Transform Bastion into a tank hero

With this new rework on Bastion, he really became a more active hero during matches. However, there is a problem… Now that Bastion spends less time as a sentry, and more active in battle as recon mode, he has a HUGE hit box, and that’s a big problem.

In my opinion, the only real way to fix this would be to turn Bastion into a tank hero, give him 500 health, decrease the damage, give Bastion the old Orisa’s barrier from Overwatch 1, because Bastion doesn’t have any ability on the E button.

What do you guys think about this ideia? I think that would be the only way to make Bastion finally be a good hero in Overwatch.


I think Bastion is a dps by design. He is meant to have a high damage output, even in the lore.

Just give him back his self repair or reduce his hitbox.
Also make his primary fire more impactful because it feels lackluster tbh.

Great idea. Everything is said.
No need to give him a barrier, just give him back his self repair. Blizzard don’t like shield after all.

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Doomfist was too, until he was turned into a tank, but in Bastion’s case it’s even worse, because his hit box is bigger than Doomfist and Zarya’s for example. And I think turning him into a tank would make 100% sense for the character

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But he’s already a tank.

Bastion is such a glass cannon, he just melts right now. For the amount of damage he does, it only makes sense his hitbox is so big. But yeah it could be a tad bit smaller, doomfist is bigger than his OW1 self, I don’t see why blizzard cant make bastion a little smaller.

The barrier was a problem when there were 2 tanks. Only 1 tank means 1 barrier only. Like Sigma, Rein and Winston still have their barriers.

Nothing in the lore shows that Doomfist is a dps. He is even huge in his animated short, comparable to Winston raging.
Bastion is a literal turret.

And turrets can’t be tank?

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Turret = damage

Overwatch 2 takes place years after Overwatch 1, the characters have evolved since then. Bastion itself evolved in that time. I think there would be a way to make it fit into his lore, in the same way they made the changes in Orisa fit into her lore.

We already got a bit of OW2 lore, telling that Bastion was redesigned and modernized by Torbjörn.

Bastion has nothing in his kit that indicates him being a tank, besides maybe the hitbox.

The hitbox alone should not be a cause for the hero to be completely reworked to become a tank. Just shrink the hitbox or give him self heal. Problem solved.

I just say he doesn’t need it. He can be a great tank without shield. I think nobody like to shoot on shield even if 1 barrier is not a problem.

Balanced categories may be a cause. A new tank (and a dps less) would be appreciable.

If we are talking lore, I honestly think Bastion would be better as a support

This war-born omnic who woke up years later in a time of peace and beauty alongside a new bird friend – Bastion is fighting its PTSD and trying to find a new purpose and even meets Torbjorn, someone who previously only saw Omnics as dangerous weapons

I can see Bastion spending those years realizing that it doesn’t want to just murder everything that moves and instead spend its time cherishing the beautiful life it sees all around it. :face_holding_back_tears: support bastion

Additionally, I was excited in OW2 when I saw his bouncy sticky grenade too because I really wanted them to drop some Bastion lore that shows it becoming a big fan of ball-sports like ping pong/baseball.

Would have been a cute thing if the “random grenade ability” was actually a product of it playing catch with Torbjorn like a dad/adopted-son story haha

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Balanced in what extent?
The tank role has already 10 heroes and will get an new one in December.
There is only 1 tank player per team, 10/11 heroes is already plenty enough for 1 player.

There is still an open queue…

You are right.
But I don’t know how Blizzard can release a new dps with 17 on roster.

Tank and support have something in common, team protection, in different ways, but they still fit together

I think all Bastion needs is some of its health converted to armour, and maybe a slight HP increase.