The devs keep pushing these Lol’esque changes into the game, the exp globes just make no sense at this point.
First it was the tower ammo, the exp nerfs, then mobility creep characters making half the roster borderline useless.
You see, the time when Hots saw its largest growth wasn’t when it was trying to mimic Lol, on the contrary, it was when the game offered a variety of creative choices (intro of Aba, Tlv).
The devs are literally forcing everything to be the same compositions, characters and playstyle every single match now. Guess what, the game got to life support mode because of this, further pushing it is not going to help it. Stop.
HotS’ biggest growth was during Hanamura Showdown, thanks to how massively popular Overwatch was at the time. The dip started in 2018, when the Overwatch heroes stopped appearing.
I believe in correlation. Basically, we need more Overwatch heroes.
I think that the tower ammo was extremely counter-intuitive and made next to 0 sense.
Also, they’re constantly introducing amazing new ideas such as Cho’Gall, two players in one body, Abathur being everywhere and nowhere, and even Deathwing, a hero permanently immune to all stuns and crowd control, effectively destroying the classic MOBA front line peel ideas, as he can just walk straight through to the back line, not to mention the maps which all have objectives, their design itself being different from anything else. The very core of this game is different, it puts so much more accent on teamwork, the level is the team’s, not individual, if they all work together, they level up quicker, if not, they’re all punished.
The exp globes are kinda fun tbh and they don’t have any sort of negative impact since they can be picked up from quite afar.
This is of course just my opinion, and you are entitled to yours. So I personally say to the dev team, good job guys!
No they cannot. Try playing Abathur or any other low life mage/support/whatever and see if you will not get destroyed because you need to be like 1-3 creeps length away.
Abathur’s hat can collect the globes.
Also, if you’re playing a low life mage then just… wait to collect them. They stick around for quite a bit until they finally disappear, giving you plenty of time to wait for them to get vacuumed into you. Even someone like Jaina can collect most or all of them with a touch of patience.
Or don’t collect the ranged minion’s orbs at all for a wave or so if it’s not safe.
That’s the thing, you can easily be denied that. On top of that, characters that rely on keeping their distance are now borderline useless.
The removal of tower ammo severly nerfed many characters that rely on pressuring lanes, Cho’gall was released years ago and ever since then it has all been the same releases with the same ideas in mind.
It’s not working, Lol already did it. What seemed to be working for Hots was how different it was, you keep forcing the Lol clone, the game will lose even more players.
this is an era gone for a long time, and dw was in-dev more than 1y ago since Lana B. worked on it
It’s not a matter of is it fun or not, it’s a matter that it kills a core gameplay of HotS that people love. Literally turning it into a mini-game of gathering globes instead of the actual HotS we know since >4 years ago. Furthermore, it kills lots of things people used to love doing while playing specific heroes.
And I, for one, do not find it fun AT ALL, it’s like a “last-hitting gold earning” mechanic to me and is 10000 miles away from what HotS “fun-core” idea is, where we can focus more on pushing/obj and interracting with the other players. Now it literally revolves arround gathering these things which has literally shifted the focus of one HotS player from… well a fun and free way to play to this.
If HoTS ever becomes about last hitting, i quit at that instant, it is a very big reason why i quit LoL when i did, the fact that last hitting was so annoyingly important, and every hero did different AA dmg, also items, lvling etc, made last hitting so hard and just in general, even kill stealing etc(random kill still because someone applied some DoT dmg like a minute before). Even ammo on towers attracted me, because in LoL all you did was farm and farm and possibly bully your opponent or he you out of your lane or kill you, on and on till someone got fed enough he could just murder everyone and that was really hard to stop. Here nothing is impossible, comebacks were real at any time etc. But yeah… they keep going into a direction i don’t like, i was fine with ammo removal because i got so much damn free skins back then, but i don’t even use skins 99% of the time, i do rather miss ammo, and hate catapults pushing a lane after just a fort.
Game also became less fun when hyper mobility heroes from OW came in, so many deaths because i was pushing the lane after i killed my lane’s opponent then getting chased forever, back then a Nova and Zerathul weren’t as murderous, their talents and even ultimate of Zera were different, it was a much slower game, it was more fun.
I will take heroes like Deathwing anytime, weird changes that go into LoL direction can go to hell, as well as hyper mobility(also CC trains).
Let it be clear, I don’t like the xp globes, but… It’s as far from Lol’esque as it can get.
LoL has Last Hitting. Xp Globes are… there (for a short period of time) even if you were nowhere when the minions died. It actually helps double soaking and the opposite of Last Hitting.
Also even tho HotS will prob never be able to defeat LoL, it damn should never stop trying!
(Plus mobility power creep is not a thing, no one was made borderline useless and one of the biggest offenders of the so called “mobiltiy creep” is actually Zeratul, who was in the game forever…)
I think that despite ammo was a bit contra-intuitive, it was something unique only hots had. Removing it was a not good step.
Also, constantly introducing amazing new ideas like CHo’Gall?
Come on, he was added in November 2015… Like 4 years ago.
Is he unique? Yes.
We are getting DW now… but 4 years passed in between without any unique hero.
Yeah, the core of the game is different. But that is a bit overshadowed by the fact that since official release, the game is slowly changing from its core into Dot/LoL clone.
The exp globes are kinda fun tbh and they don’t have any sort of negative impact since they can be picked up from quite afar
I have to disagree with this. They have negative impact and a big one tbh.
I don’t think I’d ever understand the mindset of doubling down on something that is clearly unpopular, or seen as unimportant to the fun of the game, but this is Blizzard we’re talking about. I mean honestly, why would anyone even want to make killing creeps a more central focus of the match when there are so many other more interesting, things to do (camps, sieging, objectives, murderlising heroes, etc).
Because it’s not that it’s unpopular. It isn’t seen by the players at all.
When you’re playing a competitive game, and something makes you win, you’ll keep doing it. But only if you actually know what made you win. Which is the biggest difference between high level players and bottom feeders.
Which is also the entire reason they made this change. All the things you mentioned are important. Destroying structures grant xp. Merc camps are invaded regularly at high level, because it’s xp denial. inexperienced players don,t realize that a fort is worth more than a merc camp or a minion wave.
Which is why they will so often ignore a structure that they can easily destroy, to go do something that is worth less. (Or allow their own structure to be destroyed in order to finish capturing a camp) The same way that they ignore soaking.
“Interesting” is subjective. But a contest between you and your opponent on who will succeed in denying xp and come out on top, is interesting to me. As is devising strategies to deny xp.
But that’s because I see it.
(I don’t know if you know much about pokemon. But there used to be a hidden stat called “Effort Value”. Players who knew about EV would farm it, and players who didn’t would ignore it. The latter players would lose to EV farmers, and blame something else that they could see. HotS is the same)