mode? (Even being able to move him instead)

I don’t know how anyone could argue this point.

so uh who here thinks we should have a greek hero? :]

Us- “Hey devs! We kinda have been suffering under the horrible side effects of your rework to Mercy for the last couple of months and we as a community are dropping like flies as we can’t STAND playing her but need to in order to win… You mind toning her down?”

Blizz- “Sorry, what was that? I was too busy watching OWL and this McCree player.”

Us at the same time- “Yo, this Hanzo skin is whack. Why’s his hair GREY!? It was black in the comics!”

Blizz- “We’ll fix it as soon as we can!”

with swords and they erase armor!

YESSSSSSSsssssssssss. :]

Bastion is situational but if you build a team composition around him (such as pirate ship) he can be the core of a huge powerhouse play. Just because he’s not viable ALL the time doesn’t mean he’s not good. He’s certainly seen MUCH more League use than Doomfist.

He’s not viable unless it’s pirateship and that’s basically it.

Only in pirateship though right?

Patroclus have you seen Troy: fall of a city on Netflix yet?

To be fair, it’s still a viable Comp. (Have you made a post on how you’d make Bastion more viable? I feel like you may have…)

I think Doomfist is almost at a good balance though.

Yes I have made some.
Bastion rework idea
Bastion Megathread On His Current Situation *Bug Fixed!*
Overwatch Forums (this one is on the old forums)
Bastion is being forgotten - #305 by Terranguard-11978 (this one is not by me but it has 1107 posts)

There’s also this one but it’s not my favorite idea out of the ones I’ve come up with.
What if Bastion were like the Heavy from TF2?

It’s his most common application but the idea of the defense catagory is that the heroes in said catagory are SUPPOSED to be situational. So while you can’t use Bastion in every comp or on every map, when you are able to use him and your team work around him, he cleans up. Same with any other hero from the defense catagory (barring Junkrat who seems to have a lot more flexibility in his usage).

A defense hero in the correct situation is able to dominate and control an area. attack heroes are more viable in multiple conditions but they can’t often achieve the level of area control defense heroes are capable of, not without ultimates. You can’t argue that a hero isn’t strong under all circumstances when he dominates in the situations he IS strong in.

Make no mistake, Bastion is strong, severely underrated, and probably has a lot more viable applications than what people are giving him credit for.

Bastion need his shield back like in the beta, but with low hp like the shield of baguette.

sorry for the previous delete I accidentally hit post too early so I deleted it to finish up the comment.

No I’m pretty sure last I checked the definition of defense wasn’t situational. Niche is just an excuse to leave a hero bad.

He doesn’t work on basically every map in almost every comp

That requires the co-operation of your 5 other teamates on specific maps against specific enemies. That is a horrible reason to nerf Bastion.

Not really. You can still counter pirateship if you do it properly but people tend to not work together enough to do so.

Yeah I can because he is bad in all circumstances but the one and btw if the one situation he works in requires 5 teamates to pocket him to death then Bastion is not being good in that situation it’s his 5 teamates.

He is nowhere near as strong as you’re trying to make him sound. He is a bit under rated but so are all F tier heroes.

They literally said this in one of the developer updates talking about balance…

I never said he did…

God forbid a team based game requires actual teamwork!

I mean the strategy was effective enough to be used in OWL over and over again, and I’m fairly certain those teams are going to coordinate better than anyone…

Refer to previous point. Also many of the situations he counters are outside of meta right now. It’s not to say you don’t still see them, but he’s also arguably the most effective counter to shield stacking and very effective against Deathball since he eats through high HP pools at a range.

And again, defense heroes are map specific. That’s literally how they’ve been described by the developers. They’re supposed to be effective in certain environments. Take Junkrat for example. You’re not going to take him into an open space where long range hitscan have big sightlines, you’re going to play him in narrow hallways and chokes where you can easily spam out the enemy or shield pressure them since the splash lets you get higher burst potential. The same way you’re not going to play Widowmaker in an enclosed area of a map where there’s very little travel time between you and the main objective and no raised areas, you’re going to play her in areas you can get huge sightlines on the enemy.

As for Bastion, you’re going to play him in easily defensible positions where the enemy is forced to expose themselves to you in order to deal with you, however he has the option of using the environment or using ally shields for this. It just so happens that stacking with buffs just makes him more effective. You wouldn’t get nearly as far with the pirate ship strat if you switched out Bastion for Hanzo and gave him the same buffs.

So you’re saying he’s just out of the meta because the things he counters are? Does that mean the things he counters have never been in the meta to begin with :thinking:

The only time he was truly good was with 35% ironclad which was then nerfed. I agree it was too much but it could have been easily avoided if they didn’t touch sentry and he would have been good.

which requires sitting still for about 8 seconds to eat through Rein’s barrier then both of Orisa’s. You will probably be dead by then.

I have not. havent even heard of it. Let me just look it up real quick!

it’s much more accurate to the story than most adaptations

Reinhart can charge bastion out of Turret Mode.
Doomfist Rocket Punch and Reins Charge cancel each other out.
Rocket Punch does NOT knock Bastion out of Turret Mode.


Maybe Bastion SHOULDN’T be a Doomfist counter?

Who actually plays bastion anymore? maybe 1/15 games have a bastion if that, and if they are playing bastion cutos to them for playing THE least played character according to overbuff. all he needs is one more hero that can counter him, and all doomfist is one more hero that can’t counter him. It’s hilarious how split that community is on doomfist. At the higher tiers you’ll see doomfists absolutely dominating and is clear he needs a nerf, but at the lower tier he is frustrating and hard to play and seems to need a buff.

Allow me to clarify.

Bastion still counters Rein as he shreds the shield up in turrett mode.
But if the Rein can get a charge on him Rein deserves that kill.

Doomfist has much more mobility to sneak up on a bastion so I’m guessing THIS is the reason why he can’t… OCD just says that he should be able to knock him out of turret mode.

I’m actually fine if Bastion counters DF (I don’t play either hero) The logic or lack there of is what confuses me.