Seems if you put a language warning in the title, you get more views.

She is fine as a DPS but they don’t know how to do it. Bring her old balls back and make them able to pierce again and lower her ult CD since it will be a lot more useful with one less tank.


As long as healing isn’t forced into her kit, I’ll continue to main sym :relieved:

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I feel like they know, but the ability to commit is not there.

I hate Symmetra, specifically her turrets. They’re so obnoxious. Here’s a random idea, what if she could place mirrors that her primary and secondary fire would reflect off of? I mean, I think it’s a cool idea, but not necessarily a good idea.

So basically you want to turn her into Caesar from JoJo?

I think NotMuda would be pleased somehow.

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Unfortunately, the worst hero of OW2 is Mercy… with the killing they have done to her in this new beta they have succeeded.

Throwback haha

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Yeah she’s terrible . She’s good for nothing. Her build abilities are outdated in such a fast paced game .

Funny thing is that D.Va and Bastion have a new interaction where D.Va actually suggests that Ganymede be used to recon the area.

Ok, so I have easily double the hours as Sym in OW1 as any other hero. I love her. Yeah yeah, y’all hate the turrets because they distract you. That’s the point. It’s the 4th resource, attention. Ignore them at your peril. And strategic placement of them is a fine art. Her ability to eat shields is also solid. A good counter for double shield-tank setups (although they only have single tanks now, which I think also needs to be corrected). The charged shot was useful almost as a bombardment at a distance a la Junkrat. And the teleporter is useful either as a way to access better positioning for overwatch (see what I did there?) or as a way to speed up players’ return to the action after respawn. And Blizz has ruined just about all of these except (sorry) the turrets.

-Less tanks means less shields so no more charging up her primary weapon. Ok, I guess, but it definitely makes her a less useful counter.

-The secondary, charged shot now flies extremely fast across the battlefield. It’s harder to dodge, sure, but the trade off was that slower movement actually INCREASES the chance to hit someone with it. She’s not a sniper so she doesn’t need a super fast projectile. It’s basically a really slow rate of firing normal shot which erodes the utility of it as a long-range way to put the heat on the other team. It’s hard to hit anything with it now, and it takes too long to charge between shots making it almost useless.

-Why, exactly does her teleporter despawn after 15 seconds? This makes absolutely no sense to me. It basically means only she ever gets to use it so why not just give her an instant teleportation? I’m not advocating that, but it would make more sense as a mechanic.

-Her turrets are largely untouched, which is good, because without them it’s nearly impossible to do any damage. Telling that the only thing they got right was the one thing they didn’t change.

I know her history and Blizz’s difficulty finding her place. But I had managed a pretty solid play style with her as she currently is in OW1. Nothing better than getting up in a Rein’s face while you eat up his shield, making your beam damage go up while filling the ammo, and then melting him when it breaks. Bombarding the enemy team to keep the heat on them with her charge was useful, but more fun was getting the perfect shot with your charged projectile and being a “Sym sniper” It’s almost impossible now with the size and speed adjustments they’ve made. The teleporter changes are totally inscrutable. Do they just hate her?

I honestly enjoyed the experimental play when she was support. It was cool triangulating your turrets to heal up your team/keep the enemy on guard looking for them. I’d much prefer that to this build. Right now, if you pick Sym in OW2, it would be more appropriate for someone from the dev team to come to your house and just slap you in the face. I’m kidding. I know it’s a beta. And I’m saying all this because I love you Blizz (and I lenjoy playing Sym) and I want you both to be better. =)

Email me, blizz. I have ideas. And seems like you could use a few. :wink:

Didn’t they already slap Sym fans in the face with these meaty changes?

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They said they would

But no meat found

(Not getting enough sleep this morning)

I mean, this is my first ever board post so hopefully they appreciate that I held my fire until this. And yes, until they work it out, there will be more puns. >.<

Perhaps they were referring to the size of the sausage being applied to Sym’s kit.

And she still does more damage than Doomfist lmao

Some thoughts for Sym support mechanics from someone who loves to play her:

-Turrets- I liked the idea when presented a while back in experimental. Having them heal nearby allies and still damage/debuff enemies was fun. The AI should be tweaked to be sure it targets allies first, prioritizing those with the lowest HP, and having them only change targets every 2-4 seconds could make it effective.

-Primary fire (beam)- This could be modified to emit some AoE healing when dealing damage similar to Brig, but maybe have it emanate from the point of contact with an enemy or shield rather than Sym herself. This could be a cool new mechanic. Keeping the existing shield drain and possibly providing some kind of increased amount or range to the healing when used against shields is another option.

-Secondary fire (charged)- This could also be modified to be more in line with support roles. The projectile itself could impart some healing or even temporary shields to allies it passes through. It could be capped at a certain amount per ally, and drain the projectile’s total charge. For example, say it has 100 points of potential “energy” at full charge. Each ally it hits could receive a max of 25hp (or temp shields) until the projectile is either depleted or it hits an enemy or object. So a shot at full 100 charge passes through 2 allies, giving them each 25 healing, and then the remaining 50 would be applied to any enemy hero it hits. It would need to be balanced and that could mean healing drains more (or less) of the energy pool than when damaging.

-Teleporter- This could provide some kind of continuous AoE healing to heroes in range. It would make it useful in matches where mobility is more important than gaining a strategic location. Or it could make her even more effective at zone control.

-Ultimate (shield wall)- While this is not a bad ult as is, some additional support focused mechanics might help if it’s going to have to compete with Moira or Mercy who can put out a lot of HP with their ults. So for example it could also impart some kind of temporary shielding or heals to allies who pass through at the expense of the total shield energy. This would make it useful in situations where there isn’t an enemy ultimate it can be used to counter.

I’ve always seen Symmetra as an energy manipulation hero. These are some ways to use that and her existing mechanics affecting shields to be a more cohesive style of play as either the master of shielding, both for allies and against enemies, or a way to turn her energy-based abilities and devices into HP for the team.

Pretty sure we just got a worse version of vegetarian meat.

We even lost weight. (When we needed to gain some.)

With the new 5v5 mode Sym probably should be reworked back to a Support hero. Shield spam was an OW1 thing with double tanks. But it’s irrelevant in OW2 and the devs probably realised it hence the test change to her primary fire. And the way I see it, OW2 is all about anti-heals. As such Sym rework should be some form of counter to that, while keeping her as a builder hero.

Some concept ideas - a combination of mine and others that I found that could work - I’ll leave out the exact numbers as that can be tweaked for balance.

Photon Projector
Primary Fire - Beam does the same kind of damage as before, that amps up overtime.

Alt Fire - Same charged projectile orb, but gives temporary shields to allies on hit. This could make a good counter to anti heals but not op as it decays overtime, requires aim and timing, and only affects one hero at a time. The amount of shields given could also be based on the time of charging as well.

Both primary and alt fire uses the same ammo pool.

Healing Light - Team players standing near Symmetra and her constructs heal over time (Similar to that of the payload heal). Increased heal rate when Sym or her turrets are damaging enemy. This heal rate can also be amped up according to the damage sym is dealing as well.

Turret - same as before but probably with more health and regen over time.

Teleporter - have 2 modes Sym can toggle between, Instant or Build modes.
Instant TP - Sym immediately teleports to the target location while building the TP.
Build TP - Same as original. Sym stays behind while building TP.
With this, it gives options for Sym to how the team wants to initiate or disengage from fights. While giving her a good escape mobility.

  • Devs should also add in a auto TP toggle in the main controls, so players can choose to automatically use sym tp when walking over it.

New Ultimate - Shield Generator
Symmetra builds a generator within a range similar to her teleporter. Generator give allies shields over time, and boosts Symmetra’s abilities (faster charging rate and/or unlimited ammo) and turrets within the aoe as well. Generator lasts for a limited period of time.

TDLR - The whole idea is that sym is a mid-close range support hero, that’s a mix of lucio and brig. She provides small burst shields to allies to keep them alive at critical moments, while passively slowly heals from damage dealt either via her primary or constructs. But her key support skill should be her TP which allows her and her allies to quickly reposition to engage or disengage.

Looks like we might have to wait till August.

If anything going to happen at all.

Devs might be on vacation and just don’t know