As a former apologist, I have lost hope

Welcome to the club, my friend.

It’s not a fun place to be.

I was a huge huge huge Blizzard fan. I’ve been playing their games since 2002. At one point I had over 6000 hours in WoW, 2000 in OW, and I can’t even count how much in Diablo. I have purchased well over 5k in merchandise which is in display on my home. I have a fricken WoW tattoo.

But the company has been nothing but disappointment after disappointment over the last almost decade. They’ve seriously lost the plot and lost the connection to the playerbase. They stopped being gamers making games for gamers and started being developers answering to shareholders who probably have never picked up a Blizzard title let alone any game at all who think they know better.

It’s sad.

There is no excuse for OW2 being announced 2 years ago and still being 2 years off. There is no excuse that they’ve allowed OW1 to stagnate since 2019. There’s no excuse for them to slow down content updates in OW1 since 2017 for OW2.

They’ve made so many mistakes and I don’t know if they’ll be able to salvage the broken trust and relationship with their players. The best thing they could do is put out an apology letter, give a MASSIVE update for Winter event (like new mode, more than just 6-7 new skins, and maybe a new character). But we all know that won’t happen.

We can all rest a bit easier knowing nega5 has become enlightened.

Legends of runeterra and teamfight tactics are also fun riot games and for the fps craving Back 4 blood has been the best (but with friends the solo part isnt the best yet).

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That my friend is called activision, they have sucked all the creativity of blizzard right out.


I don’t get joy at reading this. It sucks, man…

But at least it’s nice to see that people are opening their eyes.

I do hope that after this news, they decide to release at least a couple of new heroes.
OW needs something new, and at this point, not even new maps for the regular modes would help.

will be a less pain if devs focus more on new heroes release, on a more regular patch balance notes, or significant content. so the wait will be less boring.

I’m on the same boat as you. After all my hope, all my concerns, all my tries of trying to be heard by the devs, I’ve lost all hope and interest in the game whatsoever, ever since papa Jeff left everything’s gone downhill.

Since the game is delayed so bad the least they could do is give ow1 new heros or maps that aren’t DM

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As I type this comment, bear in mind I’m sitting at my desktop PC which is contained in a NZXT case with a glowing Overwatch logo on the front panel. An official Tracer plush sits next to my monitor. Sitting on my desktop is a knit Tracer my 20-year old daughter made for me for my birthday. I have a custom Overwatch logo patch tacked to the wall that has my BattleTag embroidered on it.

It is my intention, upon completion of typing this comment, to uninstall Overwatch. I will then uninstall the Blizzard client. I will shop for a new desktop PC case. I will then play other games and boycott this utter ruin of a gaming company moving forward.

Should Blizzard ever grow a set, fire Kotick and separate permanently from Activision, I might consider playing a Blizzard game again. Maybe. But right now, I’m just disgusted.


yeah they can take longer to make a game if they need to. I will keep playing for now and maybe take a break if i get tired, its ok

You’re giving them A LOT of credit here bro.

Remember, these are the same people that announced Diablo IMMORAL in the 2018 Blizzcon (It’s still not released yet, and it’s just a phone game ripoff from a chinese company).

very likely delays will continue. i have a newer theory. its likely they are waiting for more next gen consoles to release so they maximize profits off of the game. considering the shortages, it does sorta make sense.

I was going to say maybe play something else for a while and then you said you’re playing LOL… RIP.

It’s so sad to see that these developers ruined their own game like it’s nothing.

Honestly at this point just completely turn Overwatch 2 into it’s own game.
None of that Overwatch 1.5 bs concept. 4 years of development is practically a new game especially if it used Overwatch as its base.

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The only thing wondered me is how people still have hope for this crap company

Quality control lose since WoW Legion
Loyalty to customer lose since Immortal
Yet you guys somehow still possess the wet dream of Blizzard
Keep telling yourself none of them related to Overwatch…and guess what?


I would highly recommend Paladins. It’s similar but different.

Dunno when lol was released, but it took you quite some time to find this “in your words” good game.

Playing since beta ow is a game that only upsets when playing, i get upset just thinking on most other games to be fair…

Delays imho are good, it means the devs aren’t happy themselves.
And i’m sure none if them is celebrating the delay.

News that a team is taking longer than anticipated with a game is never easy, especially in a case where players have been eagerly anticipating any information about release, beta, etc. The forums, reddit, and social have all been a reflection of the frustration I believe a lot of OW players are feeling today, and that’s ok.

Jodie (our new CM, you’ll meet her eventually) and I have been spending the last day gathering feedback, and today we’ll be summarizing it and sending it along to the those who need to see it. While it’s important that our team does everything in our power to meet the high expectations that we all have for the Overwatch franchise, we also need to be aware of how it affects the community that’s grown up around our game.

In the meantime, I want you all to know that we understand what’s happening on the forums. While we still believe that this is the right thing to do for the team, the game, and ultimately the players, we get the emotions being shared today.

One rumor to clear up: I’m seeing a lot of folks assuming a launch date in 2023 is wrote. Without being pedantic, I want to point out that there was no release date or beta date communicated in yesterday’s earnings call. While I’m not prepared to discuss dates with you here today, I want to quash the rumor of a 2023 release date as being somehow “official”.

To the OP: I understand where you’re coming from and sincerely hope to have the opportunity to restore your feelings of excitement and joy about Overwatch and the team behind it.


I’d share some feedback to the public quick… I’m watching ATVI plummet in real time. lol Luckily, I wasn’t dumb enough to buy any.