The Truth About XP Globes

This one? If you can’t bully a ranged character out of a lane as a bruiser then you’re doing something very wrong.


More like you let a melee character bully you in lane with a ranged hero you do something wrong.


Yeah, it means you don’t have the mechanics to stutter step or you are bad at dodging skill shots (like Sonya spear).

Just out of curiosity, how do you dodge Chen q?


I had Diablo quest, so for a change I played Malthael and took a break from Deathwing.
I bullied a Jaina so hard, it wasn’t eve funny.

And it felt probably pretty unfair to her. And imo, she was right.


Having played these changes, I’ve noticed the following:

-It’s much more common for the winning team to have a significant level advantage, and to spend a fairly long time at a talent-tier advantage.

-Ranged squishy characters in general are much weaker. If you can’t safely go in to collect XP globes, you’re going to suffer for it.

-Abathur, Azmodan and Sgt. Hammer have been gutted by these changes. Their ability to farm XP (One of their main strengths) has been drastically reduced.

I haven’t noticed any real positives from this change. People don’t pay significantly more attention to XP soaking than they did before, people don’t play significantly more actively in lane than they did before, and people aren’t having any more fun than before.

All in all, I’d say they should discard this change as soon as possible. They could add a visual/auditory cue to XP collection if they want, but the mechanics of XP soaking should go back to the way they were before. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.


Why not make it an only visual change you can turn off?
People would still learn it without sacrificing ranged heroes


I wish people could understand you can zone out melees as a ranged. Try shooting them before you shoot the wave. 2008 expression: “ZOMG”

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Press D and vault? See, I can pick One ability to validate my point too.

And I wish people could understand that you can zone out ranged as a melee. Try gap-closing to them, and hitting them with your abilities while they run away.



And while you do that they stutter step aggress and take half your health bar.

nah disagree.
Freezing lanes was never an optimal way to play.
I don’t want this behavior to be rewarded, it’s tedious and it anchors you to the lane.
It discourages rotation if anything.
I hate it.

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Yeah, wouldn’t that be great. Let me know how that works out when you’re playing Kael’thas with those juicy 65 damage auto-attacks.


You mean KT who has some of the highest damage point-click, and can stun flame strike combo someone at close range in a manner that isn’t dodgable?

You realize his combo is D->Bomb, Flamestrike, Stun, Bomb with 2 auto attacks and it isn’t dodgable if you went melee range vs him? Do the math really quick, almost no heroes trade well into KT at low level.

I believe NotParadox did a video on KT’s easy damage combos.

Yeah, and Sonya can do a Q -> Auto, Slam, auto, Whirlwind, auto, Slam, auto, Slam, auto, Whirlwind combo. Not only dealing more damage than KT’s combo without any significant cooldowns, but being able to keep up with KT due to the movespeed boost, AND healing herself in the process with her autos and Whirlwind. Bonus points if the Whirlwind is also hitting minions.

And since KT has to get into melee range if he wants to get XP globes, Sonya doesn’t need to burn her Q at the start; she can save it for KT’s stun.


Whatever man… if you’re going to list like 15s worth or attacks as if that is some kind of counter argument, then I’ll just move on and you can keep staying ignorant.

And XP globes magnet at range 6, which is the auto attack range of most assassin — not at melee range

Because a bruiser trying to zone you out of exp will not stand in front of the wave to prevent you from getting within 6 range… your arguments are a joke, man… It’s like you have never played against a bruiser trying to keep you from globe farming as a ranged hero.

No matter what argument we bring up your reply is basically “You just suck at game mechanics so you can’t do it.” which is elitist af. The point is this change forces you to have better mechanics than the opponent to not get steamrolled. Skill will always win, but the lower skilled player should be able to recognize this, play safer, and just soak, allowing the better player to push and get structure damage until their team can come back them up and shove the wave back. Now, they just lose all experience and the game snowballs worse than it already sometimes did.

Your stance seems to be that if you are not a god at the game you don’t deserve to enjoy it when in reality a vast majority of players are barely decent. These changes cater to the top skill % of players. It makes the game much less casual friendly. If you are fine with that, you are simply shortsighted. If people stop playing, the game dies faster than it already is.


You are asking for balance changes based on your inability to stutter step and combo…

You then question my understanding of the game? This is laughable.

I question your understanding of the new game dynamics a lot. I question your understanding of possible implications that making additional adjustments such as speeding up the soak magnet or even enabling last hits to instantly give xp would result in. It will just create an entire new set of problems to it will throw onto a different pool of heroes.

As I remember many of the ranged heroes were balanced with previously existing rules in mind. What exactly is the purpose of a range character if the game acts like everyone is melee for the most fundamental aspect of game play - collecting experience in order to increase power level.

Maybe you’ve noticed a little difference in lack of self healing abilities and smaller health values?

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Except it didn’t, by that time you already lost half your hp bar and the panda is back to getting the globes and exp.

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