This is not 100% correct. They have communicated during the call that the games needs more time than expected, due changes in leadership. 1 day after that AndyB answered this:
“One rumor to clear up: I’m seeing a lot of folks assuming a launch date in 2023 is wrote. Without being pedantic, I want to point out that there was no release date or beta date communicated in yesterday’s earnings call. While I’m not prepared to discuss dates with you here today, I want to quash the rumor of a 2023 release date as being somehow “official”.” - Source: As a former apologist, I have lost hope - #112 by AndyB-11735
My guess here is that the release schedule has probably pushed back to Q4 2022 and not Q2 2022. So we need to wait what ABK is announcing next week Thursday to their shareholders. If you are interested you can join the call and hear what they really saying instead on only looking on the pdf they posted after the call without any context.