There was a time when QM had no mirrored roles. That was my favourite time to play QM, any comp could face any other.
But ppl complained so the devs added QM rules.
But in Ranked you don’t draft 3 frontlines just because the enemy drafted 3. Sometimes ppl don’t even draft Tanks or Healers and not because they’re noobs.
There are no mandatory roles in HotS.
And yes, actually comps mean little in QM.
And kids are famous for their immense wisdom and experience.
Like I get it that it seems more balanced, but experienced players know that that it’s not how it works.
KT (be ot both) are heavily favoured by facing more and more Melee Heroes.
Enemy Zuljin is hindered the more the less frontline it faces because he relies on them for safe and quick Stacking.
You can’t win every game, but that doesn’t mean that there are games that are decided on the loading screen.
So yea, there are no unwinnable matchups just because you lose with or against them.
We have different experiences but the difference is within our skill lvls and not something mysterious or the MM.
Based on personal experience, most ppl are bad at guessing skill lvl/rank/mmr-range of players.
Like for someone not knowing how to play well could see good plays as mistakes and noobish (I was often told to be a noob by low MMR and Ranked ppl).
How the MM works: you have a number (MMR).
This number is anything but static.
You win, you gain some.
You lose you lose some.
The MM always cares about your current number. Same with the other 9 players. It doesn’t differentiate a 2k mmr player who fell there after 10 loss nor between another 2k player who climbed there through a 10 games long winstreak.
When you play, the MM checks the ppl who are actively in Queue and tries to create games that are mathematically “balanced”, meaning it tries to create teams with allies close to each other’s MMR, so a strict MMR-range and matches teams that share a common average MMR. (Ofc this is hard when ppl with wide MMR-range (mostly friends) queue together.)
The MM also takes 2 other things into consideration.
Since Premades (usually 5men) are considered advantagous, if the MM can’t find them another team with similar MMR average, it creates a team of solos who has slightly higher MMR average than the group has.
The other that if a player tries out a Hero for the first times, it matches that person with slightly lower MMR ppl, and when the MM considers your Hero lvl as “Mastered” (lvl 15) you’re matched with slightly higher MMR players.
This is how the MM works. All of these seem reasonable and logical. But ppl are complicated so you can see why it sometimes not ideal, but nothing would be tbh.
So you might had an easier job with Naz at first, because you started at a lower MM that began to rise to such heights where you could no longer do the same style. Where you had a harder time.
And when ppl face a tougher enemy team, they often don’t realise that they’re no longer able to compete, just that their allies can’t either, since it’s always easier to see others’ mistakes and lackings (and weight them more heavily than their own) and think the MM “forced them to lose”, when it just gave them a challenge to prove they can keep their (now) higher MMR and they failed to do so.
Tldr: when you see your allies failing the most is when the MM expects you to play as well as you think you are.
Ppl can think their victims of some unjust system, but those won’t improve. I hope you’ll accept this and rise.