Bastion becomes a Support

If I could change Bastion tomorrow, this is still the Damage role direction I’d go: Bastion Rework Idea
Basically, lean into his true niche as a transformation hero and give him tank mode as an ability.

That aside though, I was thinking… what if Bastion was a support?

I mean, Blizzard introduced this hero who used to be one of many deadly robots but suddenly woke up with a whole new direction in life - one that apparently cares for fragile creatures like Ganymede.

It seems like it would be almost poetic for Bastion to want to be different (and so far its story seems to be going in that direction) and not obliterate everything in its way. Trying to grow past its ptsd by eventually making friends with Ganymede and Torbjorn and learning to support its allies instead.

I know a lot of people want to see Bastion become an actual “tank” but what could Bastion look like as a support? Story wise, do you feel like this is a better fit for the character?

Quick idea:


  • Primary - Similar to live (number changes, probably)
  • Secondary - Care Packages (use Torb’s old armor packs - Bastion can leave them on the floor for allies or toss these new and improved packs at them for projectile healing)
  • E - Scout (Bastion whistles and his bird swoops around him in a wide aoe, revealing enemies nearby (to Bastion). Buff fire-rate of allies if an enemy is detected
  • Shift - Transform


  • Primary - Similar to live (lower DPS in some way; possibly increase spread after firing for a couple seconds to weaken DPS)
  • Secondary - Vents healing around Bastion, giving aoe heals to allies nearby
  • E - Scout
  • Shift - Transform


  • I feel like the focus should be on Bastion getting the ability to speed up and possibly leave things like a trail of healing for allies to run through and get continuous heals.

  • Besides that, I feel like some form of utility would be better than just pure healing. Currently I am not sure what that could be, though…

Does Bastion feel like they’d make a good support, if Blizz decided to go that route? Do you think Torbjorn would push Bastion in this direction after meeting up since Torb kind of doesn’t like killer robots? :joy:

(have to include the video, of course!)


Wow this is so creative that I actually love it

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It sounds crazy at first but it’s creative and nice.

But Bastions mains are going to complain because it’s ruining his identity.

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I kind of like this TBH.

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I like this idea! It’s really unique, which is always great to see.

And considering bastions non existent playerbase, I think he could afford a few big changes.

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