Solider 76 Support

Some people don’t like the way Bap has to switch between fire modes and would rather have a Zen or Lucio type support that has simple to dispense healing, with the weapon focussed on doing damage.

Currently, our Zen and Lucio type supports are limited to Brig and, um, Zen and Lucio. That’s it. If you want to play a hitscan version, you’re out of luck.

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Nah, Soldier does not need a rework.


I wouldn’t mind both to be honest!

I can understand a personal preference on maybe not liking burst weaps. O.o dunno tho my bap does both burst, nade, burst, nade. Just because you can get in that nade between bursts because of burst timing. Just adding to damage overall not aiming for headshots and can reliably a decent portion of the time hit my team mates directly or at least near. ( personally gotta work on elevation and drop times on uneven terrain fights)

So at least to me I can do both and his weap doesn’t seem useless if your teams already healed and set up. So initially can be uses as a straight up burst rifle until you need yo start healing. Which I’d suggest trying burst nade firing. Just aim for chunky things or the ground and move your aim up while bursting, and down a bit to nade near your team’s general location at their feet.

Like I said I’d rather another new support than just shifting old stuff around. A new hitscan one would be more appreciated. But the whole weapon being for dmg means all heals need to be skills. Which means there is no sustained way of constantly healing. As you are then bound by CD times instead of tracking ammo or just passively doing it.

People like bap have a higher skill ceiling in a sense because you have to master all of his aspects to feel impactful. Zen is fire and forget but has low healing factor as a result.(Other than trans which justifies him as a decent healer)

Brig is hulk mini smash combined with here have a cookie, Lucio is listening to music and generally being a troll just booping away. These characters have more potential than that but are just how to put it “simple”. They require you to keep track of less things. Things that have good value require you to get better at them in order to use it to its full potential.

I think they thematically feel different, Also they arn’t one to one. You take soldier for rapid fire shooting damage and forward movement. Bap comes with more upwards mobility, the ever strong immortality field and an ult that buffs team-mates instead of solo. Similar but different.

Maybe you wouldnt, but there is no reason to turn a dps hero from 6 yrs ago that plays just fine, into a totally different hero. All the other heroes with big reworks or changed to another role had a reason for it.

Lol nope, just add more support heroes.

Harmony might have low HPS in terms of raw output but it’s still valuable healing because of its reliability. As a Bap, I love having a Zen alongside me because he can easily heal that Tracer, that Genji, that Echo or that Pharah. Ability healing doesn’t need to be constrained by CDs, Zen is already proof of that.

I don’t seriously believe that 76 should shift roles, but I fully understand why people want a Support:76 and don’t find Bap satisfactory.

Soldier could become a support (well, anyone can) but I would hope they simply rework his kit instead of just tacking healing onto his moves.

Support Soldier (in my head) would ideally reflect his ‘leadership qualities’ and be able to mark allies like Zen/Paladin’s Corvus at range or something new like Octavia’s global team buffs/life rip. Something that enables allies without really needing to pocket them.

That aside, I think Bastion is the best candidate for a support swap and I’m bummed it didn’t happen! Would have been a stellar character arc haha.

Blizzard introduced this hero who used to be one of many deadly robots but suddenly woke up with a whole new direction in life - one that apparently cares for fragile creatures like Ganymede.

It seems like it would be almost poetic for Bastion to want to be different (and so far its story seems to be going in that direction) and not obliterate everything in its way. Trying to grow past its ptsd by eventually making friends with Ganymede and Torbjorn and learning to support its allies instead.

I know a lot of people want to see Bastion become an actual “tank” but what could Bastion look like as a support? Story wise, do you feel like this is a better fit for the character?

Bold of you to assume we’re gonna get new supports.

In my opinion Soldier shouldn’t be a support, but it is always fun when you get to play combat medic with him.

Not assuming at all, blizz b4 said that each role is getting new heroes.

That’s true theme wise they are different. But it kinda has to be that way.

If they were the same in most aspects it wouldn’t be a different character. But taking main heals into consideration bap is his bio nades and your trying to do the same with helix rocket. Basically turning it into a stronger 3 charge nade with a CD instead of a reload. Which mechanically is worse. His biotic field and baps regen burst both are area of effect. If soldier wasn’t able to run and bap jump mobility wise they are identical. Having imo/Amp matrix, and tac visor allow them to be diffently played. (I mean soldier would have more but um runs a skill so ummmmmm yeah used helix already)

I’m all for something new, but to me the suggested change will play similarly besides movement/skills that are required to have a distinction between characters.

I mean I’d rather have a human monk with ties to zen who has a constantly burning incense pot as his means of healing which could have a skill to add a temp attack boost. Secondary fire or a skill could be judgement bolts which are hitscan beams of light. Allowing his primary to be a staff to defend himself. I’d laugh to see a sombra get bonked by a staff just for his voice line to be “patience is the key to victory” or “bonk” to counter her boop line.

But umm that’s if I’m getting creative since I just made that up. :S

Did they say each role is getting more than 1? Because I wouldn’t be surprised if dps gets a few, and tank/support get 1 each.

this is why doom becoming tank was a trash idea, because now ideas are going to be pushed ravenously to take characters out of the dps role.

Wow first sentence in and I already hate it

I don’t want to lose any dps to support. I play every dps in the game in ranked pretty much. Love Sym on Lijiang

Don’t forget Echo. She’s the prime candidate

I already said this in your thread, but I can’t agree with role switching Echo being a good idea at the moment.

It may be a shame that she was an unnecessary DPS addition, but she works and is fun, there’s simply no rework justification there.

Role reworks can be a productive way of balancing the rosters when a hero already needs a major rework. But when the hero is doing fine, it’s a waste of resources to rework them and is just going to unnecessarily anger all the people who play them. The devs time is much better spent on the heroes who actually need their help and on making new ones.

I personally feel that would be a really weird and outlandish change. Soldier has never presented himself as a support in any manner. If you look at the cinematic animation where he tears into local thugs, he doesn’t carry the ‘support’ air to him. His voice lines ‘bring the noise, bring the ruckus’, ‘I’m an army of one’, all of it. It just doesn’t feel right for that IMO.