The problem with Symmetra, rework her or not?

To all Symmetra mains, do you think she needs another rework? Or just a minor buff and bug fixes?

In my personal opinion, her kit is very erratic at best. Her kit is good at everything, it can be used for flanking, defensively, creating space and etc. But, there lays the problem itself. She is so good at everything, and her kit can do a lot of stuff, but it cost a major setback.

Her TP is only useful if your team actually wants to listen to you and actually wants to use it. Even though it can be used for herself, for flanking and escaping, it’s not reliable due to the deployment time. TP is such a powerful kit in my opinion, but if half of your team doesn’t listen to you, it’s uses reduced significantly.

Her current turrets is a very good ability. But, at the same time, I felt like her turrets is what caused Symmetra to be such an awkward character. Her turrets is what makes her to be changed into a dps character in the first place, along with her high damage output for a support.

Her current ult is a very powerful defensive ult. But, it’s a defensive ult… While she is a dps character now. Personally I think that’s what makes her really awkward right now.

She has a powerful defensive ult and she also have one of the most powerful utility abilities in the game (albeit needs coordination but still powerful nonetheless) but she can dish out a massive amount of damage via primary and secondary fire along with turrets.

She’s like Sombra in many ways, but unlike Symmetra, Sombra just needs to watch her enemy and her ally movement to be fully effective. While Symmetra needs to actively shot calls so her most powerful kit, which is tp, can be used to it’s full potential.

I just think that she can’t be a hybrid character anymore. In my opinion, she needs to be a full fledged dps or a full fledged support. I personally like her current kit, but she needs something to differentiate her from the dps roster besides her tp. Her shield aura is actually very good idea and I personally it will make her more appealing for the community.

But, I feel like if we have to chose between dps Symm and Support Symm, one of her kits needed to be replaced with a more suitable ability for her. If they wants to make her a total dps, her tp should be changed into a personal tp for Symm only with a faster cast time and make it much more reliable for flanking. And her ult is needed to be changed to something offensive, maybe CC or a big burst damage.

For support Symm, I think to remove her turrets and replace it with Zarya’s bubbles. And I think that her secondary fire is put into her primary fire and her current secondary should be a personal bubble for herself and works like Rein’s and Brig’s shield.

What do you guys think?


Funny how Symmetra’s kit is seemingly as malleable as her hard light.


give me 2+ meters on primary so i can have more chances on killing dva and zarya without them blowing me up because i need to be so close


for me its the fix to her TP placement and a faster deployment of her construct including the turrets would make her more balance and consistent.

her damage is good now maybe make it same range as zarya perhaps.

As far as I see it, there’s no reason her tp should be so restrictive. The range isn’t that long, it takes forever to place, still doesn’t work well on railings. And to be honest I think they should get rid of the button press to activate. I guarantee a ton of people still don’t even have it bound.

Her kit seems to work best as a defensive/ area denial hero, which is fine. Her beam is decent for when tanks come crashing in, her orbs make space, her turrets deter flankers, and a well placed wall can win a teamfight. But that tp just needs to be more snappy.


Yeah, I agree that they need to work on the tp more. But the problem with tp without button to activate is that you can accidentally move into the tp and be placed into somewhere you don’t really want to go to. It can be used for trolling more often.

I think the button press is necessary but they should make it that there is no delay for the button press. You know, so you can spam “interact” button without any delay and just be annoying to the enemy team.

tp is really slow. and smol
either just decrease summoning time or get rid of the int. button, idk

I am extremely happy with Sym 3.0. She remains the sharpest knife in my drawer, although I don’t play her on all maps and certainly not with all comps. IMO this game does benefit from having certain heroes have a ‘bag full of tricks’, rather than being fully suited to do a single job.

I completely disagree here. Sym 3.0 Ult is an absolute fight winner if used right, and is better on offense than defense.


I would like for her to be split into 2 heros. Her current self and 2.0 but reworked to the point where she isnt a new hero.

I agree, I’m personally happy with her current state. The tp still needs some bug to be fixes and it will be nice to have a shorter cast time. And also it will be better if the tp’s entrance always shows up under her feet so that it will be more consistent. Not in front of you where nor you or your teammates can reach it while in grav -_-.

She need a revert and tweaking from there in my opinion. she lost her identity with the rework i want the Symmetra that protected a child from burning debris with her shields. not this super mario pipe building ugly beam wield techno mage.


Although I have never played Sym 1.0, I loved 2.0 and will always remember her as the one that made me love the game. However, MY GOD, 3.0 IS AWESOME, so here are my reviews on her kit atm:

Primary fire: it could use some tweaks, as many people complain that the range is a bit too short at 12m. Maybe 14 could work, but not really sure, as she has been getting buffs for her gun since the rework. Two times the charge rate was buffed, and one time the range was changed. I wouldn’t recommend using it on slender targets, and you should focus more on barriers and tanks.

Secondary: a huge improvement from 2.0. It can be effective at sniping people, and can do a lot of damage from a direct hit. You should use it when you want to chip away some health from squishies.

Turrets: I’d say that they are fine, but could definetly use improvements, such as faster deployment time(note:not the travel time, but when it sticks to a surface it should attack faster). They are great for scanning areas and denying possible flanks from tracers and genjis.

Teleporter: now this mf might need some love. Right now, I use it as turret bombing and just for a better positioning. Faster deployment time would be accepted(as always), and it could be used to go from point to point, but does require a massive amount of coordination.

Wall: this is just a huge F YOU to Widow/Ashe/Soldier Ult. It is quite good, and it can win you team fights if used right.

Bugs: Turret icons going bipolar mode on the screen, teleporter trying to teleport you but can’t(instead shows a pretty blue light on you).

Overall, I would say that her kit is quite good, but requires coordination and could use some improvements in the future. I think she is fine, and an upgrade from 2.0.


Agreed with PVCPrincess! Better or worse, it doesn’t change the fact that they deleted Symm; like you’re not supposed to change any character that much IMO

She needs complete rework from the ground up again.

She has significant flaws in her kit:

  1. Inconsistent damage - either because of projectiles easily dodged, turrets easily killed or primary that requires charge time.
  2. No survivabilty - 200 hp that requires close range to fight effectively.
  3. No mobility - TP requires setup time, it’s slow and clunky.
  4. Ultimate that doesn’t help her deal damage.

If a rework means more utility I’m all for it. Even though I still love Sym I was disappointed when I found out they were going to make her lean more towards a damage>tility character, instead of a utility>damage character. I really enjoyed the support playstyle she used to have along with the satisfaction of getting behind the enemy with no special mobility and putting down a flank teleporter.

Edit: I think she’s better now, overall. Just not as fun, IMO. Still bitter over the loss of her old ult, photon barrier, piercing orbs and having more turrets to set up :frowning:

She needs a rework into a good non healing support.

Yeah must be against garbage teams cause every symmetra i see is just helpess when people actually get in her face lul I jus stand still when i see a symmetra trying to kill me and hook her and shes dead

Her kit is loads better, but she could use minor buffs everywhere. I think we start with teleporter, since that’s the least used part of her kit, and then just add buffs to stuff until she’s on par with most of the cast. She’s not far away from being balanced, she just still lacks consistency in pretty much every area.

I mean teleporter has such a short up time for a thing that takes forever to actually deploy. If they don’t want her using it during combat they should make it deploy a little slower, but have further range and stay up longer so it’s actually a viable pathway for your teammates. If they do want it used during combat, they need to drastically reduce the deploy time.

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To anyone who is in favour of a rework : Please Stop.

Just because you don’t like she has to aim now or you “dislike” the rework, it doesn’t mean it wasnt succesful (spoiler alert: It was).

Reworks are like re-creating a hero and Developers have WAY BETTER things to do with their time besides that.