Make an experimental patch yourself

She can have damage and a knock back increase. The best of both.

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It’s the most fun part of her kit by far and adds a ton of skill ceiling to her. She can be like doomfist of tanks. There’s a lot of spots I found with a 50% knockback increase!

Damn now you’re making me want to buff hog and cassidy… ;_;

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You know what is crazy, Yourself.

Ha ha ha… Get it? But seriously, ever since I left for Dead by Daylight, I learned a different skill set, and you know what is wack? I have been getting charge as Zarya. Genuinely so much of it. I have no idea how I all of a sudden got gud, or maybe it was a fluke twice. I need to keep playing her a bit to see if DbD magically taught me good Zarya play somehow.

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Am I hearing that another zarya main is being born? :eyes:

Mei is now frozone

Bastion - basically make his ult his sentry form and his ult is now helicopter ac3000

Ashe - slight range buff 10/15% 30 to 35

Soldier- reload nerf and/or helix to 7 seconds

Genji - dragon blade dmg from 110 to 115

Zarya- alt fire from 25 to 20 and 0 charge from 75 to 80 or quicker reload as it feels so slow

Dva - call mech dmg from 250 to 185 increase the range back to what it was before last nerf

Torb- shotgun ammo consumption from 3 to 2 but nerf ammo from 18 to 16 increase primary fire projectile speed by 20%

Hanzo- now has mei projectile speed 110 to 115 … storm arrow firerate from .25 to .3

Junkrat - deleted

Echo - beam length increased from 16 to 18, dmg when below 50% from 200 to 150, dmg when above 50 from 50 to 65/70 (make it more consistent but less peak)

Pharah - increased rocket speed by 20%, reduce explosion radius by 15ish%

Sombra- reloads passively invis and tighter spread by 10%

Winston- Tesla cannon dmg from 60 to 65 and jump pack dmg whilst Ulting now does 45 and increase melee dmg by 5/10 but decrease duration from 10 to 8/ (basically give winny the tank version of dragon blade)

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As much as I love the whole roster of characters, I wouldn’t mind OW2 reworking every single one all at once for some cohesive new direction. Some of these are rework ideas and others are more like “design direction” goals.

Support Patch

  • Ana: Sniper Healer. Nade does 0 Damage/Heal on impact but keeps Anti/Boost mechanic. Passively enters stealth while not moving for a period. Flickers out of it while moving. Heal scales with distance (Further = Greater).
  • Baptiste: No Regenerative Burst. All healing tied to his gun. Easy dive target; good on bunker team. Scanner ability on shift that tags an enemy – enemy dying gives him fire-rate buff for a while.
  • Brigitte: Support that weakens burst attacks. Buffs allies with armor protection against a number of hits. Rapid fire weapons and fire attacks strip armor faster. Short dash before throwing Whipshot. Whipshot stuns instead of KB. No more shield bash but hitting an enemy with Mace (or blocking attacks) gives her 1/3 charges. When she “shield bashes”, she raises her shield and pulses out an aoe burst that pushes enemies and heals nearby allies (KB and heal scales with her charges)
  • Lucio: All about speed. Soundwave knockback is weaker than Brig’s but he leaves a slow effect on the enemy as they get knocked away (like lowered gravity). Has the same heal aoe but no more Amp it up. Throws his boombox/backpack like Baptiste’s lamp instead. It mimics the song he is playing in a fixed aoe. Effect can stack with Lucio himself.
  • Mercy: Resurrect changed to “Sacrifice”. At mid-range, Mercy can swap between her and a dead ally, reviving them where she is and killing herself. Dying this way doesn’t show a kill cam; Instead, ghost Mercy can float around and spectate for several seconds before respawning. Ultimate changed to “Resurrect”. Mercy revives herself after death with temporary health regen, improved healing, flight and a strong/long beam instead of projectile caduceus blaster. If reviving from ghost mode, she spawns wherever she is floating, otherwise she’ll revive at her dead body. Guardian Angel without a target boosts her upwards a bit, like an angled Pharah boost.
  • Moira: Close Ranged main support. All about keeping her nearby allies alive. Orb can be stopped in mid-air. Fade affects nearby allies. No longer boosts speed but does refill ammo if applicable. (basically wraithforms the team). Coalescence pushes enemies – weaker push than Hog.
  • Zenyatta: Killing Discorded target gives Zen an extra orb on attacks for a while. It looks almost like an aftereffect. Charging his orbs would naturally give him an extra one for each in the volley.

Damage Patch

  • Ashe: Mid-Long range hero. I like her current kit. She should be treated as a lower damage sniper. Decent escape and abilities at the cost of damage. Her reload should make her weak to dives.
  • Cassidy: Mid-range skirmisher. Strong anti-flank. Large model = weak to ranged units. Roll cooldown halved but no longer refills gun. High Noon slows him the same way but no more auto-aim. Highnoon shot does 150+ damage (ramps up) depending on how long he holds it - Cassidy has to aim and fire it himself one at a time until duration or cancelled. (Skull icon still shows you who would die when shot)
  • Echo: Not sure what to change on her - she feels fine as she is.
  • Genji: Bring back his “Poison/dot” from beta. Change it a bit. Genji replaces Right-click with an attack that “weakens” enemies (similar range/throw as Cassidy stun – like spirit caltrops). His attacks do increased damage to weakened enemies (it’s like he learned his own version of Discord from Zenyatta).
  • Hanzo: Tank buster/zoning Damage. Mid-range. I like storm arrows but I’d like to test blaze arrows that create a streak of fire from where it impacts. Does significant damage to any that stays in it, zones tanks, less effective against some flankers but could force them away if placed correctly.
  • Junkrat: Combine Junkrat’s trap with Torbjorn’s beta trap. The Junk trap extends a short distance and latches onto a nearby target (maybe junk could trigger it?). The target can only move in that small aoe until the trap breaks. It’ll break faster if the enemy tries to pull away from it but doing it that way does extra damage. Enemies being able to A/D strafe makes it slightly harder on Junk to finish them off.
  • Pharah: L-Ctrl allows her to dive straight down. Pharah should be all about aerial combat. I love Knockbacks but remove her E and replace it with a timed explosive – like a weaker Dynamite without the burn. Scale her base damage if necessary since she’ll have more air control.
  • Reaper: Wraithform can be used in any direction. Teleport works like Translocator – Reaper places it first and then teleports back to it. He should wraith around cover, lurking out of the shadows to get picks before turning a corner and disappearing like a true assassin.
  • Soldier 76: Less of a generalist. Ultimate no longer auto-aims but it does increased damage on body hits (either crit damage on body or something inbetween). Lower/Balance his power between his base damage or heals if needed.
  • Sombra: I’ll try the proposed OW2 changes.
  • Symmetra: Make a new design for her old janky teleporter. It should work smoothly as an ability – Sym gets a reduced cooldown when destroying it herself. Increase projectile speed and damage on small orbs and simplify the damage ratio between tiniest > biggest orb (I still cannot find specific numbers on the wiki - just eyeballing it atm). Orbs now travel through teleporter. More importantly, Sentries lose their slow. Instead, it blocks movement abilities on mostly mobile heroes. Genji/Tracer dash, Lucio wallride, Cassidy roll, etc. It doesn’t slow heroes so the goal is to weaken mobility without further weakening slow heroes. The list is curated for balance reasons so certain things like Rein’s charge or WB’s hook probably wouldn’t be affected.
  • Torbjorn: His bullets have the same armor stripping bonus that his ult gives. Good counter to experimental Brig’s team.
  • Tracer: I’d leave her as is – balance her against the rest of the roster and see if experimental Sym is a decent counter.
  • Widowmaker: Probably leave her as is… Armor rework would help counter her.

Tank Patch

  • DVA: Pilot and MEKA DVA should both feel like heroes. Otherwise, there’s no point in not just sending her straight to spawn. Pilot DVA gets a high cooldown ability that “bubbles” an enemy, blocking their attacks from the inside (reverse zarya bubble). Call Mech does reduced damage, has a delay before summoning and shows a visual indicator, similar to Doomfist’s current ult – When it lands, it stuns enemies within its radius.
  • Orisa: Bunker tank. Orisa should be locking down an area and maintaining it. More than anyone, she should be designed to hold a choke. Moderately faster movement speed while going forward. Halt has a longer range but delayed activation. Ultimate changed – drops drums that emit a golden beam, giving Fortify’s effects to your allies.
  • Reinhardt: OW2 changes sound alright. He should feel more brawly rather than like a wall.
  • Roadhog: Take a breather changes. Off cooldown, Roadhog emits damage reduction for his team – when he uses Take a Breather, he gets the healing/DR like normal but it cancels his aoe. The idea is that he is accidentally supporting his team from the leaky fumes out of his device – every time he selfishly uses it on himself, the team loses the aoe. This would make Hog more like the body guard he is. The Enemy would want to force Hog to use his Breather, taking away the defense boost he provided them. It also puts Hog in the same position as Ana, weighing whether to use his ability on himself or save it for the team.
  • Sigma: Remove Barrier. Sigma can now levitate naturally. His orbs go further after bouncing off of a surface. Accretion changes – Sigma marks an aoe on the ground, absorbing projectiles fired across this space. After its duration ends, it builds a breakable wall in the center out of the bullets (like Icewall).
  • Winston: OW2 ranged beam. Or change Barrier a bit - enemies cannot move in/out of it until it is destroyed.
  • Wreckingball: Ult change - Mines slowly float towards nearest enemy (deadly for anyone caught in the middle of it). Should be the most mobile tank.
  • Zarya: If Winston doesn’t get his ranged beam – replace Zarya’s right click mortar attack with a charged range attack. Closest thing to “sniper tank” as we will probably get. Each charged shot reduces her power level by 20; this means Zarya can’t spam a fully charged shot since it has diminishing returns (and makes it harder for Zarya to steamroll). Balance her bubbles accordingly.

Role Swapped Patch

  • Bastion/Support: OW2 changes seem interesting but I still like my Bastion becomes a Support idea haha
  • Doomfist/Tank: Change his posture/silhouette to look more confident and striking rather than the squatting flank DPS pose. Doomfist gets a Block and loses Uppercut. Rocket Punch can be used vertically now. Slam knocks enemies upwards but also creates a wall at the end of its range. Doom can RP enemies into this wall for extra damage or leave it to block attacks.
  • Mei/Tank: “Builder off-Tank”. Snowball receives improvements and becomes much larger – Snowball floats behind Mei until she places it in a location, slowing enemies in its aoe. Cryo either gives Mei the OW2 cryo-snowball pve version or it makes Snowball emit an Ice shell to either trap enemies or protect allies in its aoe. No more ice spike on right click (how she targets Snowball,s location) nor slow on left click but left click now obscures enemy HUD a bit with a frost effect.

I’d like to see an experimental patch where barriers absorb a percentage of incoming damage rather than blocking it 100%. I feel this is a better solution to double shield than simply removing a tank slot from each team. DPS aren’t getting frustrated by shooting at brick walls all day, tanks can have their barrier HP increased, supports are still getting ult charge from healing incoming damage.

i already make that like ages ago give it a check Redesign overwatch with workshop {Code: 6ZZCJ

Literally the most reasonable Exc, wym flaming?

should i put this as a new custom exc for the forums or sum

i’m doing it

Fat buffs to all tanks with no compensation nerfs. Fat nerfs to McCree, Soldier (admit it, he’s overtuned), Hanzo and Tracer. Mild nerfs to Ana (50% heal reduction instead of 100%, heal and damage effect are now over 3 seconds and are lowered to 30; rifle fire rate decreased by 30%), small nerfs to Bap (like Lamp cd starting when it is destroyed, not deployed), reverts to Brig, Moira and Lucio (armor from RP, M2 size for Moira, speed boost back to something like 40% etc).

Won’t be ready “by tomorrow”, but sufficient enough to hold the playerbase from leaving. At least due to tank buffs.

Malxer’s 5v5 PvP Update

1. Tanks

New passive: “HEAVYWEIGHT”. Tanks no longer suffer from CC (besides the enemy tank) and can’t get booped, meaning if for example, Lúcio gets a 5 man boop, the tank won’t move, or fly 30 metres up in the air by Junk mines. Tanks also have a 15 % damage resistance. Ult generation is restored to normal to make the game more fast-paced. Hog still can feed ult.

  • Rein: Pin damage 250. Firestrike charges: 2, 80 damage. Shield nerfed. Earthshatter bhop tech given back.

  • Monke: Everything they’ve done for OW2, Primal rage now doesn’t make him move slightly slower when using melee.

  • Ball: Any kind of overhealth doesn’t apply to him (Lucio beat, Brig rally), he instead keeps his shields. Grapple cooldown on respawn removed.

  • Zarya: Damage on lower energy increased. Bubble cooldown reduced. New passive: Superjump, when using right click to boost herself she can jump even higher than before.

  • Dva: DM 14 metres, 3.5 seconds. Boosters cooldown 3 secs. Micro missiles speed increased from 40 mps to 60. Baby Dva generates 10 % passive ult charge every second, preventing staggering for more than 10 secs.

  • Hog: No changes.

  • Sigma: He can “descend” slowly if he holds space, like Mercy, but way faster. Shield nerfed. Kinetic grasp duration 3 secs, can be canceled. Accretion direct damage reduced to 50 from 70, movement speed penalty reduced from 75% to 50%

  • Orisa: New passive: Gallop, if she chains jump after jump her speed increases up to 30%, the speed buff will stay for 3 seconds after the last jump and will slowly drain to normal speed if no bhops are done. Fortify removed because of the new tank passive. Shield buffed. Projectile speed increased. She can also jump slighlty higher.

  • Doom: No idea.

2. Supports

Supports new passive: “Battle medic”. When an ally dies, Support’s healing is slightly increased until the ally respawns. They keep the Mercy passive too. This makes up for longer fights when an ally dies so if your tank or really anyone dies, you can kind of keep up fighting until this person comes back, so the enemy team can’t just win so easily because of “focus the tank and deathball” on the 5v5 scenario

  • Ana sleep CAN affect tanks, BUT it will only last 3 seconds. Anti nade nerfed to 75%

  • Brig no idea on how to balance this hero without making her OP

  • Mercy when she ults she can rez every 5 seconds, making her ult way more impactful.

  • Bap splash healing nerfed. Shift removed. Immo field I’m sorry but if the damage doesn’t gets lowered we need this ability.

  • Lucio speed boost amp speed increased slightly

  • Moira no idea she needs some kind of buff

  • Zen nerf the bloody discord, whe he ults he can cleanse effects like anti nade and dynamite, he can also levitate slighlty on ult while pressing space to prevent silly deaths.

3. DPS

New passive: “Lethal shots” Critical damage (headshots) is increased for all DPS heroes. They keep the speed buff. This makes it so DPS are even more powerful in this DPS Watch meta, but at least they are more powerful for having good aim and not just by existing.

  • Hanzo storm arrow nerfed and arrow hitbox reworked

  • Cass right click nerfed or added a cooldown / flash removed

  • Echo beam nerfed, stickies no longer take up 80 % of the screen like it’s Mario kart

  • Ashe scope damage buffed

  • Soldier healing station buffed

  • Tracer falloff nerfed, blinks take 0.05 secs longer to “refill”

  • Bastion: OW2 changes look interesting, but I’d keep his Ult: Tank and buff it somehow. It’s more fun than being a CoD nuke while standing still. You can keep the new ult for PvE.

  • Sombra NERF NERF NERF Hack no longer provides wallhack. Duration of damage boost on the hacked traget reduced to 4 seconds from 8, hack cooldown increased to 5 seconds. She can keep her hack while on stealth. Stealth speed boost BUFFED. EMP damage nerfed to 30% from 40% current health. Since tanks lose the ult buff for preventing ult generation, Sombra’s ult generation is nerfed slightly too.

  • Reaper: Shadow step speed increased, Wraith form speed increased, Damage increased, this hero NEEDS BUFFS, ANYTHING REALLY

  • Junkrat Trap stays the same, we can shoot it, it’s one of the most fair CC abilities in the game, I don’t understand the OW2 nerf to this ability and the net buff to tank busting this hero had on a recent ExC, I’d rather keep him as he actually is.

  • Mei same as Junk, I don’t mind getting freezed so much because that means the Mei has to rush to you and risk herself, only thing I’d change is make her freeze take more time to freeze on tanks.

  • Pharah: No idea how to balance her for 5v5

  • Torb: No changes he’s actually very strong

  • Symm: People will hate me, but I’d make her more DPSy. Added a Portal gun like on Splitgate / Portal. Turrets no longer slow down but deal more damage. Ult’s shield HP nerfed so it can be destroyed by a lot of focus fire.

  • Gengu: I think he’s balanced right now perfectly

  • Widow: Tough one, she’s annoying but idk. I think she’s actually “balanced” because she needs some kind of skill, maybe the damage is too much but idk.

If I wanna keep my job I should probably be the same as my predecessors.

First, obligatory double shield change that doesn’t help at all.

-shield health reduced to 600, down from 700.

Next, 2 dps changes that seem vaguely important but won’t actually do anything.

-Combat Roll now executes 30% faster.

Soldier: 76
-Can now sprint while firing during tactical visor.

Next, the absurd meta shifting support buff.

-Healing orb now heals 75% more for each ally it hits and has no limit to how much it can heal before disappearing.

And an extra change to earn some brownie points with the dev team.

-Health reduced to 220.

General: armored health, shield hp and damageboost mechanics

Armored health blocks headshots.

  • Brig’s Rally armor provides an additional 50% damage reduction.

Shield health is treated as a separate healthbar.

  • When depleted, the shield hp “shatters” and absorbs overkill damage.
  • This can happen ONCE, after which you need to fully restore the hero’s health in order to reset the proc.

Damage buffs (e.g. nanoboost, mercy boost) no longer stack.

  • If a player has more than one boost on them, only the strongest one will be applied.

Mercy can damage boost almost any projectile she sees in the air, provided that the blue beam is on the attacker when their projectile lands.

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Tracer recall 14-15 seconds

*Soldier helix cd to 8 sec
(Theres an asterisk because I’m not entirely certain about soldier)

Dva armor from 300 to 250

Zarya rocket jumps a bit higher

As a qol just get rid of mccrees roll cd /s

New ability: Shrug

Description: Jesse…or is it Cole…shrugs in confusion, prompting those around him to wonder why he’s shrugging.

Developer thought: “We thought putting an emote on a cooldown would be more fun than an AOE stun.”

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Junkrat’s trap has a slightly larger hitbox. Why? Because Tracers and Genjis just phase through the trap without it.
ONE extra grenade for Junkrat.
Suicide grenades immediately explode when touching a character, spawn delay removed. They also do not have a timer midair and can only explode against solid stuff (unless they fall into an abyss)

Why do I actually love this I snorted laughing

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This is agreeable. Well said.

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To quote my favorite pyro

“My genius is finally recognized!”