Dude I just seen a 3 hr ago twitch video from your stream and you got a victory in Hanamura, stop lying lmao. Where are the losses? I think you just wanted to trick people into seeing your streams.
I don’t post my stream URL here, I only record them as proof. And smurfs throwing doesn’t count as a win, it counts as smurfs. Also disconnects and quitters don’t count as wins. You have to remove the data with extraordinary circumstances.
Also why do you whine in General chat with “streaming now, over 2000 games played with 0 wins, 0 chance of winning, proof blizzard matchmaking is designed solely to ensure i get stomped every game, no matter how hard I try”
Dude, i just seen you win a game in Hanamura, you are exaggerating too much. You probably only lost like 3 in a row and win like 6 sometimes
Also I have a bronze friend that was stuck in bronze for a long time, only managed to reach gold once but then got back down to really low bronze. He just got silver in his Tank role and now he’s trying his other roles. If you wanna duo with him then sure and we’ll see if you really lose that much, I just shown him your post so he’s willing to play with you. I’ll give you his battletag in dm though. Just tell me if you’re up to playing with my friend. Stream it tho cause I wanna see how it goes.
Re-read the whole topic. OP is some high-level of underaged kid toxicity (like that old German kid meme) and everyone else are roasting irradiated marshmallows on him.
I mean, really, what, you wanna reach GM? Why? There’s no reason for that. Only a ton of broken nerves and vocal cords for a non-existant reward. And topics like “AHH ROLE QUEUE SUCKS” or “DELETE COMPETITIVE” or some random stuff like that.
Not sure what you mean, CrimsonFlare, I have no delusions of getting to even silver much less GM. LoL that’s hilarious to even ponder.
No, there was I time when I thought I might get to silver. But that was over three years ago. Then I just wanted to get over 500 on my own power, but had to give up on that.
Nope, now my life’s dream is to get ONE even match. Just ONE where I have an actual chance to win. With that, I can die as happy as I’ll ever be.