300 games in the past week, ZERO wins

if your SR is really low you won’t lose that much SR on a loss
same thing goes with t500s if they win they won’t gain that much SR

still, anyone even a top500 would be <500 after a 300 game loss streak

I don’t know about that, people love to watch rage videos or videos of people just trying to make others upset

say even at the low side of a 8 minute game, where every one is a roll. that is 320 minutes. almost 5 and a half hour.

That seems possible, untill you think of queue times. say he is a tank player, that has the shortest queue times.
thats going to be a minute. thats 40 more minutes.

6 hours of gameplay. If they are a student, and get out at around 3PM. They also have to do homework, eat dinner, and go to the bathroom.

Also, he has won games. today he has a 3-0 in quickplay.

He is a troll report him

I don’t care if it’s true or not, 300 loses in a row is IMPRESSIVE. Oh my god, were you throwing them or something? That’s so insane, I didn’t think that possible.

(maybe cause it’s not :joy:)

The exaggeration levels in this thread are staggering, I think we need to enter quarantine.

I’m actually watching your stream right now and yo omg. You’re bad even for bronze holy moly. You just spend the game in spawn. Like the one when you played Junkrat, I don’t think you did more than 1k damage.
You were playing bastion like a sniper!!??!?! From across the map. I’m dead.

yeah I take my doubt back. You’re going to lose alooot more games.

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congratulations, you must be the worst player in OW history

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Question for 10 points :

Are you lost because of your teamate ? Or yourself ?
Because be in bronze after many hours in the game, there’s a problem, isn’t it ?

Please stop making the same sort of bait thread every week after you lose like one time lmao.

Absolute no lifer. With 2 all nighters… and skip all breaks and meals.

He is talking out of his BLEEP

lmao good one had me dying at work with this .

Ethernyet, are you not tired of making such threads every few weeks whining about no wins eliciting sympathy, empathy as well as having people offering to duo / team with you and then not show up?

A quick look at your public profile shows that you have won games in both QP and Comp much less look at trends off sites like Overbuff.


Even at 5 minutes per game, it would require playing for almost 4 hours a day, everyday for a week to hit 300 games. And I’m sure the average is over 5 minutes before you include queue time, even if it’s QP classic you still have a few minutes between games.

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Sorry op, but in the small tiny minuscule chance that you’re not talking out of your behind I think the problem is on your end.

Edit: I thought this thread looked familiar. You’ve posted this kind of garbage in the past. Are you just attention whoring or do you think this spam will get you out of bronze? What’s your goal exactly?

As I’ve stated many times, the problem is the blizzard matchmaking system. It is designed to do one thing and one thing alone – ensure a complete and utter stomp. In 4 years of play I have yet to see a SINGLE INSTANCE of a game that was a FAIR fight. And in my case what I’m specifically complaining about (because this forum is my channel to complain to blizzard, regardless of what you all say) is that I should be able to get a match vs. other players who are (by blizzard’s own definition) “at my same skill level”. And I’m sorry but when they’re minimally 3x more skilled than me BY BLIZZARD’S OWN METRIC then it is by definition an UNFAIR match. I’m not saying I deserve a higher rank, I’m saying the people I’m playing against don’t deserve a low rank – and they certainly shouldn’t be placed against me (literally the worst OW player on Earth).

I’m not saying the matchmaking system is 100% correct because it isn’t, but it certainly isn’t as bad as you say. There are smurf accounts and high rank player who just want to “stomp on all the noobs” and purposely put themselves in the lower rank. All you can do is report them or try to wait after the match is over so you don’t meet them again. But I doubt the matchmaking sucked for 300 matches because that is rarely the case, even for me who is in low rank.

You ever consider that you’re so bad they can’t find 11 other players that terrible? Saying this because my bronze friends seem to have balanced games.

the ladder is busted due to the easy heroes, but if you cant win at all then its also you

They only have to find six other players that terrible.