You're not going to compete with Lol, stop

You aren’t really arguing that HoTs isn’t a competitive game are you? If you are, then you are certainly a trees for the forest type.

The whole premise of the game is to directly attack and defeat other players. Sure, there are some side things to do, but the game is a “battle” game ffs.

If HoTs isn’t a competitive game, by it’s very nature, just like the guy is saying, then . . . what is it?

I swear today people just argue whatever without thinking about what they are saying. I don’t know where this tendency came from, but I think it started when it became “not ok” to tell people they are talking nonsense. As a result, we live in a topsy turvery world where the obvious is questioned all the time. Wall don’t work, lol.

Hahaha… You clearly never played when they introduced that map. It was dog and everyone hated it.
Overwatch heroes were and continue to be the least played and desired heroes in the game.
They killed the game with loot boxes, that’s what really was the downfall of this game, 2.0.

Well when every OW hero continues to get nerffed into the ground because of all the QM tears I’d say there might be reason for that.

Also people do want more OW hero’s in the game but the dev team is to scared to toss them in because god forbid an OW hero comes out now and they are even slightly OP…the dam uproar and screeching could be heard across the world.

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I’m not talling about the map or the content itself, I’m talking about the popularity. Take a look at the HotS YouTube channel. The second-most viewed video after the original cinematic is the Hanamura Showdown cinematic. The most viewed spotlight is D.Va’s. The third most-viewed spotlight is Genji’s. These are not coincidences.

Overwatch is really popular. It brings eyes. Eyes bring players.


As long as it’s not doomfist

I’d love to see Reinhard but as I heard it is impossible to make his shield work properly. Similar issues like with D.VAs defense matrix and the reason it is designed the way it is.
The way the game works make it near to impossible to code it.

I think there is a distinct difference between the two
The shield as it funcitons in OW even has things that get through it, I don’t think it would be too jarring if the shield turned out to be a physical object that blocked projectiles
Alternatively they could try to code a more aggressive reinthart to be more in line with what we’ve seen. More reliant on smashing.

Alternatively to that we could maybe make the shield more of a soft taunt to nearby enemies, if it’s possible to redirect we can make all auto attacks hit the shield. I’d need to know how taunt is coded to see if this one works.

As far as I know, the projectiles arent actually real, its only animation.
Different are spells, but I mean range attacks. You cannot program the shield,

Thats why D.VA has to targed an area on the ground to reduce all damage of heroes which are standing there. That’s why Abats hat has full damage, while hatted Ilidan has reduced damage when standing in Defense Matrix. Because it was not possible to make defense matrix reduce damage of incomming spells and attacks.

i personally like the exp globes. forces characters to play strategic to get them. if you are playing ranged or your in a lane w/ a lane bully, just wait for him to clear his soldiers and wait for them to come to the towers. really isn’t hard to do.
further, exp globes allows you to have time to collect the exp. if you miss one of the soldiers dying you still have time to collect the exp.
i’d say for the most part, most HOTS players i’ve seen, don’t comprehend how important exp is. they’d rather chase the other team around and pvp the entire match. with the exp globe changes, it in my opinion, shows players how important exp actually is because you can see the exp itself come to you. whereas before, you didn’t really know just how much exp you were getting purely from soldiers and wave clearing.

That sounds really entertaining.

Just delete the globes already.

really isn’t hard. maybe you should ya know, learn how to adjust. just a thought. i’m guessing you can’t adjust your game slightly to changes because you suck that bad.

Nobody said it’s “hard”. Low IQ apes just trying to insult people w/o even understanding what they read lol.


It’s not a question of difficulty. It’s a question of “Does this make the game better? Is the game more fun to play? Was this a needed change?”

And the answer to all of those questions is a resounding “NO”.

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oh i understood, your the low iq ape that cannot change his play style so demands that the new way to be changed. “soooooooooooo hard to get exp globes, lets ban them because i suck at getting them.” that’s you, that’s how you sound.

exp globes are fine. just adjust to them. REALLY ISN’T HARD TO DO.

If you wrote that on the forums then you’d be burned alive.

Fixed it for you, mate.

sure thing. keep crying about a small change to the game that isn’t hard to adjust too. lmfao.

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Fixed it for you again.

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ya because you can’t handle small change so you cry about it. again, it isn’t even hard to get the globes. freaking cry babies.