What else is everyone playing while you wait for them to fix the game?

Got sick of solo tanking in comp (I wonder why no one will tank right now it is a real mystery), so I’ve been wrapping up a bunch of games from last year like GoW, Red Dead and Assassin’s Creed, and I was thinking about maybe trying out Siege or Apex. Lotta new stuff out soon too.

What y’all playing while this garbage version of Overwatch is stinking up the place?

Plants vs Zombies Gw 2, Monster Hunter World ( i hv like 1100 hrs on it and it just 1 Years old ), Star Wars Battlefront 2, Kingdom Hearts 3 (my new fav. Game since Evolve ) , God of War, Red Dead 2

And all of this Games make 1000 times more fun than Toxicwatch

Also in 2 weeks im going to get my Switch and going to play alot of Smash Ultimate im not gonna play OW for a while then until something is new or Blizzard finally fix this unbalanced Game

Well, I’ve actually been spending more time drawing, because it’s gotten to a point where learning how to draw’s more fun for me than dealing with the toxic atmosphere that’s too abundant in OW’s community and competitive gaming in general (becoming a master digital artist has always been a life goal of mine anyways, so it’s about time I stopped slacking on it).

And if that wasn’t the only sign for me to take a long break from Overwatch, my dad got me a PS4 from winning it in a raffle at some event. I never asked for one, never thought about getting one, but I have it and I’m keeping it. When the time comes I’ll be using it to play some single-player rpgs and the solo campaigns in fighting games like Soul Calibur and Dead or Alive (if they have any).


Solo tanking? I shudder at the thought. I pray no soul has to ever go through such a horrible ordeal.

As far as what else I’m playing these days; mainly Apex and Overwatch.

Lots of Assassin Creed Odyssey. I try to get other games in cause I need that Witcher gear in Monster Hunter World, but I am addicted to Odyssey exploration and loot finding.

Warframe mainly Nidus is my bae

ForumWatch and SmashBros.

…But yeah, actively trying to do some mental heavy lifting to fix the game.

I’m playing Paladins along with another fun game I enjoy called Overwatch

Not so much waiting for Overwatch, but I fell in love with Hollow Knight and the deves gave the community the best Valentine’s Day present: a trailer for a sequel that was supposed to be a dlc, hollow knight silksong :heart:

Playing Breath of the Wild… again.

Also just revisited Frostpunk, which is quite a fun city-builder.

I almost wish Overwatch wasn’t holding my interest as much as it is right now, 'cuz I picked up Monster Hunter: World and Yakuza 0 during the steam winter sale and have only scratched the surface of both

Overwatch, I mean seriously who cares if your hero is UP and your rank is a few hundred SR lower.

Unless your top 10% pretty much anything goes


With regard to OW, mostly, I just want them to make Rein not obligatory. Every time I go back into the game I’m confronted with having to play Rein or lose the game, despite not being a tank player nor having picked Rein as the tank I play when forced to.

Ac odyssey
Destiny 2

I’m riding out apex for as long as it’ll take me, then once that’s over there’s a lot of games with big updates coming soon that I’m excited for too (subnautica below zero, space engineers, factorio, osiris new dawn, etc)