You're not going to compete with Lol, stop

Keh, there are a lot of reasons I prefer this over League.

Towers don’t suddenly focus you if you tap the enemy, so you have to be more intelligent when defending.
Last hitting is not fun in my opinion.
Being able to damage structures, and nuke minion waves, with abilities is more fun than the hero focused abilities in League.
Due to mounts and closer lanes, there is no dedicated jungler role, everyone can rotate when needed.

It would be nice though, if I didn’t lose because my allies were garbage.
I wouldn’t mind if they increased carry potential even more.
And I sure hope the next Nexus Anamolies improve that.
Of course, it’d make people like you leave, and I’d be happy to see that.

You aren’t giving any constructive criticism.
You’re just complaining. Asserting your baseless opinion as fact, and being rather rude about it.


except it isn’t hard to get exp being ranged. you act like it is SOOOOOOO HARD AND IMPOSSIBLE. ffs. just let melee clear their soldiers and wait for them to get to your fort. REALLY NOT HARD TO DO.

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Oh, make no mistake, I go out of my way to soak EXP. Which is why I think this is a terrible change; if you can’t win your lane, you’re contributing nothing to your team, even if you’ve split up to soak.

Snowballs and massive level disparities are MUCH more common than they were before this change, and it should be obvious why that’s happening.

I’ve already given constructive criticism, in several other threads. I’m just tired of repeating myself:

Well, that would be a great idea… if the bruisers weren’t playing smart and freezing the lane.

A lot of people seem to be basing their opinion on this though.

The problem with that is lane freezing existed before the XP globes, so it’s not really much different.
Additionally there are responses to lane freezing in this game, much more than in League of Legends.
For one, the mounts and closer lanes I pointed out earlier, makes temporarily abandoning the lane a very valid option.
Additionally the mounts make it quite possible to quickly go in to magnetize the experience, at times.
Those aren’t the only options though.

Because people are TERRIBLE at this game.
They’ve always been terrible.
I frequently see games where an ally has 8+ deaths, and they blame draft or whatever. But they just lack the ability to watch the minimap, to make good judgement calls, and many of them don’t belong in the rank that they’re in. And THAT is why there are complaints about the XP globes, people don’t belong where they are and some of them are feeling it.

Yeah but that doesn’t matter because this game has BS comeback mechanics, and if a team wants to throw late game by losing 2 fights in the last 2 out of 22 minutes, they’ll lose the game.

Lane freezing is now much more effective than it was previously, because it forces your opponent to go out much further than they previously needed to. Before this change, you could collect XP from around the range of a standard ranged autoattack, or further away if you had long-ranged waveclear like Flamestrike. You’d be more susceptible to ganks, but not forced to constantly trade health for XP in a 1v1 lane, unless the other laner puts themselves way out of position.

Bold claim. Care to prove it? Because as far as I can tell, people’s overall skill level hasn’t changed, nor has the game’s overall difficulty. If anything, the game is easier to play than ever; just pick bruisers and lane bullies every game, get a couple of easy early kills, and watch the wins roll in.

And when everyone starts playing bruisers and lane bullies every game, the difficulty will be exactly the same as before, except with more snowballs, a less diverse meta, and less fun.

So every stage of the game is important, and the winning team needs to actually outplay the losing team if they want to seal their victory? That sounds like a good thing to me. We should be encouraging that, not tearing it down with crap like XP globes.

In the words of HotS’ own developers:

ya pretty much doesn’t happen. i’ve played a ton of ranked games since exp globes. pretty much early game always has dedicated laners. people go to objective where the levels are near equal, then one team out pvp’s the other team and gets the objective and that is what garners an exp lead, due to gaining the objective.
this game IS NOT LOL. lol doesn’t have objectives, so people are ALWAYS in their lanes. objectives spawn frequently enough to force people out of lanes frequently.
the levels spiraling has more to do with people dying frequently than exp globes. has ALWAYS been the case.

sure i’ll address it. heroe’s of the storm players have almost always been bad. typically hots players are better at end game than lol players, but lol players are better at early game and mid game than hots (hots are typically as a whole, better at pvp too. but lol forces laning so lol are typically better at soak. different game with different exp points, but laning definitely should be prioritized over pvp. however, most hots players don’t prioritize laning over pvp).
this guy created the topic months ago and there is even a video explaining why hots players are bad. its no secret, most ARE bad. Why Heroes of the Storm players are Bad

My God that ape is still talking about tower defense. It’s alright, you can keep licking those boots, you’ll educate people about how amazing tower defense or lane freezing was in reddit posts after the game has shut down due to low players.

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I’ve played a ton of games too. The losing team almost invariably falls behind on levels after losing the first objective, because once the winning team is up a talent tier, the losing team can’t soak safely anymore. They have better stats and more talents, so you can’t fight them on an even playing field. Most of the time, the losing team can only safely soak EXP when the winning team is absent from the lane.

Objectives pull players away from the lanes, but not 100% of the time. During the downtime between objectives, the winning team has ample opportunities to press their advantage on the lanes.

Sounds like you’re contradicting yourself with this statement. You say HotS players are better at end game and teamfights than LoL players, and LoL players are better at laning. So it sounds like they’re both at about the same skill level overall, and neither are “bad”.

As for the video… you could make a similar video about pretty much any videogame. Some players will always be better than others. What really shocks me is the fact that you can be in the top 10% of players, and people will still call you “bad” on a regular basis. “Bad”, as a gaming term, seems to have lost most of its original meaning. To people like you, you’re a noob if you’re not Top 500.

don’t agree at all. it’s ALWAYS snowballed after losing the objective. has nothing to do with exp globes. further, ALMOST EVERY SINGLE GAME has people who who do nothing but chase the other team around and pvp the moment they see an opposing player. most people have NEVER been focused on getting exp in the first place. I’ve literally had people tell me that soaking is pointless in this game. YES LITERALLY BEEN TOLD THAT.
so no, exp globes aren’t snow balling anything. it REALLY isn’t an issue. i’ve personally haven’t seen any snowballing whatsoever due to exp globes. all most players want to do is pvp so they don’t even focus on exp for the most part.

have not contradicted myself at all. most players just want to pvp and don’t prioritize on exp. that’s just a fact. if players focused on exp over pvp i’d say the reverse is true. however, most don’t want to do that. if hots players realized how much more important exp is over pvp i’d say that most are good players, however that is not true AT ALL.

I’ve seen the opposite; on many occasions before the introduction of EXP globes, a few good plays were enough to get the losing team back into the game. I’ve seen many close games where the lead changed hands multiple times, and the victor was uncertain, right up until the end.

Don’t see much of that anymore, though.

Well, in the lower ranks, that might be true. I haven’t seen much of that in the higher ranks, aside from rotating gank squads and pushing to eliminate a fort/keep. So how exactly are lower-ranked LoL players any better? They’re typically terrible at getting last hits, bad at trading with the enemy laners, frequently leave themselves exposed to ganks, and don’t know when it’s time to back out or play safe. In addition to being bad at teamfights, and bad at playing the endgame.

Literally been in games (recently) that made comebacks because we won in later game pvp. i’m calling bs on your claims. you claim all this stuff, act like the game is COMPLETELY different now, that exp globes ruined the game, etc etc etc whatever you’re whining about. literally hasn’t changed the game at all. just play smart. exp globes are a very small part of the overall game. people make or break winning games based upon pvp. always has been that way and probably always will be that way.

higher ranks huh? funny that most people commenting in forums are all high ranked. funny how no one can prove them wrong too. love to see you prove it. how about this. YOU LIVE STREAM your game once. then we all can see your rank. i bet anything you won’t do that. i’m guessing you are either between bronze-gold ranked. which, bronze through gold isn’t much of a difference. even platinum people play stupid quite frequently. have watched plenty of people stream/upload their matches to youtube/twitch, etc. hell…i can show some video’s from gm’s coaching platinum players on how bad they are as well. lmfao.

Well, if it hasn’t fundamentally changed anything about the core gameplay, then it sounds like this was a bad change overall, because a large portion of the playerbase hates this change. It just adds an element of tedium to an otherwise-fun mechanic, nerfs squishy ranged heroes to the ground, increases snowballing (This is an indisputable fact; snowballs are much more common than before, and level gaps have been considerably widened between the winning and losing team), and guts a number of beloved characters.

This is already a niche game that doesn’t bring in a lot of new players; alienating a large segment of your existing playerbase with needless changes seems like a pretty bad idea to me.

Nothing was really broken about the previous EXP system. Nobody was really complaining about it in any significant capacity. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. At most, they should have added visual and auditory feedback for collecting EXP, not fundamentally changed how the system works.

Well, if you’re going to just shift to personal attacks instead of actual substantial arguments, I’ve got nothing left to say to you.

I wish.
Late game death timers, paired with massive burst damage and scaling objectives, makes the importance of late game disproportionately important.

Yeah that’s the problem.
People are where they never belonged.
If this change is causing them such duress, it only proves it to be so.

As you’ve said, freezing and xp denial were in the game before.
If the range is too short, or last hitting needs to auto-grant XP, then that’s a change they can make.
A “large proportion” aka vocal minority hated the addition of Tracer, or thinks Deathwing is bad for the game, that doesn’t make them right.
People can claim it makes it so much harder for ranged heroes to gain XP, but I find that to be a massive exaggeration. Games play out similarly, I wish the change was bigger.

What personal attack?

The less this game is a “hero brawler” the better. More strategy, more ways to shine alone. I hate last hitting like most people here…


I like the gems and items. Hots seems boring now after going back to lol. Sure its one map but there is more to do.


go back and read forums once. EVERY SINGLE TIME there is a change or a new character is released, there is ALWAYS people whining about the change or the new character in forums. EVERY SINGLE TIME.

Nah, i just find it funny that all of these players in forum are all high ranked. no one is low ranked. then you say: “Well, in the lower ranks, that might be true. I haven’t seen much of that in the higher ranks,” knowing full well that no one can prove one way or the other what YOUR rank is. lmfao. then when i offered a way for you to prove your grand claim of being higher ranked, then you call that a personal attack. all i am saying is you are the one claiming to be “high ranked.” i just want to see it for myself.

i agree a zillion percent. the people in forums complaining about exp globes are extremely exaggerating how bad they think they are. people ALWAYS do that with any change in this game. EVERY single time a new hero is released people are in forums the moment that hero comes out claiming that hero is thee most powerful hero in the game, the game is ruined by that character, the character is broken, etc etc etc.
they change anything at all about this game, players go to forums and claim the game is now broke because a slight change. happens every time they make even a slight change to this game. really, it happens to every game. they make a change to wow, players are in forums complaining, LEAGUE of legends makes a tiny change, people are in their forums complaining and saying the game is ruined. lol introduces a new character, people act the same way as they do here.

Then go play League of Legends.

Well, speaking from a personal perspective, I don’t really give a crap about my rank or MMR. I play to win, but I don’t automatically hate the game if I lose.

The main issue, for me, is that XP Globes make the game less fun, win or lose. The constant snowballing means that I alternate between stomping the enemy team after a few good plays in the early game, or being stomped by the enemy team after a few early misplays. There’s little in between; the former is boring because it’s easy, and the latter is boring (And frustrating) because the game’s already been decided at the 5-minute mark, and it will only continue to stack the odds against me from there.

I also can’t play several of my favorite heroes anymore, because bruisers and melee assassins are simply superior.

So, I’m not under duress because I was at a rank or MMR where I didn’t belong; I’m under duress because I don’t like these changes.

They weren’t the sole deciding factor in the laning phase. They were something that you could play around, and adjust to. But when squishy mages are forced to move into melee range to collect EXP, there’s really not much they can do to respond a lane bully who freezes the wave. Especially once the lane bully inevitably gets an EXP lead, and keeps it.

Or they could just drop the change. Much simpler.

Ignoring them won’t help. And many of those people complain that Tracer and Deathwing are just not fun to play against, regardless of how much effort they put into learning how to play against them. And you can’t tell someone that they should be having fun when they’re not. If your playerbase isn’t having fun, that’s on the devs, not the players.

Attempting to undermine my argument by bringing up my rank, even though that’s irrelevant to the topic at hand. It doesn’t matter if my arguments came from a Bronze player or a T500 player. If someone sees fit to attack your character instead of your arguments, they’re simply not worth listening to, because the argument will never move in a productive direction.

Not really. I know of several changes that were welcomed by the majority on the forums, such as the changes to fort EXP, buffs and reworks to underused heroes, and most of the changes geared toward reducing snowballing in general.

And if you honestly think you should ignore negative feedback because “someone will always complain no matter what”, you’d make a terrible businessman. Ignoring negative feedback is a surefire way to run your business into the ground.

ya really, i can show forum posts (i can link them) about every time a change happens, every time a new hero is released, people complain. you act like the whining justify’s trying new stuff.
quick, you and a few other people whined in forums about something new added, quick delete it and not let the rest of the player base get used to the new change. that’s how you act like it should happen

The Blizzard devs asked for feedback about this change, saying they may or may not keep it depending on feedback.

So here’s my feedback: I do not like this change, I enjoyed the game more before this change was implemented, I believe this change causes more problems than it solves, and I view this change as a failed experiment that should be reverted.

Ask and ye shall receive.


YOUR THE ONE CLAIMING TO BE HIGH RANKED. maybe ya know, you shouldn’t make grand claims if you don’t want to be called out for it then. YOU LITERALLY CLAIMED YOU ARE HIGH RANKING. i want to see it. i find it HILARIOUS that when called out and offered a way for you to prove your rank, now you cry about that and claim its a personal attack. NO ITS NOT. YOUR THE ONE CLAIMING TO BE HIGH RANKED.